- Build a Command-Line App with Python in 7 Easy Steps - Apr 17, 2024.
Let's learn Python by building a command-line TO-DO list app, one step at a time.
- Exploring the OpenAI API with Python - Apr 10, 2024.
Let’s learn all the useful services from the OpenAI.
- 10 GitHub Repositories to Master Python - Apr 10, 2024.
Learn Python through tutorials, blogs, books, project work, and exercises. Access all of it on GitHub for free and join a supportive open-source community.
- Convert Python Dict to JSON: A Tutorial for Beginners - Apr 9, 2024.
Learn how to convert a Python dictionary to JSON with this quick tutorial.
- 5 Common Python Gotchas (And How To Avoid Them) - Apr 2, 2024.
Explore some of Python’s sharp corners by coding your way through simple yet helpful examples.
- Mastering Python for Data Science: Beyond the Basics - Mar 28, 2024.
This article serves as a detailed guide on how to master advanced Python techniques for data science. It covers topics such as efficient data manipulation with Pandas, parallel processing with Python, and how to turn models into web services.
- Pydantic Tutorial: Data Validation in Python Made Simple - Mar 25, 2024.
Want to write more robust Python applications? Learn how to use Pydantic, a popular data validation library, to model and validate your data.
- Build An AI Application with Python in 10 Easy Steps - Mar 14, 2024.
Explore the fundamental steps for creating a successful AI Application with Python and other tools.
- Python Enum: How To Build Enumerations in Python - Mar 11, 2024.
Learn how to create and use enumerations in Python using the built-in enum module.
- How to Learn Python Basics With ChatGPT - Feb 27, 2024.
Your Ultimate Learning Companion.
- 8 Built-in Python Decorators to Write Elegant Code - Feb 26, 2024.
Developers can modify a function's behavior using decorators, without changing its source code. This provides a concise and flexible way to enhance and extend the functionality of functions.
- The Right Way to Access Dictionaries in Python - Feb 21, 2024.
Effectively accessing dictionaries data with Python’s get() and setdefault().
- Python in Finance: Real Time Data Streaming within Jupyter Notebook - Feb 20, 2024.
Learn a modern approach to stream real-time data in Jupyter Notebook. This guide covers dynamic visualizations, a Python for quant finance use case, and Bollinger Bands analysis with live data.
- Introduction to Memory Profiling in Python - Feb 19, 2024.
So where did all the memory go? To figure out, learn how to profile your Python code for memory usage using the memory-profiler package.
- How To Comment Your Python Code as a Data Scientist - Feb 13, 2024.
Don’t overlook these essential aspects of programming activity.
- Sentiment Analysis in Python: Going Beyond Bag of Words - Feb 7, 2024.
This code based tutorial provides a brief introduction to Sentiment Analysis, a method used to predict emotions, similar to a digital psychologist.
- OpenAI API for Beginners: Your Easy-to-Follow Starter Guide - Feb 2, 2024.
Learn how to use OpenAI Python API for accessing language, embedding, audio, vision, and image generation models.
- 3 Interesting Uses of Python’s Context Managers - Jan 22, 2024.
Context managers in Python help you handle resources efficiently. Let's learn how you can use them to manage database connections, subprocesses, and more.
- Pandas vs. Polars: A Comparative Analysis of Python’s Dataframe Libraries - Jan 11, 2024.
An in-depth analysis of their syntax, speed, and usability. Which one is the best to use when working with data?
- Too Many Python Versions to Manage? Pyenv to the Rescue - Jan 3, 2024.
Looking for a painless way to manage multiple Python versions? Pyenv is all you need.
- Free Harvard Course: Introduction to AI with Python - Dec 18, 2023.
Looking for a great course to learn Artificial Intelligence with Python? Check out this free course from Harvard University.
- 5 Free University Courses to Learn Python - Dec 14, 2023.
Looking for the best resources to learn Python programming? Check out these free university courses.
- Undersampling Techniques Using Python - Dec 13, 2023.
The article discusses the undersampling data preprocessing techniques to address data imbalance challenges.
- Introduction to Multithreading and Multiprocessing in Python - Dec 4, 2023.
Learn about Multithreading and Multiprocessing environments using Python with their implementation and limitations.
- 11 Python Magic Methods Every Programmer Should Know - Nov 28, 2023.
Want to support the behavior of built-in functions and method calls in your Python classes? Magic methods in Python let you do just that! So let’s uncover the method behind the magic.
- How To Write Efficient Python Code: A Tutorial for Beginners - Nov 21, 2023.
Are you a programmer looking to get better at Python? Learn some of Python’s features that’ll help you write more elegant and Pythonic code.
- Why You Should Not Overuse List Comprehensions in Python - Nov 20, 2023.
List comprehensions in Python are super helpful one-liners. But if overused, they can make your code a pain to maintain. Here’s why.
- Back to Basics Week 1: Python Programming & Data Science Foundations - Nov 6, 2023.
Cultivate your data science expertise with KDnuggets' Back to Basics pathway, which includes Python, data manipulation, and visualization.
- Leveraging the Power of GPUs with CuPy in Python - Nov 1, 2023.
Whether you're doing machine learning, scientific computing, or working with huge datasets, CuPy is an absolute game-changer.
- Novice to Ninja: Why Your Python Skills Matter in Data Science - Oct 31, 2023.
As a data scientist, is it worthwhile leveling up your Python skills? Dive into code comparisons across expertise levels & discover if "good enough" is really enough.
- Python f-Strings Magic: 5 Game-Changing Tricks Every Coder Needs to Know - Oct 24, 2023.
Let’s explore some of the lesser known but super helpful uses of Python f-strings in debugging, formatting dates and LLM prompt templates, and more.
- Mastering the Art of Data Cleaning in Python - Oct 16, 2023.
How to clean your data in Python and make it ready for use in a data science project.
- Exploring Infinite Iterators in Python’s itertools - Oct 10, 2023.
Itertools is a Python module library that provides a wide range of tools for efficiently working with iterators and generators. One compelling element in the itertools library is its ability to work with infinite iterators. In this article, we will explore infinite iterators in itertools, their capabilities, and the typical scenarios in which they can be used.
- 5 Free Books to Help You Master Python - Sep 27, 2023.
From the basics of Python to clean architecture and more, here are five free books to level up your Python skills.
- Python in Excel: This Will Change Data Science Forever - Sep 18, 2023.
You can now run Python code in Excel to analyze data, build machine learning models, and create visualizations.
- Applying Descriptive and Inferential Statistics in Python - Sep 13, 2023.
As you progress in your data science journey, here are the elementary statistics you should know.
- Profiling Python Code Using timeit and cProfile - Sep 11, 2023.
An introductory guide to profiling Python code using the timeit and cProfile modules.
- Leveraging Geospatial Data in Python with GeoPandas - Sep 8, 2023.
A comprehensive introduction to geospatial data analysis with GeoPandas.
- Python Control Flow Cheat Sheet - Sep 6, 2023.
The latest KDnuggets cheatsheet focuses on Python flow control, how we manage the execution order of statements in a program. Check it out for a quick start.
- Getting Started with Python Data Structures in 5 Steps - Sep 3, 2023.
This tutorial covers Python's foundational data structures - lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Learn their characteristics, use cases, and practical examples, all in 5 steps.
- Python Basics: Syntax, Data Types, and Control Structures - Sep 2, 2023.
Want to learn Python? Get started today by learning Python's syntax, supported data types, and control structures.
- Build Your Own PandasAI with LlamaIndex - Sep 1, 2023.
Learn how to leverage LlamaIndex and GPT-3.5-Turbo to easily add natural language capabilities to Pandas for intuitive data analysis and conversation.
- 4 Python Itertools Filter Functions You Probably Didn’t Know - Aug 31, 2023.
And why you should learn how to use them to filter Python sequences more elegantly.
- Create a Dashboard Using Python and Dash - Aug 28, 2023.
The article explains how to build a Netflix dashboard with Python and Dash to visualize content distribution and classification using maps, charts, and graphs.
- Beyond Numpy and Pandas: Unlocking the Potential of Lesser-Known Python Libraries - Aug 21, 2023.
3 Python libraries for scientific computation you should know as a data professional.
- Best Practices to Use OpenAI GPT Model - Aug 18, 2023.
The improvement you need to get the best result from GPT.
- How To Speed Up SQL Queries Using Indexes [Python Edition] - Aug 10, 2023.
Learn to work with SQLite databases using Python’s built-in sqlite3 module. Also learn how to create indexes to speed up queries.
- 5 Python Packages For Geospatial Data Analysis - Aug 8, 2023.
This article discusses the importance of geospatial analysis and introduces five essential Python packages for effectively handling and visualizing valuable insights from geospatial data.
- Mastering Regular Expressions with Python - Aug 1, 2023.
This article dives deep into the world of regular expressions with Python, providing a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to master this complex yet powerful tool, with detailed explanations and code examples.
- Introduction to Statistical Learning, Python Edition: Free Book - Jul 28, 2023.
The highly anticipated Python edition of Introduction to Statistical Learning is here. And you can read it for free! Here’s everything you need to know about the book.
- Stop Hard Coding in a Data Science Project – Use Config Files Instead - Jun 23, 2023.
How to efficiently interact with config files in Python.
- Getting Started with ReactPy - Jun 9, 2023.
A Beginners Guide to Building Web Applications without JavaScript.
- OpenAI’s Whisper API for Transcription and Translation - Jun 2, 2023.
This article will show you how to use OpenAI's Whisper API to transcribe audio into text. It will also show you how to use it in your own projects and how to integrate it into your data science projects.
- 12 VSCode Tips and Tricks for Python Development - May 25, 2023.
Simple tips on doing less and achieving more from VSCode.
- Pandas AI: The Generative AI Python Library
- May 15, 2023.
The road to simpler Data Analysis for data scientists and analysts, powered by OpenAI.
- HuggingChat Python API: Your No-Cost Alternative
- May 3, 2023.
HuggingChat is a free and open source alternative to commercial chat offerings such as ChatGPT. The unofficial Python API gives you immediate access, without signup, for free.
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Web Scraping with Python and Beautiful Soup - Apr 17, 2023.
Learn the basics of Web Scraping and its Python implementation. Also, get to know about the various methods of Beautiful Soup library.
- Free eBook: 10 Practical Python Programming Tricks - Apr 6, 2023.
Check out this free ebook of tip and tricks for getting ahead with your Python programming skills.
- Automate the Boring Stuff with GPT-4 and Python
- Mar 28, 2023.
Speed up your daily workflows by getting AI to write Python code in seconds.
- 3 Ways to Merge Pandas DataFrames - Mar 20, 2023.
Combine Pandas data frames using the merge, join, and concatenate operations.
- Introduction to __getitem__: A Magic Method in Python - Mar 15, 2023.
Magic methods can make our class design more intuitive by giving us access to Python’s built-in syntax features. In this tutorial, we will study the __getitem__ method for custom indexing.
- How to Find Set Difference in Python - Mar 13, 2023.
Learn how to find the set difference between two Python sets using the difference() method and the difference (-) operator.
- What You Should Know About Python Decorators And Metaclasses - Mar 9, 2023.
Learn the basic difference between Decorators and Metaclasses in Python.
- 3 Hard Python Coding Interview Questions For Data Science - Mar 6, 2023.
No mercy today! I have three hard-level Python coding interview questions that require you to be on top of your game in Python and solve business problems.
- Getting Started with Python Generators - Feb 27, 2023.
Learn about Python generators and write memory-efficient and Pythonic code.
- Parallel Processing Large File in Python - Feb 21, 2023.
Learn various techniques to reduce data processing time by using multiprocessing, joblib, and tqdm concurrent.
- Data Cleaning with Python Cheat Sheet - Feb 21, 2023.
An intuitive guide that will help you to prepare and preprocess your dataset before applying the machine learning model.
- How to Update a Python Dictionary - Feb 20, 2023.
Learn how to update a Python dictionary using the built-in dictionary method update(). Update an existing Python dictionary with key-value pairs from another Python dictionary or iterable.
- Learning Python in Four Weeks: A Roadmap - Feb 17, 2023.
Here is a roadmap for learning Python in four weeks, a combination of curated resources and ChatGPT prompts to master the language.
- Python Function Arguments: A Definitive Guide - Feb 9, 2023.
Learn all about positional and keyword arguments, default and variable number of arguments in Python functions.
- Optimizing Python Code Performance: A Deep Dive into Python Profilers - Feb 8, 2023.
In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the profilers in Python to assist in optimizing the performance of our code.
- Learning How to Use ChatGPT to Learn Python (or anything else) - Feb 7, 2023.
Let's learn how ChatGPT can help us learn about Python... or really anything at all.
- Python String Matching Without Complex RegEx Syntax - Feb 1, 2023.
Learn how to use human-friendly programmable regular expressions for complex Python string matching.
- 10 Pandas One Liners for Data Access, Manipulation, and Management - Jan 30, 2023.
These 10 one liners will help you start to access, manipulate, and manage data using Pandas.
- How to Track the Location of an IP Address using Python - Jan 25, 2023.
Learn how to geolocate an IP Address or a Domain Name using the python library named Ip2geotools.
- ChatGPT as a Python Programming Assistant
- Jan 20, 2023.
Is ChatGPT useful for Python programmers, specifically those of us who use Python for data processing, data cleaning, and building machine learning models? Let's give it a try and find out.
- Social User Authentication in Django Framework - Jan 17, 2023.
Learn how to perform social user authentication in the Django web app using third-party services like Google.
- 3 Tools to Track and Visualize the Execution of Your Python Code - Jan 10, 2023.
Avoid headaches when debugging in one line of code.
- How to Perform Unit Testing in Python? - Jan 9, 2023.
Unit testing is an important part of the software development life cycle as it helps to ensure that code is correct and working as intended. This article aims to introduce the concept of unit testing in Python and provide a basic tutorial on how to write and run unit tests using a unittest module.
- Python Lambda Functions, Explained - Jan 6, 2023.
Learn the syntax and uses of the lambda function, which is an alternative to the regular Python function.
- 12 Essential Commands for Streamlit - Jan 2, 2023.
Learn about the most commonly used Streamlit commands and build a customized web application.
- Top 38 Python Libraries for Data Science, Data Visualization & Machine Learning - Dec 29, 2022.
This article compiles the 38 top Python libraries for data science, data visualization & machine learning, as best determined by KDnuggets staff.
- The Zen of Python - Dec 29, 2022.
Python is one of the programming languages that are very versatile and relatively easy to learn. Hence it is the choice of many new programmers, regardless of what area of tech they are interested in. It is particularly popular in all data science branches.
- 5 Tasks To Automate With Python - Dec 27, 2022.
Here are 5 tasks you can automate with Python, and how to do it.
- Python String Methods - Dec 27, 2022.
Learn Python String methods to get better at writing efficient and elegant code.
- Make Amazing Visualizations with Python Graph Gallery - Dec 20, 2022.
Use the hundreds of charts made on Python Graph Gallery to help you make your visualization.
- How to Anonymise Places in Python - Dec 13, 2022.
A ready-to-run code which identifies and anonymises places, based on the GeoNames database.
- Free Intermediate Python Programming Crash Course - Dec 13, 2022.
Master the basics of python with this free crash course.
- Five Ways to do Conditional Filtering in Pandas - Dec 8, 2022.
Learn five ways to perform conditional filtering with Pandas to help slice and dice your data.
- Geocoding in Python: A Complete Guide - Nov 17, 2022.
A step-by-step tutorial on geocoding with Python
- 9 Free Resources to Master Python
- Nov 17, 2022.
Python is the most popular general-purpose language and you can learn it for free.
- 5 Ways of Filtering Python Lists - Nov 14, 2022.
Filter the list elements using for loop, list comprehension, regex, filter(), and lambda functions.
- 7 Python Projects for Beginners - Nov 10, 2022.
Simple and fun Python projects to get experience and build a strong portfolio.
- 3 Useful Python Automation Scripts - Nov 8, 2022.
The post highlights three useful applications of using python to automate simple desktop tasks. Stay tuned till the end of the post to find the reference for a bonus resource.
- How to Make Python Code Run Incredibly Fast - Oct 28, 2022.
In this article, I have explained some tips and tricks to optimize and speed up Python code.
- Easy Guide To Data Preprocessing In Python - Oct 24, 2022.
Preprocessing data for machine learning models is a core general skill for any Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer. Follow this guide using Pandas and Scikit-learn to improve your techniques and make sure your data leads to the best possible outcome.
- Sparse Matrix Representation in Python - Oct 14, 2022.
Leveraging sparse matrix representations for your data when appropriate can spare you memory storage. Have a look at the reasons why, see how to create sparse matrices in with Python, and compare the memory requirements for standard and sparse representations of the same data.
- Statistical Functions in Python - Oct 12, 2022.
In this tutorial, we would be covering some useful statistical functions which can be applied to pandas and series objects.
- 3 Simple Ways to Speed Up Your Python Code - Oct 11, 2022.
The post explains three popular frameworks, PySpark, Dask, and Ray, and discusses various factors to select the most appropriate one for your project.
- A Beginner’s Guide to Web Scraping Using Python - Oct 11, 2022.
This article serves as a beginner’s guide to web scraping using Python and looks at the different frameworks and methods you can use, outlined in simple terms.
- 3 Ways to Process CSV Files in Python - Oct 6, 2022.
This article is about 3 ways you can process a CSV file using Python.
- Beginner Friendly Python Projects That Are Fun! - Oct 3, 2022.
Projects like this are not only beginner friendly, but they add a little bit of fun to your studies or career.
- Getting Started with Pandas Cheatsheet - Sep 29, 2022.
The latest KDnuggets cheatsheet aims to get you up to speed with introductory Pandas operations, and provide a handy reference as you work with the library. Check it out if you're interested in a quick start.
- 5 Python Interview Questions & Answers - Sep 26, 2022.
The Python coding questions challenge your problem-solving and programming skills.
- Free Algorithms in Python Course
- Sep 26, 2022.
Algorithms are an often misunderstood concept. Leverage Python to learn what algorithms really are, and how to implement an array of basic computational algorithms in the language.
- Build a Text-to-Speech Converter with Python in 5 Minutes - Sep 21, 2022.
I have chosen to go through how to build a text-to-speech converter in Python, not only is it simple, but it is also fun and interactive. I will show you two ways you can do it with Python.
- Simplifying Decision Tree Interpretability with Python & Scikit-learn - Sep 16, 2022.
This post will look at a few different ways of attempting to simplify decision tree representation and, ultimately, interpretability. All code is in Python, with Scikit-learn being used for the decision tree modeling.
- 7 Steps to Mastering Python for Data Science - Sep 14, 2022.
Here’s how you can learn to code in Python from scratch in 7 easy steps.
- Find a Picture in an Image Without Marking it Up - Sep 13, 2022.
Let's take a closer look at our algorithm so that you can test it with a notebook in Google Colaboratory and even implement it in your project.
- Removing Outliers Using Standard Deviation in Python - Sep 12, 2022.
Standard Deviation is one of the most underrated statistical tools out there. It’s an extremely useful metric that most people know how to calculate but very few know how to use effectively.
- All About Collections in Python - Sep 9, 2022.
In this tutorial, we would be exploring different types of containers implemented by the collections module.
- 7 Tips for Python Beginners - Sep 5, 2022.
Learn useful tips to start your career as a Python developer.
- Combining Pandas DataFrames Made Simple - Sep 2, 2022.
For this tutorial, we will work through examples to understand how different mehtods for combining Pandas DataFrames work.
- How to Select Rows and Columns in Pandas Using [ ], .loc, iloc, .at and .iat
- Sep 1, 2022.
Subset selection is one of the most frequently performed tasks while manipulating data. Pandas provides different ways to efficiently select subsets of data from your DataFrame.
- Progress Bars in Python with tqdm for Fun and Profit - Sep 1, 2022.
Add progress bar to the Python functions, Jupyter Notebook, and pandas dataframe.
- 3 Ways to Append Rows to Pandas DataFrames - Aug 29, 2022.
Learn a simple way to append rows in the form of arrays, dictionaries, series, and dataframes to another dataframe.
- Free Python Project Coding Course
- Aug 22, 2022.
Learn Python by doing Python. Check out this free project-based course to quickly learn how to program in the high-demand language.
- Using the apply() Method with Pandas Dataframes - Jul 21, 2022.
Explore ways in which you can use apply () method to do different activities in a DataFrame.
- Using Numpy’s argmax() - Jul 21, 2022.
A simple overview of using an often-misunderstood yet useful function in Python: Numpy's argmax(). Read the what, the how, and the why of argmax() here.
- Free Python Automation Course
- Jul 18, 2022.
Who wants to do boring stuff? Learn to automate the mundane with Python thanks to this free course. Set it and forget it!
- Python String Processing Cheatsheet - Jul 11, 2022.
Try this string processing primer cheatsheet to gain an understanding of using Python to manipulate and process strings at a basic level.
- Free Python Crash Course
- Jul 4, 2022.
Python is the most popular programming language in the world. Master it with this free crash course.
- How to Stay Current in Python - Jun 27, 2022.
Staying current with Python will help maintain your hireability, get new opportunities, and continue to grow your knowledge.
- Python For Machine Learning: eBook Review - Jun 14, 2022.
The guide to writing production-ready Python code for machine learning projects.
- Pydon’ts – Write elegant Python code: Free Book Review - May 23, 2022.
The book consists of 200 actionable Python insights with a detailed explanation of how to write elegant, compelling, and expressive code.
- The 6 Python Machine Learning Tools Every Data Scientist Should Know About
- May 20, 2022.
Let's look at six must-have tools every data scientist should use.
- Why You Need To Learn Python In 2022 - Apr 28, 2022.
If you don’t already know a programming language, or if you’re deciding to choose another language, have a read and see if Python is for you.
- How to Determine the Best Fitting Data Distribution Using Python - Apr 19, 2022.
Approaches to data sampling, modeling, and analysis can vary based on the distribution of your data, and so determining the best fit theoretical distribution can be an essential step in your data exploration process.
- 5 Different Ways to Load Data in Python - Apr 15, 2022.
Data is the bread and butter of a Data Scientist, so knowing many approaches to loading data for analysis is crucial. Here, five Python techniques to bring in your data are reviewed with code examples for you to follow.
- Data Visualization in Python with Seaborn - Apr 13, 2022.
Learn to create beautiful charts in Python using the Seaborn library.