- New Poll: What Python IDE / Editor you used the most in 2020? - Sep 22, 2020.
The latest KDnuggets polls asks which Python IDE / Editor you have used the most in 2020. Participate now, and share your experiences with the community.
Data Science, Development, IDE, Poll, Programming, Python
- Statistical and Visual Exploratory Data Analysis with One Line of Code - Sep 21, 2020.
If EDA is not executed correctly, it can cause us to start modeling with “unclean” data. See how to use Pandas Profiling to perform EDA with a single line of code.
Data Exploration, Data Visualization, Pandas, Python
Automating Every Aspect of Your Python Project - Sep 18, 2020.
Every Python project can benefit from automation using Makefile, optimized Docker images, well configured CI/CD, Code Quality Tools and more…
Development, DevOps, Docker, Programming, Python
Implementing a Deep Learning Library from Scratch in Python - Sep 17, 2020.
A beginner’s guide to understanding the fundamental building blocks of deep learning platforms.
Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Python
Autograd: The Best Machine Learning Library You’re Not Using? - Sep 16, 2020.
If there is a Python library that is emblematic of the simplicity, flexibility, and utility of differentiable programming it has to be Autograd.
Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Python, PyTorch
- Visualization Of COVID-19 New Cases Over Time In Python - Sep 15, 2020.
Inspired by another concise data visualization, the author of this article has crafted and shared the code for a heatmap which visualizes the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States over time.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, Data Visualization, Python, Time Series, Visualization
- An Introduction to NLP and 5 Tips for Raising Your Game - Sep 11, 2020.
This article is a collection of things the author would like to have known when they started out in NLP. Perhaps it will be useful for you.
Beginners, NLP, Python
Free From MIT: Intro to Computer Science and Programming in Python - Sep 9, 2020.
This free introductory computer science and programming course is available via MIT's Open Courseware platform. It's a great resource for mastering the fundamentals of one of data science's major requirements.
Computer Science, Courses, MIT, Programming, Python
Modern Data Science Skills: 8 Categories, Core Skills, and Hot Skills - Sep 8, 2020.
We analyze the results of the Data Science Skills poll, including 8 categories of skills, 13 core skills that over 50% of respondents have, the emerging/hot skills that data scientists want to learn, and what is the top skill that Data Scientists want to learn.
Communication, Data Preparation, Data Science Skills, Data Visualization, Excel, GitHub, Mathematics, Poll, Python, Reinforcement Learning, scikit-learn, SQL, Statistics
- 4 Tricks to Effectively Use JSON in Python - Sep 8, 2020.
Working with JSON in Python is a breeze, this will get you started right away.
Programming, Python, Tips
- 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Scikit-Learn - Sep 3, 2020.
Check out these 10 things you didn’t know about Scikit-Learn... until now.
Machine Learning, Python, scikit-learn
- Computer Vision Recipes: Best Practices and Examples - Sep 2, 2020.
This is an overview of a great computer vision resource from Microsoft, which demonstrates best practices and implementation guidelines for a variety of tasks and scenarios.
Best Practices, Computer Vision, Microsoft, Python
- Which methods should be used for solving linear regression? - Sep 2, 2020.
As a foundational set of algorithms in any machine learning toolbox, linear regression can be solved with a variety of approaches. Here, we discuss. with with code examples, four methods and demonstrate how they should be used.
Gradient Descent, Linear Regression, numpy, Python, Statistics, SVD
- Explainable and Reproducible Machine Learning Model Development with DALEX and Neptune - Aug 27, 2020.
With ML models serving real people, misclassified cases (which are a natural consequence of using ML) are affecting peoples’ lives and sometimes treating them very unfairly. It makes the ability to explain your models’ predictions a requirement rather than just a nice to have.
Dalex, Explainability, Explainable AI, Interpretability, Python, SHAP
- Working with Spark, Python or SQL on Azure Databricks - Aug 27, 2020.
Here we look at some ways to interchangeably work with Python, PySpark and SQL using Azure Databricks, an Apache Spark-based big data analytics service designed for data science and data engineering offered by Microsoft.
Apache Spark, Databricks, Microsoft Azure, Python, SQL
- Data Science Tools Illustrated Study Guides - Aug 25, 2020.
These data science tools illustrated guides are broken up into four distinct categories: data retrieval, data manipulation, data visualization, and engineering tips. Both online and PDF versions of these guides are available.
Cheat Sheet, Data Preprocessing, Data Processing, Data Science, Data Science Tools, Data Visualization, Python, R, SQL
- Rapid Python Model Deployment with FICO Xpress Insight - Aug 20, 2020.
The biggest hurdle in the use of data to create business value, is indeed the ability to operationalize analytics throughout the organization. Xpress Insight is geared to reduce the burden on IT and address their critical requirements while empowering business users to take ownership of decisions and change management.
AI, Deployment, FICO, Machine Learning, Optimization, Python
- Build Your Own AutoML Using PyCaret 2.0 - Aug 20, 2020.
In this post we present a step-by-step tutorial on how PyCaret can be used to build an Automated Machine Learning Solution within Power BI, thus allowing data scientists and analysts to add a layer of machine learning to their Dashboards without any additional license or software costs.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Power BI, PyCaret, Python
The List of Top 10 Lists in Data Science - Aug 14, 2020.
The list of Top 10 lists that Data Scientists -- from enthusiasts to those who want to jump start a career -- must know to smoothly navigate a path through this field.
Algorithms, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Datasets, Influencers, LinkedIn, Python, Top 10
- Bring your Pandas Dataframes to life with D-Tale - Aug 13, 2020.
Bring your Pandas dataframes to life with D-Tale. D-Tale is an open-source solution for which you can visualize, analyze and learn how to code Pandas data structures. In this tutorial you'll learn how to open the grid, build columns, create charts and view code exports.
Data Exploration, Data Science, Data Visualization, Pandas, Python
- GitHub is the Best AutoML You Will Ever Need - Aug 12, 2020.
This article uses PyCaret 2.0, an open source, low-code machine learning library in Python to develop a simple AutoML solution and deploy it as a Docker container using GitHub actions.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, GitHub, PyCaret, Python
- Fuzzy Joins in Python with d6tjoin - Jul 31, 2020.
Combining different data sources is a time suck! d6tjoin is a python library that lets you join pandas dataframes quickly and efficiently.
Data Processing, Pandas, Python
- Scaling Computer Vision Models with Dataflow - Jul 31, 2020.
Scaling Machine Learning models is hard and expensive. We will shortly introduce the Google Cloud service Dataflow, and how it can be used to run predictions on millions of images in a serverless way.
Computer Vision, Dataflow, Google, Python, Scalability
- A Complete Guide To Survival Analysis In Python, part 3 - Jul 30, 2020.
Concluding this three-part series covering a step-by-step review of statistical survival analysis, we look at a detailed example implementing the Kaplan-Meier fitter based on different groups, a Log-Rank test, and Cox Regression, all with examples and shared code.
Jupyter, Python, Regression, Statistics, Survival Analysis
- KDnuggets™ News 20:n29, Jul 29: Easy Guide To Data Preprocessing In Python; Building a better Spark UI; Computational Algebra for Coders: The Free Course - Jul 29, 2020.
An easy guide to data pre-processing in Python; Monitoring Apache Spark with a better Spark UI; Computational Linear Algebra for Coders: the free course; Labelling data with Snorkel; Bayesian Statistics.
Apache Spark, Bayesian, Data Preprocessing, Linear Algebra, Python
- Building a Content-Based Book Recommendation Engine - Jul 28, 2020.
In this blog, we will see how we can build a simple content-based recommender system using Goodreads data.
Python, Recommendation Engine, Recommender Systems
- Labelling Data Using Snorkel - Jul 24, 2020.
In this tutorial, we walk through the process of using Snorkel to generate labels for an unlabelled dataset. We will provide you examples of basic Snorkel components by guiding you through a real clinical application of Snorkel.
Data Labeling, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Python
- Powerful CSV processing with kdb+ - Jul 23, 2020.
This article provides a glimpse into the available tools to work with CSV files and describes how kdb+ and its query language q raise CSV processing to a new level of performance and simplicity.
Data Analysis, Data Processing, Python
- Apache Spark Cluster on Docker - Jul 22, 2020.
Build your own Apache Spark cluster in standalone mode on Docker with a JupyterLab interface.
Apache Spark, Data Engineering, Docker, Jupyter, Python
- Building a REST API with Tensorflow Serving (Part 2) - Jul 21, 2020.
This post is the second part of the tutorial of Tensorflow Serving in order to productionize Tensorflow objects and build a REST API to make calls to them.
API, Docker, Keras, Python, TensorFlow
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN): Deep Learning for Sequential Data - Jul 20, 2020.
Recurrent Neural Networks can be used for a number of ways such as detecting the next word/letter, forecasting financial asset prices in a temporal space, action modeling in sports, music composition, image generation, and more.
Deep Learning, Python, Recurrent Neural Networks, Sequences, TensorFlow
- How to Handle Dimensions in NumPy - Jul 20, 2020.
Learn how to deal with Numpy matrix dimensionality using np.reshape, np.newaxis and np.expand_dims, illustrated with Python code.
- 3 Advanced Python Features You Should Know - Jul 16, 2020.
As a Data Scientist, you are already spending most of your time getting your data ready for prime time. Follow these real-world scenarios to learn how to leverage the advanced techniques in Python of list comprehension, Lambda expressions, and the Map function to get the job done faster.
Pandas, Programming, Python, Tips
- Building a REST API with Tensorflow Serving (Part 1) - Jul 15, 2020.
Part one of a tutorial to teach you how to build a REST API around functions or saved models created in Tensorflow. With Tensorflow Serving and Docker, defining endpoint URLs and sending HTTP requests is simple.
API, Keras, Python, TensorFlow
- A Complete Guide To Survival Analysis In Python, part 2 - Jul 14, 2020.
Continuing with the second of this three-part series covering a step-by-step review of statistical survival analysis, we look at a detailed example implementing the Kaplan-Meier fitter theory as well as the Nelson-Aalen fitter theory, both with examples and shared code.
Python, Statistics, Survival Analysis
- PyTorch LSTM: Text Generation Tutorial - Jul 13, 2020.
Key element of LSTM is the ability to work with sequences and its gating mechanism.
LSTM, Natural Language Generation, NLP, Python, PyTorch
- Why Learn Python? Here Are 8 Data-Driven Reasons - Jul 10, 2020.
Through this blog, I will list out the major reasons why you should learn Python and the 8 major data-driven reasons for learning it.
Data Science, Programming, Programming Languages, Python
- 5 Things You Don’t Know About PyCaret - Jul 9, 2020.
In comparison with the other open source machine learning libraries, PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with a few words only.
Machine Learning, PyCaret, Python
- Pull and Analyze Financial Data Using a Simple Python Package - Jul 9, 2020.
We demonstrate a simple Python script/package to help you pull financial data (all the important metrics and ratios that you can think of) and plot them.
Finance, Pandas, Python
- Spam Filter in Python: Naive Bayes from Scratch - Jul 8, 2020.
In this blog post, learn how to build a spam filter using Python and the multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm, with a goal of classifying messages with a greater than 80% accuracy.
Classification, Naive Bayes, Python, Text Classification
A Complete Guide To Survival Analysis In Python, part 1 - Jul 7, 2020.
This three-part series covers a review with step-by-step explanations and code for how to perform statistical survival analysis used to investigate the time some event takes to occur, such as patient survival during the COVID-19 pandemic, the time to failure of engineering products, or even the time to closing a sale after an initial customer contact.
Python, Statistics, Survival Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis on Steroids - Jul 6, 2020.
This is a central aspect of Data Science, which sometimes gets overlooked. The first step of anything you do should be to know your data: understand it, get familiar with it. This concept gets even more important as you increase your data volume: imagine trying to parse through thousands or millions of registers and make sense out of them.
Data Analysis, Data Exploration, Data Preparation, Pandas, Python
Feature Engineering in SQL and Python: A Hybrid Approach - Jul 2, 2020.
Set up your workstation, reduce workplace clutter, maintain a clean namespace, and effortlessly keep your dataset up-to-date.
Feature Engineering, Python, SQL
Getting Started with TensorFlow 2 - Jul 2, 2020.
Learn about the latest version of TensorFlow with this hands-on walk-through of implementing a classification problem with deep learning, how to plot it, and how to improve its results.
Advice, Beginners, Deep Learning, Python, Regularization, TensorFlow
- PyTorch Multi-GPU Metrics Library and More in New PyTorch Lightning Release - Jul 2, 2020.
PyTorch Lightning, a very light-weight structure for PyTorch, recently released version 0.8.1, a major milestone. With incredible user adoption and growth, they are continuing to build tools to easily do AI research.
GPU, Metrics, Python, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning
Speed up your Numpy and Pandas with NumExpr Package - Jul 1, 2020.
We show how to significantly speed up your mathematical calculations in Numpy and Pandas using a small library.
numpy, Pandas, Python
- Data Cleaning: The secret ingredient to the success of any Data Science Project - Jul 1, 2020.
With an uncleaned dataset, no matter what type of algorithm you try, you will never get accurate results. That is why data scientists spend a considerable amount of time on data cleaning.
Data Cleaning, Data Preparation, Data Science, Outliers, Python
- Data Science Tools Popularity, animated - Jun 25, 2020.
Watch the evolution of the top 10 most popular data science tools based on KDnuggets software polls from 2000 to 2019.
About KDnuggets, Data Science Platform, Poll, Python, R
- Machine Learning in Dask - Jun 22, 2020.
In this piece, we’ll see how we can use Dask to work with large datasets on our local machines.
Dask, Machine Learning, Pandas, Python
4 Free Math Courses to do and Level up your Data Science Skills - Jun 22, 2020.
Just as there is no Data Science without data, there's no science in data without mathematics. Strengthening your foundational skills in math will level you up as a data scientist that will enable you to perform with greater expertise.
Bayesian, Coursera, edX, Inference, Linear Algebra, Mathematics, Online Education, Principal component analysis, Probability, Python, Statistics
- How to Deal with Missing Values in Your Dataset - Jun 22, 2020.
In this article, we are going to talk about how to identify and treat the missing values in the data step by step.
Data Preparation, Data Preprocessing, Missing Values, Python
The Most Important Fundamentals of PyTorch you Should Know - Jun 18, 2020.
PyTorch is a constantly developing deep learning framework with many exciting additions and features. We review its basic elements and show an example of building a simple Deep Neural Network (DNN) step-by-step.
Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Python, PyTorch, Tensor
- LightGBM: A Highly-Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree - Jun 18, 2020.
LightGBM is a histogram-based algorithm which places continuous values into discrete bins, which leads to faster training and more efficient memory usage. In this piece, we’ll explore LightGBM in depth.
Decision Trees, Gradient Boosting, Machine Learning, Python
- Simplified Mixed Feature Type Preprocessing in Scikit-Learn with Pipelines - Jun 16, 2020.
There is a quick and easy way to perform preprocessing on mixed feature type data in Scikit-Learn, which can be integrated into your machine learning pipelines.
Data Preprocessing, Pipeline, Python, scikit-learn
- Deploy a Machine Learning Pipeline to the Cloud Using a Docker Container - Jun 12, 2020.
In this tutorial, we will use a previously-built machine learning pipeline and Flask app to demonstrate how to deploy a machine learning pipeline as a web app using the Microsoft Azure Web App Service.
Cloud, Docker, Machine Learning, Pipeline, PyCaret, Python
Easy Speech-to-Text with Python - Jun 10, 2020.
In this blog, I am demonstrating how to convert speech to text using Python. This can be done with the help of the “Speech Recognition” API and “PyAudio” library.
NLP, Python, Speech
Natural Language Processing with Python: The Free eBook - Jun 8, 2020.
This free eBook is an introduction to natural language processing, and to NLTK, one of the most prevalent Python NLP libraries.
Free ebook, NLP, NLTK, Python
Deep Learning for Detecting Pneumonia from X-ray Images - Jun 5, 2020.
This article covers an end to end pipeline for pneumonia detection from X-ray images.
Deep Learning, Healthcare, Image Recognition, Python
- Machine Learning Experiment Tracking - Jun 4, 2020.
Why is experiment tracking so important for doing real world machine learning?
Experimentation, Machine Learning, Python
- Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks - Jun 3, 2020.
The article focuses on explaining key components in CNN and its implementation using Keras python library.
Convolutional Neural Networks, Keras, Neural Networks, Python
Model Evaluation Metrics in Machine Learning - May 28, 2020.
A detailed explanation of model evaluation metrics to evaluate a classification machine learning model.
Classification, Confusion Matrix, Machine Learning, Metrics, Python, Regression
- Taming Complexity in MLOps - May 28, 2020.
A greatly expanded v2.0 of the open-source Orbyter toolkit helps data science teams continue to streamline machine learning delivery pipelines, with an emphasis on seamless deployment to production.
Best Practices, Docker, MLOps, Python
- Dataset Splitting Best Practices in Python - May 26, 2020.
If you are splitting your dataset into training and testing data you need to keep some things in mind. This discussion of 3 best practices to keep in mind when doing so includes demonstration of how to implement these particular considerations in Python.
Datasets, Python, scikit-learn, Training Data, Validation
- 10 Useful Machine Learning Practices For Python Developers - May 25, 2020.
While you may be a data scientist, you are still a developer at the core. This means your code should be skillful. Follow these 10 tips to make sure you quickly deliver bug-free machine learning solutions.
Best Practices, Machine Learning Engineer, Python
Python For Everybody: The Free eBook - May 25, 2020.
Get back to fundamentals with this free eBook, Python For Everybody, approaching the learning of programming from a data analysis perspective.
Algorithms, Free ebook, Programming, Python
Build and deploy your first machine learning web app - May 22, 2020.
A beginner’s guide to train and deploy machine learning pipelines in Python using PyCaret.
App, Flask, Heroku, Machine Learning, Modeling, Open Source, Pipeline, PyCaret, Python
- Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - May 21, 2020.
This article focuses on design principles of the PCA algorithm for dimensionality reduction and its implementation in Python from scratch.
Dimensionality Reduction, numpy, PCA, Python
- Complex logic at breakneck speed: Try Julia for data science - May 20, 2020.
We show a comparative performance benchmarking of Julia with an equivalent Python code to show why Julia is great for data science and machine learning.
Benchmark, Data Science, Julia, numpy, Python
- Easy Text-to-Speech with Python - May 18, 2020.
Python comes with a lot of handy and easily accessible libraries and we’re going to look at how we can deliver text-to-speech with Python in this article.
NLP, Python, Speech
- Machine Learning in Power BI using PyCaret - May 12, 2020.
Check out this step-by-step tutorial for implementing machine learning in Power BI within minutes.
Clustering, K-means, Machine Learning, Microsoft, Power BI, PyCaret, Python
- Text Mining in Python: Steps and Examples - May 12, 2020.
The majority of data exists in the textual form which is a highly unstructured format. In order to produce meaningful insights from the text data then we need to follow a method called Text Analysis.
NLP, Python, Text Mining
- Hyperparameter Optimization for Machine Learning Models - May 7, 2020.
Check out this comprehensive guide to model optimization techniques.
Hyperparameter, Machine Learning, Modeling, Optimization, Python
- Explaining “Blackbox” Machine Learning Models: Practical Application of SHAP - May 6, 2020.
Train a "blackbox" GBM model on a real dataset and make it explainable with SHAP.
Explainability, Interpretability, Python, SHAP
- Getting Started with Spectral Clustering - May 5, 2020.
This post will unravel a practical example to illustrate and motivate the intuition behind each step of the spectral clustering algorithm.
Clustering, Machine Learning, Python
- Optimize Response Time of your Machine Learning API In Production - May 1, 2020.
This article demonstrates how building a smarter API serving Deep Learning models minimizes the response time.
API, Machine Learning, Optimization, Production, Python
Natural Language Processing Recipes: Best Practices and Examples - May 1, 2020.
Here is an overview of another great natural language processing resource, this time from Microsoft, which demonstrates best practices and implementation guidelines for a variety of tasks and scenarios.
Best Practices, Microsoft, NLP, Python
Five Cool Python Libraries for Data Science - Apr 30, 2020.
Check out these 5 cool Python libraries that the author has come across during an NLP project, and which have made their life easier.
Data Science, NLP, Python
Coronavirus COVID-19 Genome Analysis using Biopython - Apr 29, 2020.
So in this article, we will interpret, analyze the COVID-19 DNA sequence data and try to get as many insights regarding the proteins that made it up. Later will compare COVID-19 DNA with MERS and SARS and we’ll understand the relationship among them.
Analysis, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Python
- Announcing PyCaret 1.0.0 - Apr 21, 2020.
An open source low-code machine learning library in Python. PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with few words only. This makes experiments exponentially fast and efficient.
Machine Learning, Modeling, Open Source, PyCaret, Python
- The Benefits & Examples of Using Apache Spark with PySpark - Apr 21, 2020.
Apache Spark runs fast, offers robust, distributed, fault-tolerant data objects, and integrates beautifully with the world of machine learning and graph analytics. Learn more here.
Apache Spark, Data Management, Python, SQL
- Dockerize Jupyter with the Visual Debugger - Apr 17, 2020.
A step by step guide to enable and use visual debugging in Jupyter in a docker container.
Data Science, Docker, Jupyter, Python
- Better notebooks through CI: automatically testing documentation for graph machine learning - Apr 16, 2020.
In this article, we’ll walk through the detailed and helpful continuous integration (CI) that supports us in keeping StellarGraph’s demos current and informative.
Graphs, Integration, Jupyter, Machine Learning, Python, Software Engineering
- Visualizing Decision Trees with Python (Scikit-learn, Graphviz, Matplotlib) - Apr 15, 2020.
Learn about how to visualize decision trees using matplotlib and Graphviz.
Algorithms, Decision Trees, Matplotlib, Python, Visualization
- Build PyTorch Models Easily Using torchlayers - Apr 9, 2020.
torchlayers aims to do what Keras did for TensorFlow, providing a higher-level model-building API and some handy defaults and add-ons useful for crafting PyTorch neural networks.
API, Keras, Neural Networks, Python, PyTorch
How to Do Hyperparameter Tuning on Any Python Script in 3 Easy Steps - Apr 8, 2020.
With your machine learning model in Python just working, it's time to optimize it for performance. Follow this guide to setup automated tuning using any optimization library in three steps.
Hyperparameter, Machine Learning, Optimization, Python
- Simple Question Answering (QA) Systems That Use Text Similarity Detection in Python - Apr 7, 2020.
How exactly are smart algorithms able to engage and communicate with us like humans? The answer lies in Question Answering systems that are built on a foundation of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Let's build one here.
NLP, Python, Question answering, Similarity, Text Analytics
- Build an app to generate photorealistic faces using TensorFlow and Streamlit - Apr 7, 2020.
We’ll show you how to quickly build a Streamlit app to synthesize celebrity faces using GANs, Tensorflow, and st.cache.
App, GANs, Generative Adversarial Network, Python, Streamlit, TensorFlow
Stop Hurting Your Pandas! - Apr 3, 2020.
This post will address the issues that can arise when Pandas slicing is used improperly. If you see the warning that reads "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame", this post is for you.
Pandas, Programming, Python
Python for data analysis… is it really that simple?!? - Apr 2, 2020.
The article addresses a simple data analytics problem, comparing a Python and Pandas solution to an R solution (using plyr, dplyr, and data.table), as well as kdb+ and BigQuery solutions. Performance improvement tricks for these solutions are then covered, as are parallel/cluster computing approaches and their limitations.
Data Analysis, Pandas, Python, R, SQL
- Introduction to the K-nearest Neighbour Algorithm Using Examples - Apr 1, 2020.
Read this concise summary of KNN, a supervised and pattern classification learning algorithm which helps us find which class the new input belongs to when k nearest neighbours are chosen and distance is calculated between them.
Algorithms, K-nearest neighbors, Machine Learning, Python, scikit-learn
- How To Painlessly Analyze Your Time Series - Mar 26, 2020.
The Matrix Profile is a powerful tool to help solve this dual problem of anomaly detection and motif discovery. Matrix Profile is robust, scalable, and largely parameter-free: we’ve seen it work for a wide range of metrics including website user data, order volume and other business-critical applications.
Anomaly Detection, API, Python, Time Series
- Evaluating Ray: Distributed Python for Massive Scalability - Mar 25, 2020.
If your team has started using Ray and you’re wondering what it is, this post is for you. If you’re wondering if Ray should be part of your technical strategy for Python-based applications, especially ML and AI, this post is for you.
Domino, Python, Scalability
- Build an Artificial Neural Network From Scratch: Part 2 - Mar 20, 2020.
The second article in this series focuses on building an Artificial Neural Network using the Numpy Python library.
Neural Networks, numpy, Python
- The 4 Best Jupyter Notebook Environments for Deep Learning - Mar 19, 2020.
Many cloud providers, and other third-party services, see the value of a Jupyter notebook environment which is why many companies now offer cloud hosted notebooks that are hosted on the cloud. Let's have a look at 3 such environments.
Deep Learning, Google Colab, Jupyter, Python, Saturn Cloud
- Five Interesting Data Engineering Projects - Mar 17, 2020.
As the role of the data engineer continues to grow in the field of data science, so are the many tools being developed to support wrangling all that data. Five of these tools are reviewed here (along with a few bonus tools) that you should pay attention to for your data pipeline work.
Dask, Data Engineering, dbt, DVC, Python
- Python Pandas For Data Discovery in 7 Simple Steps - Mar 10, 2020.
Just getting started with Python's Pandas library for data analysis? Or, ready for a quick refresher? These 7 steps will help you become familiar with its core features so you can begin exploring your data in no time.
Beginners, Data Preparation, Pandas, Python
- Generate Realistic Human Face using GAN - Mar 10, 2020.
This article contain a brief intro to Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) and how to build a Human Face Generator.
GANs, Generative Adversarial Network, Neural Networks, Python
- Tokenization and Text Data Preparation with TensorFlow & Keras - Mar 6, 2020.
This article will look at tokenizing and further preparing text data for feeding into a neural network using TensorFlow and Keras preprocessing tools.
Data Preprocessing, Keras, NLP, Python, TensorFlow, Text Analytics, Tokenization
- TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial: Optimizing Training Time Performance - Mar 5, 2020.
Tricks to improve TensorFlow training time with tf.data pipeline optimizations, mixed precision training and multi-GPU strategies.
Neural Networks, Optimization, Python, TensorFlow, Training
- Recreating Fingerprints using Convolutional Autoencoders - Mar 4, 2020.
The article gets you started working with fingerprints using Deep Learning.
Autoencoder, Convolutional Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Python
- 5 Google Colaboratory Tips - Mar 2, 2020.
Are you looking for some tips for using Google Colab for your projects? This article presents five you may find useful.
Google, Google Colab, Jupyter, Python, Tips
- Hands on Hyperparameter Tuning with Keras Tuner - Feb 28, 2020.
Or how hyperparameter tuning with Keras Tuner can boost your object classification network's accuracy by 10%.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Keras, Python
Python and R Courses for Data Science - Feb 26, 2020.
Since Python and R are a must for today's data scientists, continuous learning is paramount. Online courses are arguably the best and most flexible way to upskill throughout ones career.
Coursera, Data Science, edX, MOOC, Programming, Python, R
- Audio Data Analysis Using Deep Learning with Python (Part 2) - Feb 25, 2020.
This is a followup to the first article in this series. Once you are comfortable with the concepts explained in that article, you can come back and continue with this.
Audio, Data Preprocessing, Deep Learning, Python
- The Forgotten Algorithm - Feb 20, 2020.
This article explores Monte Carlo Simulation with Streamlit.
Monte Carlo, Python, Simulation, Streamlit
Audio Data Analysis Using Deep Learning with Python (Part 1) - Feb 19, 2020.
A brief introduction to audio data processing and genre classification using Neural Networks and python.
Audio, Data Processing, Deep Learning, Python
- Using the Fitbit Web API with Python - Feb 18, 2020.
Fitbit provides a Web API for accessing data from Fitbit activity trackers. Check out this updated tutorial to accessing this Fitbit data using the API with Python.
API, Fitness, Health, Python
Fourier Transformation for a Data Scientist - Feb 14, 2020.
The article contains a brief intro into Fourier transformation mathematically and its applications in AI.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Mathematics, Python
- Adversarial Validation Overview - Feb 13, 2020.
Learn how to implement adversarial validation that builds a classifier to determine if your data is from the training or testing sets. If you can do this, then your data has issues, and your adversarial validation model can help you diagnose the problem.
Adversarial, Kaggle, Machine Learning, Python, Validation
- Practical Hyperparameter Optimization - Feb 13, 2020.
An introduction on how to fine-tune Machine and Deep Learning models using techniques such as: Random Search, Automated Hyperparameter Tuning and Artificial Neural Networks Tuning.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Deep Learning, Hyperparameter, Machine Learning, Optimization, Python, scikit-learn
- Easy Image Dataset Augmentation with TensorFlow - Feb 13, 2020.
What can we do when we don't have a substantial amount of varied training data? This is a quick intro to using data augmentation in TensorFlow to perform in-memory image transformations during model training to help overcome this data impediment.
Data Preprocessing, Image Processing, Image Recognition, Python, TensorFlow
- Sharing your machine learning models through a common API - Feb 12, 2020.
DEEPaaS API is a software component developed to expose machine learning models through a REST API. In this article we describe how to do it.
API, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Open Source, Python
- Intent Recognition with BERT using Keras and TensorFlow 2 - Feb 10, 2020.
TL;DR Learn how to fine-tune the BERT model for text classification. Train and evaluate it on a small dataset for detecting seven intents. The results might surprise you!
BERT, Keras, NLP, Python, TensorFlow
- Getting up and Running with Python: Installing Anaconda on Windows - Feb 6, 2020.
This tutorial covers how to download and install Anaconda on Windows; how to test your installation; how to fix common installation issues; and what to do after installing Anaconda.
Anaconda, Python
- Create Your Own Computer Vision Sandbox - Feb 5, 2020.
This post covers a wide array of computer vision tasks, from automated data collection to CNN model building.
Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks, Python
- Audio File Processing: ECG Audio Using Python - Feb 4, 2020.
In this post, we will look into an application of audio file processing, for a good cause — Analysis of ECG Heart beat and write code in python.
Audio, Data Processing, Health, Python
How to Optimize Your Jupyter Notebook - Jan 30, 2020.
This article walks through some simple tricks on improving your Jupyter Notebook experience, and covers useful shortcuts, adding themes, automatically generated table of contents, and more.
Jupyter, Optimization, Python
- Exoplanet Hunting Using Machine Learning - Jan 28, 2020.
Search for exoplanets — those planets beyond our own solar system — using machine learning, and implement these searches in Python.
Cosmology, Machine Learning, Python
- The 5 Most Useful Techniques to Handle Imbalanced Datasets - Jan 22, 2020.
This post is about explaining the various techniques you can use to handle imbalanced datasets.
Balancing Classes, Datasets, Metrics, Python, Sampling, Unbalanced
- Random Forest® — A Powerful Ensemble Learning Algorithm - Jan 22, 2020.
The article explains the Random Forest algorithm and how to build and optimize a Random Forest classifier.
Algorithms, Ensemble Methods, Python, random forests algorithm
- Geovisualization with Open Data - Jan 15, 2020.
In this post I want to show how to use public available (open) data to create geo visualizations in python. Maps are a great way to communicate and compare information when working with geolocation data. There are many frameworks to plot maps, here I focus on matplotlib and geopandas (and give a glimpse of mplleaflet).
Germany, Maps, Open Data, Python, Visualization
10 Python Tips and Tricks You Should Learn Today - Jan 8, 2020.
Check out this collection of 10 Python snippets that can be taken as a reference for your daily work.
Programming, Python, Tips
- H2O Framework for Machine Learning - Jan 6, 2020.
This article is an overview of H2O, a scalable and fast open-source platform for machine learning. We will apply it to perform classification tasks.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, H2O, Machine Learning, Python
- How to Convert a Picture to Numbers - Jan 6, 2020.
Reducing images to numbers makes them amenable to computation. Let's take a look at the why and the how using Python and Numpy.
Computer Vision, Image Processing, numpy, Python
- Why Python is One of the Most Preferred Languages for Data Science? - Jan 3, 2020.
Why do most data scientists love Python? Learn more about how so many well-developed Python packages can help you accomplish your crucial data science tasks.
Data Exploration, Data Science, Programming Languages, Python
Predict Electricity Consumption Using Time Series Analysis - Jan 2, 2020.
Time series forecasting is a technique for the prediction of events through a sequence of time. In this post, we will be taking a small forecasting problem and try to solve it till the end learning time series forecasting alongside.
ARIMA, Electricity, Python, Time Series
- Fighting Overfitting in Deep Learning - Dec 27, 2019.
This post outlines an attack plan for fighting overfitting in neural networks.
Deep Learning, Keras, Neural Networks, Overfitting, Python, Regularization, Transfer Learning
- Market Basket Analysis: A Tutorial - Dec 24, 2019.
This article is about Market Basket Analysis & the Apriori algorithm that works behind it.
Apriori, Association Rules, Data Mining, Python
- Let’s Build an Intelligent Chatbot - Dec 17, 2019.
Check out this step by step approach to building an intelligent chatbot in Python.
Chatbot, NLP, NLTK, Python
Build Pipelines with Pandas Using pdpipe - Dec 13, 2019.
We show how to build intuitive and useful pipelines with Pandas DataFrame using a wonderful little library called pdpipe.
Data Preparation, Data Preprocessing, Pandas, Pipeline, Python