- Python Libraries Data Scientists Should Know in 2022
- Apr 11, 2022.
Let’s have a look at the Python libraries that every data scientist should know in 2022, to maintain and improve their coding journey.
- Data Ingestion with Pandas: A Beginner Tutorial
- Apr 6, 2022.
Learn tricks on importing various data formats using Pandas with a few lines of code. We will be learning to import SQL databases, Excel sheets, HTML tables, CSV, and JSON files with examples.
- Introductory Pandas Tutorial - Mar 31, 2022.
A gentle introduction to data analysis with Pandas.
- Building a Geospatial Application in Python with Google Earth Engine and Greppo - Mar 18, 2022.
In this blog, you will see how to build a web-application with Greppo and Google Earth using Python.
- How to Manage Multiple Inheritance in Python - Mar 16, 2022.
In this guide, we'll learn how to use multiple inheritance in Python and make it sustainable.
- How to Engineer Date Features in Python - Mar 15, 2022.
This article discusses and demonstrates how to quickly engineer some common date features using Python.
- How to Filter Data with Python - Feb 22, 2022.
Let’s dive a little deeper into some simple operations that might make your everyday work a little easier.
- Managing Your Reusable Python Code as a Data Scientist - Feb 11, 2022.
Here are a few approaches that I have settled on for managing my own reusable Python code as a data scientist, presented from most to least general code use, and aimed at beginners.
- Build a Web Scraper with Python in 5 Minutes - Feb 7, 2022.
In this article, I will show you how to create a web scraper from scratch in Python.
- The Best Python Courses: An Analysis Summary - Jan 24, 2022.
What does the data reveal if we ask: "What are the 10 Best Python Courses?". Collecting almost all of the courses from top platforms shows there are plenty to choose from, with over 3000 offerings. This article summarizes my analysis and presents the top three courses.
- How to Process a DataFrame with Millions of Rows in Seconds - Jan 18, 2022.
TLDR; process it with a new Python Data Processing Engine in the Cloud.
- Automate Microsoft Excel and Word Using Python - Jan 6, 2022.
Integrate Excel with Word to generate automated reports seamlessly.
- Why are More Developers Using Python for Their Machine Learning Projects?
- Jan 4, 2022.
To support the creation of new and exciting ML and artificial intelligence (AI) applications, developers need a robust programming language. That's where the Python programming language comes in.
What Makes Python An Ideal Programming Language For Startups - Dec 31, 2021.
In this blog, we will discuss what makes Python so popular, its features, and why you should consider Python as a programming language for your startup.
Programming Languages, Python, Startups
- Hands-On Reinforcement Learning Course, Part 2 - Dec 28, 2021.
Continue your learning journey in Reinforcement Learning with this second of two part tutorial that covers the foundations of the technique with examples and Python code.
Agents, Beginners, Python, Reinforcement Learning
- The Easiest Way to Make Beautiful Interactive Visualizations With Pandas - Dec 28, 2021.
Check out these one-liner interactive visualization with Pandas in Python.
Data Visualization, Interactive, Pandas, Python
- Alternative Feature Selection Methods in Machine Learning - Dec 24, 2021.
Feature selection methodologies go beyond filter, wrapper and embedded methods. In this article, I describe 3 alternative algorithms to select predictive features based on a feature importance score.
Data Preparation, Feature Selection, Machine Learning, Python
- Hands-On Reinforcement Learning Course, Part 1 - Dec 22, 2021.
Start your learning journey in Reinforcement Learning with this first of two part tutorial that covers the foundations of the technique with examples and Python code.
Agents, Beginners, Python, Reinforcement Learning
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n48, Dec 22: Write Clean Python Code Using Pipes; 5 Key Skills Needed To Become a Great Data Scientist - Dec 22, 2021.
Write Clean Python Code Using Pipes; 5 Key Skills Needed To Become a Great Data Scientist; A Full End-to-End Deployment of a Machine Learning Algorithm into a Live Production Environment; The 5 Characteristics of a Successful Data Scientist; Top Resources for Learning Statistics for Data Science
Career Advice, Data Science, Programming, Python
Three R Libraries Every Data Scientist Should Know (Even if You Use Python) - Dec 20, 2021.
Check out these powerful R libraries built by the world’s biggest tech companies.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Python, R
- 10 Key AI & Data Analytics Trends for 2022 and Beyond - Dec 17, 2021.
What AI and data analytics trends are taking the industry by storm this year? This comprehensive review highlights upcoming directions in AI to carefully watch and consider implementing in your personal work or organization.
2022 Predictions, AI, Data, Data Analysis, Deep Learning, Environment, Low-Code, No-Code, Python, Trends
Write Clean Python Code Using Pipes - Dec 15, 2021.
A short and clean approach to processing iterables.
Programming, Python
- Introduction to Clustering in Python with PyCaret - Dec 13, 2021.
A step-by-step, beginner-friendly tutorial for unsupervised clustering tasks in Python using PyCaret.
Clustering, Machine Learning, PyCaret, Python
- Analyzing Scientific Articles with fine-tuned SciBERT NER Model and Neo4j - Dec 9, 2021.
In this article, we will be analyzing a dataset of scientific abstracts using the Neo4j Graph database and a fine-tuned SciBERT model.
BERT, Graph Analytics, Neo4j, NLP, Python, Research
- Introduction to Binary Classification with PyCaret - Dec 7, 2021.
PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with few lines only. See how to use it for binary classification.
Classification, Machine Learning, PyCaret, Python
- A Beginner’s Guide to End to End Machine Learning - Dec 6, 2021.
Learn to train, tune, deploy and monitor machine learning models.
Beginners, Machine Learning, MLflow, PyCaret, Python
- Using PyCaret’s New Time Series Module - Dec 3, 2021.
PyCaret’s new time series module is now available in beta. Staying true to the simplicity of PyCaret, it is consistent with the existing API and comes with a lot of functionalities.
Machine Learning, PyCaret, Python, Time Series
- Avoid These Mistakes with Time Series Forecasting - Dec 2, 2021.
A few checks to make before training a Machine Learning model on data that could be random.
Forecasting, Mistakes, Python, Time Series
- A Spreadsheet that Generates Python: The Mito JupyterLab Extension - Nov 25, 2021.
You can call Mito into your Jupyter Environment and each edit you make will generate the equivalent Python in the code cell below.
Jupyter, Programming, Python, Spreadsheet
- 5 Advanced Tips on Python Sequences - Nov 23, 2021.
Notes from Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho.
Programming, Python
- Dask DataFrame is not Pandas - Nov 22, 2021.
This article is the second article of an ongoing series on using Dask in practice. Each article in this series will be simple enough for beginners, but provide useful tips for real work. The next article in the series is about parallelizing for loops, and other embarrassingly parallel operations with dask.delayed.
Dask, Pandas, Python, Saturn Cloud
- Build a Serverless News Data Pipeline using ML on AWS Cloud - Nov 18, 2021.
This is the guide on how to build a serverless data pipeline on AWS with a Machine Learning model deployed as a Sagemaker endpoint.
AWS, NLP, Pipeline, Python, Sagemaker, Text Summarization
- Easy Synthetic Data in Python with Faker - Nov 17, 2021.
Faker is a Python library that generates fake data to supplement or take the place of real world data. See how it can be used for data science.
Data Science, Python, Synthetic Data
- Deep Learning on your phone: PyTorch C++ API for use on Mobile Platforms - Nov 12, 2021.
The PyTorch Deep Learning framework has a C++ API for use on mobile platforms. This article shows an end-to-end demo of how to write a simple C++ application with Deep Learning capabilities using the PyTorch C++ API such that the same code can be built for use on mobile platforms (both Android and iOS).
C++, Deep Learning, Mobile, Python, PyTorch
- 25 Github Repositories Every Python Developer Should Know - Nov 12, 2021.
Check out these repositories to help you improve your data science skills.
GitHub, Programming, Python
- What Comes After HDF5? Seeking a Data Storage Format for Deep Learning - Nov 9, 2021.
In this article we are discussing that HDF5 is one of the most popular and reliable formats for non-tabular, numerical data. But this format is not optimized for deep learning work. This article suggests what kind of ML native data format should be to truly serve the needs of modern data scientists.
Data Management, Deep Learning, Python
- Advanced PyTorch Lightning with TorchMetrics and Lightning Flash - Nov 1, 2021.
In this tutorial we will be diving deeper into two additional tools you should be using: TorchMetrics and Lightning Flash. TorchMetrics unsurprisingly provides a modular approach to define and track useful metrics across batches and devices, while Lightning Flash offers a suite of functionality facilitating more efficient transfer learning and data handling, and a recipe book of state-of-the-art approaches to typical deep learning problems.
Metrics, Python, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, Transfer Learning
- Simple Text Scraping, Parsing, and Processing with this Python Library - Oct 29, 2021.
Scraping, parsing, and processing text data from the web can be difficult. But it can also be easy, using Newspaper3k.
Data Processing, NLP, Python, Text Analytics, Web Scraping
- Analyze Python Code in Jupyter Notebooks - Oct 28, 2021.
We present a new tool that integrates modern code analysis techniques with Jupyter notebooks and helps developers find bugs as they write code.
Jupyter, Programming, Python
- Getting Started with PyTorch Lightning - Oct 26, 2021.
As a library designed for production research, PyTorch Lightning streamlines hardware support and distributed training as well, and we’ll show how easy it is to move training to a GPU toward the end.
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Python, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning
Introduction to AutoEncoder and Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) - Oct 22, 2021.
Autoencoders and their variants are interesting and powerful artificial neural networks used in unsupervised learning scenarios. Learn how autoencoders perform in their different approaches and how to implement with Keras on the instructional data set of the MNIST digits.
Autoencoder, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Python
- Find the Best-Matching Distribution for Your Data Effortlessly - Oct 22, 2021.
How to find the best-matching statistical distributions for your data points — in an automated and easy way. And, then how to extend the utility further.
Distribution, Python, Statistics, Synthetic Data
- Training BPE, WordPiece, and Unigram Tokenizers from Scratch using Hugging Face - Oct 21, 2021.
Comparing the tokens generated by SOTA tokenization algorithms using Hugging Face's tokenizers package.
Hugging Face, NLP, Python, Tokenization
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n40, Oct 20: The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science; Ace Data Science Interviews with Portfolio Projects - Oct 20, 2021.
The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science; How to Ace Data Science Interview by Working on Portfolio Projects; Deploying Your First Machine Learning API; Real Time Image Segmentation Using 5 Lines of Code; What is Clustering and How Does it Work?
Clustering, Computer Vision, Data Science, Image Recognition, Interview, Machine Learning, Portfolio, Python
- Real Time Image Segmentation Using 5 Lines of Code - Oct 18, 2021.
PixelLib Library is a library created to allow easy integration of object segmentation in images and videos using few lines of python code. PixelLib now provides support for PyTorch backend to perform faster, more accurate segmentation and extraction of objects in images and videos using PointRend segmentation architecture.
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Python, Segmentation
- Serving ML Models in Production: Common Patterns - Oct 18, 2021.
Over the past couple years, we've seen 4 common patterns of machine learning in production: pipeline, ensemble, business logic, and online learning. In the ML serving space, implementing these patterns typically involves a tradeoff between ease of development and production readiness. Ray Serve was built to support these patterns by being both easy to develop and production ready.
FastAPI, Machine Learning, Production, Python, Ray
Deploying Your First Machine Learning API - Oct 14, 2021.
Effortless way to develop and deploy your machine learning API using FastAPI and Deta.
API, Deployment, FastAPI, Machine Learning, Python, spaCy

The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science - Oct 14, 2021.
Do you do Python? Do you do data science and machine learning? Then, you need to do these crucial Python libraries that enable nearly all you will want to do.
Data Science, Keras, Machine Learning, Matplotlib, numpy, Pandas, Plotly, Python, PyTorch, scikit-learn, TensorFlow
- Create Synthetic Time-series with Anomaly Signatures in Python - Oct 12, 2021.
A simple and intuitive way to create synthetic (artificial) time-series data with customized anomalies — particularly suited to industrial applications.
Anomalies, Python, Synthetic Data, Time Series
- AutoML: An Introduction Using Auto-Sklearn and Auto-PyTorch - Oct 11, 2021.
AutoML is a broad category of techniques and tools for applying automated search to your automated search and learning to your learning. In addition to Auto-Sklearn, the Freiburg-Hannover AutoML group has also developed an Auto-PyTorch library. We’ll use both of these as our entry point into AutoML in the following simple tutorial.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Python, PyTorch, scikit-learn
- The Evolution of Tokenization – Byte Pair Encoding in NLP - Oct 7, 2021.
Though we have SOTA algorithms for tokenization, it's always a good practice to understand the evolution trail and learning how have we reached here. Read this introduction to Byte Pair Encoding.
NLP, Python, Tokenization
- How to do “Limitless” Math in Python - Oct 7, 2021.
How to perform arbitrary-precision computation and much more math (and fast too) than what is possible with the built-in math library in Python.
Linear Algebra, Mathematics, Probability, Python, Statistics
Here’s Why You Need Python Skills as a Machine Learning Engineer - Oct 6, 2021.
If you want to learn how to apply Python programming skills in the context of AI applications, the UC San Diego Extension Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp can help. Read on to find out more about how machine learning engineers use Python, and why the language dominates today’s machine learning landscape.
Bootcamp, Machine Learning Engineer, Online Education, Python, UCSD
- Parallelizing Python Code - Oct 4, 2021.
This article reviews some common options for parallelizing Python code, including process-based parallelism, specialized libraries, ipython parallel, and Ray.
Distributed Computing, Parallelism, Programming, Python, Ray
Teaching AI to Classify Time-series Patterns with Synthetic Data - Oct 1, 2021.
How to build and train an AI model to identify various common anomaly patterns in time-series data.
AI, Classification, Python, Synthetic Data, Time Series
- How to Auto-Detect the Date/Datetime Columns and Set Their Datatype When Reading a CSV File in Pandas - Oct 1, 2021.
When read_csv( ) reads e.g. “2021-03-04” and “2021-03-04 21:37:01.123” as mere “object” datatypes, often you can simply auto-convert them all at once to true datetime datatypes.
Data Processing, Pandas, Python
How To Build A Database Using Python - Sep 28, 2021.
Implement your database without handling the SQL using the Flask-SQLAlchemy library.
Databases, Flask, Python, SQL
- Building a Structured Financial Newsfeed Using Python, SpaCy and Streamlit - Sep 28, 2021.
Getting started with NLP by building a Named Entity Recognition(NER) application.
Finance, NLP, Python, spaCy, Streamlit

Path to Full Stack Data Science - Sep 27, 2021.
Start your journey toward mastering all aspects of the field of Data Science with this focused list of in-depth self-learning resources. Curated with the beginner in mind, these recommendations will help you learn efficiently, and can also offer existing professionals useful highlights for review or help filling in any gaps in skills.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Mathematics, Python, R, Roadmap
- How To Deal With Imbalanced Classification, Without Re-balancing the Data - Sep 23, 2021.
Before considering oversampling your skewed data, try adjusting your classification decision threshold, in Python.
Balancing Classes, Classification, Python, Unbalanced
- 9 Outstanding Reasons to Learn Python for Finance - Sep 23, 2021.
Is Python good for learning finance and working in the financial world? The answer is not only a resounding YES, but yes for nine very good reasons. This article gets into the details behind why Python is a must-know programming language for anyone who wants to work in the financial sector.
Finance, Python
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n36, Sep 22: The Machine & Deep Learning Compendium Open Book; Easy SQL in Native Python - Sep 22, 2021.
The Machine & Deep Learning Compendium Open Book; Easy SQL in Native Python; Introduction to Automated Machine Learning; How to be a Data Scientist without a STEM degree; What Is The Real Difference Between Data Engineers and Data Scientists?
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Books, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning, Python, SQL
- 15 Must-Know Python String Methods - Sep 21, 2021.
It is not always about numbers.
Data Processing, NLP, Python, Text Analytics
- If You Can Write Functions, You Can Use Dask - Sep 21, 2021.
This article is the second article of an ongoing series on using Dask in practice. Each article in this series will be simple enough for beginners, but provide useful tips for real work. The first article in the series is about using LocalCluster.
Cloud, Dask, Python, Saturn Cloud
How to be a Data Scientist without a STEM degree - Sep 20, 2021.
Breaking into data science as a professional does require technical skills, a well-honed knack for problem-solving, and a willingness to swim in oceans of data. Maybe you are coming in as a career change or ready to take a new learning path in life--without having previously earned an advanced degree in a STEM field. Follow these tips to find your way into this high-demand and interesting field.
Career Advice, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Project, Python, SQL
- Adventures in MLOps with Github Actions, Iterative.ai, Label Studio and NBDEV - Sep 16, 2021.
This article documents the authors' experience building their custom MLOps approach.
GitHub, Machine Learning, MLOps, Pipeline, Python, Workflow
- Introduction to Automated Machine Learning - Sep 15, 2021.
AutoML enables developers with limited ML expertise (and coding experience) to train high-quality models specific to their business needs. For this article, we will focus on AutoML systems which cater to everyday business and technology applications.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Machine Learning, Python
- How to get Python PCAP Certification: Roadmap, Resources, Tips For Success, Based On My Experience - Sep 15, 2021.
Follow this journey of personal experience -- with useful tips and learning resources -- to help you achieve the PCAP Certification, one of the most reputed Python Certifications, to validate your knowledge against International Standards.
Advice, Certification, Python, Tips
- 5 Must Try Awesome Python Data Visualization Libraries - Sep 15, 2021.
The goal of data visualization is to communicate data or information clearly and effectively to readers. Here are 5 must try awesome Python libraries for helping you do so, with overviews and links to quick start guides for each.
Data Visualization, Matplotlib, Plotly, Python, Seaborn
- An Introduction to Reinforcement Learning with OpenAI Gym, RLlib, and Google Colab - Sep 14, 2021.
Get an Introduction to Reinforcement Learning by attempting to balance a virtual CartPole with OpenAI Gym, RLlib, and Google Colab.
Google Colab, OpenAI, Python, Reinforcement Learning
- The Prefect Way to Automate & Orchestrate Data Pipelines - Sep 13, 2021.
I am migrating all my ETL work from Airflow to this super-cool framework.
Airflow, Data Workflow, Pipeline, Prefect, Python
- Working with Python APIs For Data Science Project - Sep 10, 2021.
In this article, we will work with YouTube Python API to collect video statistics from our channel using the requests python library to make an API call and save it as a Pandas DataFrame.
API, Data Science, Project, Python
- How to Create an AutoML Pipeline Optimization Sandbox - Sep 9, 2021.
In this article, we will implement an automated machine learning pipeline optimization sandbox web app using Streamlit and TPOT.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Python, Streamlit
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n34, Sep 8: Do You Read Excel Files with Python? There is a 1000x Faster Way; Hypothesis Testing Explained - Sep 8, 2021.
Do You Read Excel Files with Python? There is a 1000x Faster Way; Hypothesis Testing Explained; Data Science Cheat Sheet 2.0; 6 Cool Python Libraries That I Came Across Recently; Best Resources to Learn Natural Language Processing in 2021
AI, Cheat Sheet, Data Science, Excel, Hypothesis Testing, Machine Learning, Python, Statistics

How to Create Stunning Web Apps for your Data Science Projects - Sep 7, 2021.
Data scientists do not have to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build web pages.
Apps, Data Science, Python, Streamlit
- Fast AutoML with FLAML + Ray Tune - Sep 6, 2021.
Microsoft Researchers have developed FLAML (Fast Lightweight AutoML) which can now utilize Ray Tune for distributed hyperparameter tuning to scale up FLAML’s resource-efficient & easily parallelizable algorithms across a cluster.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Hyperparameter, Machine Learning, Microsoft, Python, Ray
- 6 Cool Python Libraries That I Came Across Recently - Sep 3, 2021.
Check out these awesome Python libraries for Machine Learning.
Data Science, Machine Learning, Python

Do You Read Excel Files with Python? There is a 1000x Faster Way - Sep 1, 2021.
In this article, I’ll show you five ways to load data in Python. Achieving a speedup of 3 orders of magnitude.
Excel, Microsoft, Pandas, Python, Scalability
- NLP Insights for the Penguin Café Orchestra - Aug 31, 2021.
We give an example of how to use Expert.ai and Python to investigate favorite music albums.
Expert.ai, Music, NLP, Python
- CSV Files for Storage? No Thanks. There’s a Better Option - Aug 31, 2021.
Saving data to CSV’s is costing you both money and disk space. It’s time to end it.
Data Management, Pandas, Parquet, Python
- A Python Data Processing Script Template - Aug 31, 2021.
Here's a skeleton general purpose template for getting a Python command line script fleshed out as quickly as possible.
Programming, Python
- How causal inference lifts augmented analytics beyond flatland - Aug 27, 2021.
In our quest to better understand and predict business outcomes, traditional predictive modeling tends to fall flat. However, causal inference techniques along with business analytics approaches can unravel what truly changes your KPIs.
Analytics, Causality, Data Science, Python, Regression
- 15 Python Snippets to Optimize your Data Science Pipeline - Aug 25, 2021.
Quick Python solutions to help your data science cycle.
Data Science, Optimization, Pipeline, Python
Learning Data Science and Machine Learning: First Steps After The Roadmap - Aug 24, 2021.
Just getting into learning data science may seem as daunting as (if not more than) trying to land your first job in the field. With so many options and resources online and in traditional academia to consider, these pre-requisites and pre-work are recommended before diving deep into data science and AI/ML.
Data Science, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Python, Roadmap, Statistics
Django’s 9 Most Common Applications - Aug 23, 2021.
Django is a Python web application framework enjoying widespread adoption in the data science community. But what else can you use Django for? Read this article for 9 use cases where you can put Django to work.
Django, Programming, Python
- 5 Things That Make My Job as a Data Scientist Easier - Aug 23, 2021.
After working as a Data Scientist for a year, I am here to share some things I learnt along the way that I feel are helpful and have increased my efficiency. Hopefully some of these tips can help you in your journey :)
Data Science, Data Scientist, Metrics, Pandas, Plotly, Python, Time Series, Visualization
- Data Scientist’s Guide to Efficient Coding in Python - Aug 18, 2021.
Read this fantastic collection of tips and tricks the author uses for writing clean code on a day-to-day basis.
Programming, Python, Tips
- Linear Algebra for Natural Language Processing - Aug 17, 2021.
Learn about representing word semantics in vector space.
Linear Algebra, Mathematics, NLP, Python
Prefect: How to Write and Schedule Your First ETL Pipeline with Python - Aug 16, 2021.
Workflow management systems made easy — both locally and in the cloud.
Cloud, ETL, Pipeline, Python
- Writing Your First Distributed Python Application with Ray - Aug 16, 2021.
Using Ray, you can take Python code that runs sequentially and transform it into a distributed application with minimal code changes. Read on to find out why you should use Ray, and how to get started.
Distributed Computing, Parallelism, Python, Workflow
- How to Train a BERT Model From Scratch - Aug 13, 2021.
Meet BERT’s Italian cousin, FiliBERTo.
BERT, Hugging Face, NLP, Python, Training
How to Query Your Pandas Dataframe - Aug 9, 2021.
A Data Scientist’s perspective on SQL-like Python functions.
Data Preprocessing, Data Processing, Pandas, Python, SQL
GPU-Powered Data Science (NOT Deep Learning) with RAPIDS - Aug 2, 2021.
How to utilize the power of your GPU for regular data science and machine learning even if you do not do a lot of deep learning work.
Data Science, GPU, Python
- Python Data Structures Compared - Jul 27, 2021.
Let's take a look at 5 different Python data structures and see how they could be used to store data we might be processing in our everyday tasks, as well as the relative memory they use for storage and time they take to create and access.
Data Science, Programming, Python
Why and how should you learn “Productive Data Science”? - Jul 26, 2021.
What is Productive Data Science and what are some of its components?
Books, Career Advice, Courses, Data Science, Python
- Top Python Data Science Interview Questions - Jul 23, 2021.
Six must-know technical concepts and two types of questions to test them.
Data Science, Interview Questions, Programming, Python
- ColabCode: Deploying Machine Learning Models From Google Colab - Jul 22, 2021.
New to ColabCode? Learn how to use it to start a VS Code Server, Jupyter Lab, or FastAPI.
Deployment, FastAPI, Google Colab, Machine Learning, Python
- Understanding BERT with Hugging Face - Jul 20, 2021.
We don’t really understand something before we implement it ourselves. So in this post, we will implement a Question Answering Neural Network using BERT and a Hugging Face Library.
BERT, Hugging Face, NLP, Python
- How Much Memory is your Machine Learning Code Consuming? - Jul 19, 2021.
Learn how to quickly check the memory footprint of your machine learning function/module with one line of command. Generate a nice report too.
Machine Learning, Programming, Python

Top 6 Data Science Online Courses in 2021 - Jul 15, 2021.
As an aspiring data scientist, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the abundance of resources available on the Internet. With these 6 online courses, you can develop yourself from a novice to experienced in less than a year, and prepare you with the skills necessary to land a job in data science.
Data Science Education, Online Education, Programming, Python, SQL
- Date Processing and Feature Engineering in Python - Jul 15, 2021.
Have a look at some code to streamline the parsing and processing of dates in Python, including the engineering of some useful and common features.
Beginners, Data Preprocessing, Data Processing, Feature Engineering, Python, Time Series
5 Python Data Processing Tips & Code Snippets - Jul 9, 2021.
This is a small collection of Python code snippets that a beginner might find useful for data processing.
Data Preprocessing, Data Processing, Pandas, Programming, Python

Pandas not enough? Here are a few good alternatives to processing larger and faster data in Python - Jul 8, 2021.
While the Pandas library remains a crucial workhorse in data processing and management for data science, some limitations exist that can impact efficiencies, especially with very large data sets. Here, a few interesting alternatives to Pandas are introduced to improve your large data handling performance.
Dask, Modin, Pandas, Python, Scalability
- ROC Curve Explained - Jul 6, 2021.
Learn to visualise a ROC curve in Python.
Data Visualization, Metrics, Python, ROC-AUC
- Predict Customer Churn (the right way) using PyCaret - Jul 5, 2021.
A step-by-step guide on how to predict customer churn the right way using PyCaret that actually optimizes the business objective and improves ROI.
Churn, Machine Learning, PyCaret, Python
- From Scratch: Permutation Feature Importance for ML Interpretability - Jun 30, 2021.
Use permutation feature importance to discover which features in your dataset are useful for prediction — implemented from scratch in Python.
Feature Selection, Interpretability, Machine Learning, Python
Add A New Dimension To Your Photos Using Python - Jun 28, 2021.
Read this to learn how to breathe new life into your photos with a 3D Ken Burns Effect.
Google Colab, Image Generation, Image Processing, Python
- How to Train a Joint Entities and Relation Extraction Classifier using BERT Transformer with spaCy 3 - Jun 28, 2021.
A step-by-step guide on how to train a relation extraction classifier using Transformer and spaCy3.
BERT, NLP, Python, spaCy, Text Analytics, Transformer
- How to create an interactive 3D chart and share it easily with anyone - Jun 25, 2021.
This is a short tutorial on a great Plotly feature.
Data Visualization, Graph, Python
- 10 Python Code Snippets We Should All Know - Jun 24, 2021.
Check out these Python code snippets and start using them to solve everyday problems.
Programming, Python
- Workflow Orchestration with Prefect and Coiled - Jun 23, 2021.
Coiled helps data scientists use Python for ambitious problems, scaling to the cloud for computing power, ease, and speed—all tuned for the needs of teams and enterprises. In this demo example, see how to spin up a Coiled cluster to execute Prefect jobs during runtime.
Coiled.io, Modern Data Stack, Orchestration, Prefect, Python, Workflow
- Create and Deploy Dashboards using Voila and Saturn Cloud - Jun 23, 2021.
Working with and training large datasets, maintaining them all in one place, and deploying them to production is a challenging job. In this article, we covered what Saturn Cloud is and how it can speed up your end-to-end pipeline, how to create dashboards using Voila and Python and publish them to production in just a few easy steps.
Analytics, Cloud, Dashboard, Data Science, Machine Learning, Python
- Fine-Tuning Transformer Model for Invoice Recognition - Jun 23, 2021.
The author presents a step-by-step guide from annotation to training.
Business Analytics, Image Classification, NLP, Python, Transformer
- How to troubleshoot memory problems in Python - Jun 21, 2021.
Memory problems are hard to diagnose and fix in Python. This post goes through a step-by-step process for how to pinpoint and fix memory leaks using popular open source python packages.
Programming, Python
Get Interactive Plots Directly With Pandas - Jun 14, 2021.
Telling a story with data is a core function for any Data Scientist, and creating data visualizations that are simultaneously illuminating and appealing can be challenging. This tutorial reviews how to create Plotly and Bokeh plots directly through Pandas plotting syntax, which will help you convert static visualizations into interactive counterparts -- and take your analysis to the next level.
Bokeh, Data Visualization, Pandas, Plotly, Python
- Building a Knowledge Graph for Job Search Using BERT - Jun 14, 2021.
A guide on how to create knowledge graphs using NER and Relation Extraction.
BERT, Careers, Data Science Skills, Knowledge Graph, NLP, Python, Search, Transformer

How to Generate Automated PDF Documents with Python - Jun 10, 2021.
Discover how to leverage automation to create dazzling PDF documents effortlessly.
Data Visualization, PDF, Programming, Python
- The only Jupyter Notebooks extension you truly need - Jun 8, 2021.
Now you don’t need to restart the kernel after editing the code in your custom imports.
Deployment, Jupyter, Machine Learning, Python
- How to Fine-Tune BERT Transformer with spaCy 3 - Jun 7, 2021.
A step-by-step guide on how to create a knowledge graph using NER and Relation Extraction.
BERT, Knowledge Graph, NLP, Python, spaCy, Transformer
- PyCaret 101: An introduction for beginners - Jun 7, 2021.
This article is a great overview of how to get started with PyCaret for all your machine learning projects.
Machine Learning, PyCaret, Python
- Machine Learning Model Interpretation - Jun 2, 2021.
Read this overview of using Skater to build machine learning visualizations.
Explainability, Interpretability, Machine Learning, Python
- How to Create and Deploy a Simple Sentiment Analysis App via API - Jun 1, 2021.
In this article we will create a simple sentiment analysis app using the HuggingFace Transformers library, and deploy it using FastAPI.
FastAPI, Hugging Face, NLP, Python, Sentiment Analysis, Transformer
- Make Pandas 3 Times Faster with PyPolars - May 31, 2021.
Learn how to speed up your Pandas workflow using the PyPolars library.
Pandas, Performance, Python
- Supercharge Your Machine Learning Experiments with PyCaret and Gradio - May 31, 2021.
A step-by-step tutorial to develop and interact with machine learning pipelines rapidly.
Deployment, Machine Learning, Pipeline, PyCaret, Python
- Topic Modeling with Streamlit - May 26, 2021.
What does it take to create and deploy a topic modeling web application quickly? Read this post to see how the author uses Python NLP packages for topic modeling, Streamlit for the web application framework, and Streamlit Sharing for deployment.
Deployment, NLP, Python, spaCy, Streamlit, Text Analytics, Topic Modeling
- Write and train your own custom machine learning models using PyCaret - May 25, 2021.
A step-by-step, beginner-friendly tutorial on how to write and train custom machine learning models in PyCaret.
Machine Learning, Modeling, PyCaret, Python, Training
- Building RESTful APIs using Flask - May 21, 2021.
Learn about using the lightweight web framework in Python from this article.
API, Flask, Python, RESTful API
How to Determine if Your Machine Learning Model is Overtrained - May 20, 2021.
WeightWatcher is based on theoretical research (done injoint with UC Berkeley) into Why Deep Learning Works, based on our Theory of Heavy Tailed Self-Regularization (HT-SR). It uses ideas from Random Matrix Theory (RMT), Statistical Mechanics, and Strongly Correlated Systems.
Learning, Modeling, Python, Training
- Animated Bar Chart Races in Python - May 18, 2021.
A quick and step-by-step beginners project to create an animation bar graph for an amazing Covid dataset.
COVID-19, Data Science, Data Visualization, Pandas, Python, Visualization
- The Most In Demand Skills for Data Engineers in 2021 - May 18, 2021.
If you are preparing to make a career in data or are looking for opportunities to skill-up in your current data-centric role, then this analysis of in-demand skills for 2021, based on over 17,000 Data Engineer job postings, should offer you a good idea as to which programming languages and software tools are increasing and decreasing in importance.
Apache Spark, AWS, Data Engineer, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Python, Skills, SQL