- DeepMind Unveils MuZero, a New Agent that Mastered Chess, Shogi, Atari and Go Without Knowing the Rules - Dec 9, 2019.
The new model showed great improvements over the previous AlphaZero agent.
Agents, AlphaGo, Atari, Chess, DeepMind, Reinforcement Learning, Video Games
Top 10 Machine Learning Videos on YouTube, updated - May 3, 2017.
The top machine learning videos on YouTube include lecture series from Stanford and Caltech, Google Tech Talks on deep learning, using machine learning to play Mario and Hearthstone, and detecting NHL goals from live streams.
Andrew Ng, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geoff Hinton, Google, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Robots, Video Games, Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Youtube
- Top 10 Machine Learning Videos on YouTube - Jun 23, 2015.
The top machine learning videos on YouTube include lecture series from Stanford and Caltech, Google Tech Talks on deep learning, using machine learning to play Mario and Hearthstone, and detecting NHL goals from live streams.
Andrew Ng, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geoff Hinton, Google, Grant Marshall, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Robots, Video Games, Youtube