- Top 6 Data Science Programs for Beginners - Nov 20, 2020.
Udacity has the best industry-leading programs in data science. Here are the top six data science courses for beginners to help you get started.
Beginners, Certificate, Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Online Education, Python, R, SQL, Udacity
- A Doomed Marriage of Machine Learning and Agile - Nov 28, 2019.
Sebastian Thrun, the founder of Udacity, ruined my machine learning project and wedding.
Agile, Machine Learning, Udacity
- Pytorch Cheat Sheet for Beginners and Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree - Aug 2, 2019.
This cheatsheet should be easier to digest than the official documentation and should be a transitional tool to get students and beginners to get started reading documentations soon.
Beginners, Cheat Sheet, Deep Learning, Google Colab, Python, PyTorch, Udacity
- 5 Free Resources for Getting Started with Self-driving Vehicles - Jul 10, 2017.
This is a short list of 5 resources to help newcomers find their bearings when learning about self-driving vehicles, all of which are free. This should be sufficient to learn the basics, and to learn where to look next for further instruction.
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Self-Driving Car, Udacity
Every Intro to Data Science Course on the Internet, Ranked - Mar 2, 2017.
For this guide, I spent 10+ hours trying to identify every online intro to data science course offered as of January 2017, extracting key bits of information from their syllabi and reviews, and compiling their ratings.
Coursera, Data Science, MOOC, Online Education, Ranking, Udacity, Udemy
- Top Machine Learning MOOCs and Online Lectures: A Comprehensive Survey - Jul 11, 2016.
This post reviews Machine Learning MOOCs and online lectures for both the novice and expert audience.
Andrew Ng, Coursera, Deep Learning, edX, Machine Learning, MOOC, Nando de Freitas, Tom Mitchell, Udacity
- Udacity Nanodegree Programs: Machine Learning, Data Analyst, and more - Jun 1, 2016.
Develop new skills. Be in demand. Accelerate your career with the credential that fast-tracks you to career success.
Machine Learning, Online Education, Udacity
- Google Launches Deep Learning with TensorFlow MOOC - Jan 26, 2016.
Google and Udacity have partnered for a new self-paced course on deep learning and TensorFlow, starting immediately.
Google, Matthew Mayo, MOOC, TensorFlow, Udacity