- A First Principles Theory of Generalization - Nov 4, 2021.
Some new research from University of California, Berkeley shades some new light into how to quantify neural networks knowledge.
Neural Networks, Research, UC Berkeley
Online Certificates/Courses in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning from Top Universities - Sep 16, 2020.
We present the online courses and certificates in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and related topics from the top 20 universities in the world.
AI, Business Analytics, Certificate, Columbia, Coursera, Courses, edX, Harvard, Machine Learning, MIT, Online Education, Stanford, Toronto, UC Berkeley, UCLA
10 Free Top Notch Natural Language Processing Courses - Oct 7, 2019.
Are you looking to learn natural language processing? This collection of 10 free top notch courses will allow you to do just that, with something for every approach to learning NLP and its varied topics.
fast.ai, NLP, Oxford, spaCy, Stanford, U. of Washington, UC Berkeley, Yandex

Another 10 Free Must-See Courses for Machine Learning and Data Science - Apr 5, 2019.
Check out another follow-up collection of free machine learning and data science courses to give you some spring study ideas.
AI, Data Science, Deep Learning, Keras, Machine Learning, NLP, Reinforcement Learning, TensorFlow, U. of Washington, UC Berkeley, Unsupervised Learning
10 More Must-See Free Courses for Machine Learning and Data Science - Dec 20, 2018.
Have a look at this follow-up collection of free machine learning and data science courses to give you some winter study ideas.
AI, Algorithms, Big Data, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, MIT, NLP, Reinforcement Learning, U. of Washington, UC Berkeley, Yandex
- Top 15 Master of Data Science Programs You May Want To Consider - Oct 5, 2017.
Top MS of Data Science Programs in the US - on-campus and online that teach you how to humanize data and what you can do to make a difference in your company.
CMU, Columbia, MS in Data Science, NYU, Saint Mary's College, Stanford, UC Berkeley
- 5 Free Courses for Getting Started in Artificial Intelligence - Feb 1, 2017.
A carefully-curated list of 5 free collections of university course material to help you better understand the various aspects of what artificial intelligence and skills necessary for moving forward in the field.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, MIT, Reinforcement Learning, Self-Driving Car, UC Berkeley