- Using Twitter to Understand Pizza Delivery Apprehension During COVID - Aug 6, 2021.
Analyzing customer sentiments and capturing any specific difference in emotion to order Dominos pizza in India during lockdown.
Analytics, COVID-19, Data Science, Retail, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter
- Prepare for a Long Battle against Deepfakes - Feb 21, 2020.
While deepfakes threaten to destroy our perception of reality, the tech giants are throwing down the gauntlet and working to enhance the state of the art in combating doctored videos and images.
AI, Crime, Deepfakes, Facebook, Google, Politics, Trends, Twitter
- Serverless Machine Learning with R on Cloud Run - Feb 4, 2020.
Expedite the deployment of your machine models using serverless cloud infrastructure. In this tutorial, we explore creating and deploying a model which scraps real time Twitter data and returns interactive visualization using R.
Cloud, Machine Learning, R, Twitter
- Can graph machine learning identify hate speech in online social networks? - Sep 11, 2019.
Online hate speech is a complex subject. Follow this demonstration using state-of-the-art graph neural network models to detect hateful users based on their activities on the Twitter social network.
Graph Analytics, Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, Twitter
- Emoji Analytics - Aug 30, 2019.
Emoji is becoming a global language understandable by anyone who expresses... emotion. With the pervasiveness of these little Unicode blocks, we can perform analytics on their use throughout social media to gain insight into sentiments around the world.
Analytics, Emoji, Social Network Analysis, Twitter
- Building NLP Classifiers Cheaply With Transfer Learning and Weak Supervision - Mar 15, 2019.
In this blog, I’ll walk you through a personal project in which I cheaply built a classifier to detect anti-semitic tweets, with no public dataset available, by combining weak supervision and transfer learning.
Pages: 1 2
Bias, fast.ai, NLP, Python, Text Classification, Transfer Learning, Twitter, ULMFiT
Generating Text with RNNs in 4 Lines of Code - Jun 14, 2018.
Want to generate text with little trouble, and without building and tuning a neural network yourself? Let's check out a project which allows you to "easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code."
Donald Trump, LSTM, NLP, Python, Recurrent Neural Networks, Twitter
- How StockTwits Applies Social and Sentiment Data Science - Mar 9, 2018.
StockTwits is a social network for investors and traders, giving them a platform to share assertions and perceptions, analyses and predictions.
Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, Stocks, Stocktwits, Twitter
- Extracting Tweets With R - Nov 14, 2017.
This article will give you a great, brief overview for extracting Tweets using R.
R, Twitter
- Credible Sources of Accurate Information About AI - Oct 9, 2017.
I want to recommend several credible sources of accurate information. Most of the writing on this list is intended to be accessible to anyone—even if you aren’t a programmer or don’t work in tech.
AI, fast.ai, Hype, Jeremy Howard, Rachel Thomas, Research, Twitter, Zeynep Tufekci
- Find Out What Celebrities Tweet About the Most - Oct 5, 2017.
Word cloud is a popular data visualisation method. Here we show how to use R to create twitter word cloud of celebrities and politicians.
Andrew Ng, Data Visualization, Donald Trump, R, Twitter, Word Cloud
- Must-Know: How to determine the influence of a Twitter user? - May 30, 2017.
The influence of a Twitter user goes beyond the simple number of followers. We also want to examine how effective are tweets - how likely they are to be retweeted, favorited, or the links inside clicked upon. What exactly is an influential user depends on the definition.
Influencers, Twitter
- A Beginner’s Guide to Tweet Analytics with Pandas - Mar 29, 2017.
Unlike a lot of other tutorials which often pull from the real-time Twitter API, we will be using the downloadable Twitter Analytics data, and most of what we do will be done in Pandas.
Pandas, Python, Twitter
17 More Must-Know Data Science Interview Questions and Answers, Part 3 - Mar 15, 2017.
The third and final part of 17 new must-know Data Science interview questions and answers covers A/B testing, data visualization, Twitter influence evaluation, and Big Data quality.
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3Vs of Big Data, A/B Testing, Big Data, Data Quality, Data Science, Data Visualization, Influencers, Interview Questions, Statistics, Twitter
- Social Media for Marketing and Healthcare: Focus on Adverse Side Effects - Jan 9, 2017.
Social media like twitter, facebook are very important sources of big data on the internet and using text mining, valuable insights about a product or service can be found to help marketing teams. Lets see, how healthcare companies are using big data and text mining to improve their marketing strategies.
Healthcare, NLP, Social Media, Text Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- An NLP Approach to Analyzing Twitter, Trump, and Profanity - Nov 3, 2016.
Who swears more? Do Twitter users who mention Donald Trump swear more than those who mention Hillary Clinton? Let’s find out by taking a natural language processing approach (or, NLP for short) to analyzing tweets.
Pages: 1 2
Donald Trump, Natural Language Processing, NLP, Twitter
- A simple approach to anomaly detection in periodic big data streams - Aug 24, 2016.
We describe a simple and scaling algorithm that can detect rare and potentially irregular behavior in a time series with periodic patterns. It performs similarly to Twitter's more complex approach.
Anomaly Detection, Apache Spark, BMW, Time Series, Twitter
- Mining Twitter Data with Python Part 7: Geolocation and Interactive Maps - Jul 6, 2016.
The final part of this 7 part series explores using geolocation and interactive maps with Twitter data.
Data Visualization, Geo-Localization, Javascript, Python, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- Mining Twitter Data with Python Part 6: Sentiment Analysis Basics - Jul 5, 2016.
Part 6 of this series builds on the previous installments by exploring the basics of sentiment analysis on Twitter data.
Python, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- Mining Twitter Data with Python Part 5: Data Visualisation Basics - Jun 29, 2016.
Part 5 of this series takes on data visualization, as we look to make sense of our data and highlight interesting insights.
D3.js, Data Visualization, Python, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- Mining Twitter Data with Python Part 4: Rugby and Term Co-occurrences - Jun 27, 2016.
Part 4 of this series employs some of the lessons learned thus far to analyze tweets related to rugby matches and term co-occurrences.
Python, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- Political Data Science: Analyzing Trump, Clinton, and Sanders Tweets and Sentiment - Jun 18, 2016.
This post shares some results of political text analytics performed on Twitter data. How negative are the US Presidential candidate tweets? How does the media mention the candidates in tweets? Read on to find out!
Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, ParseHub, Politics, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter
- Mining Twitter Data with Python Part 1: Collecting Data - Jun 15, 2016.
Part 1 of a 7 part series focusing on mining Twitter data for a variety of use cases. This first post lays the groundwork, and focuses on data collection.
Python, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Twitter
- Fun and Top! US States in 2 Words using twitteR - Feb 19, 2015.
Combining twitteR package with text mining techniques and visualization tools can produce interesting outputs. Find out which US state is fun and top, and which is good and crazy, according to Twitter.
R, Text Mining, Twitter, USA
- TweetNLP: Twitter Natural Language Processing - Oct 24, 2014.
A short overview of Natural Language Processing tools and utilities developed by Prof. Noah Smith, CMU and his team to analyze Twitter data.
Advanced Analytics, ARK, CMU, Datasets, NLP, Speech, Tools, Twitter