- Top Quora Data Science Writers and Their Best Advice, Updated - Jul 24, 2017.
Get some insight into tips and tricks, the future of the field, career advice, code snippets, and more from the top data science writers on Quora.
Data Science, Quora, Top list
Top 20 Recent Research Papers on Machine Learning and Deep Learning - Apr 6, 2017.
Machine learning and Deep Learning research advances are transforming our technology. Here are the 20 most important (most-cited) scientific papers that have been published since 2014, starting with "Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting".
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Research, Top list, Yoshua Bengio
- AI and Machine Learning: Top Influencers and Brands - Mar 8, 2016.
Onalytica gives us a new list of the top 100 Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning influencers and brands, and provides some insight into the relationships between them.
About Gregory Piatetsky, AI, Influencers, Kirk D. Borne, Machine Learning, Onalytica, Top list
- Top 100 Big Data Experts to Follow - Jan 15, 2016.
Maptive gives us another list of top Big Data Influencers to check out, including data-driven reasons as to why individuals are included.
Big Data Influencers, Maptive, Matthew Mayo, Top list
- Top 20 R packages by popularity - Jun 25, 2015.
Wondering which are the most popular R packages? Here's an analysis based on most downloaded R packages from Jan to May 2015 to identify the top trending packages in the R world!
CRAN, R, R Packages, Top list
- Top 20 R Machine Learning and Data Science packages - Jun 24, 2015.
We list out the top 20 popular Machine Learning R packages by analysing the most downloaded R packages from Jan-May 2015.
CRAN, Data Science, Machine Learning, R, R Packages, Top list
- Top Research Leaders in Data Mining, Data Science, and KDD - Aug 16, 2014.
We identify the top researchers in Data Mining, Data Science, and KDD. Jiawei Han, Philip Yu, and Christos Faloutsos remain the leaders, but they are joined by many fast rising young researchers - the leaders of tomorrow.
Christos Faloutsos, Data Mining, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jian Pei, Jiawei Han, KDD, Philip S. Yu, Researchers, Top list