- 10 Simple Things to Try Before Neural Networks - Dec 6, 2021.
Below are 10 simple things you should remember to try first before throwing in the towel and jumping straight to neural networks.
Deep Learning, Machine Learning Engineer, Tips
- Building and Operationalizing Machine Learning Models: Three tips for success - Oct 7, 2021.
With more enterprises implementing machine learning to improve revenue and operations, properly operationalizing the ML lifecycle in a holistic way is crucial for data teams to make their projects efficient and effective.
Deployment, Machine Learning, Machine Learning Engineer, Tips
- How to get Python PCAP Certification: Roadmap, Resources, Tips For Success, Based On My Experience - Sep 15, 2021.
Follow this journey of personal experience -- with useful tips and learning resources -- to help you achieve the PCAP Certification, one of the most reputed Python Certifications, to validate your knowledge against International Standards.
Advice, Certification, Python, Tips
- How to solve machine learning problems in the real world - Sep 2, 2021.
Becoming a machine learning engineer pro is your goal? Sure, online ML courses and Kaggle-style competitions are great resources to learn the basics. However, the daily job of a ML engineer requires an additional layer of skills that you won’t master through these approaches.
Advice, Business, Data Quality, Machine Learning, SQL, Tips, XGBoost
- Data Scientist’s Guide to Efficient Coding in Python - Aug 18, 2021.
Read this fantastic collection of tips and tricks the author uses for writing clean code on a day-to-day basis.
Programming, Python, Tips
- Streamlit Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for Data Scientists - Jul 13, 2021.
Today, I am going to talk about a few tips that I learned within more than a year of using Streamlit, that you can also use to unleash your powerful DS/AI/ML (whatever they may be) applications.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Streamlit, Tips
Awesome Tricks And Best Practices From Kaggle - Apr 5, 2021.
Easily learn what is only learned by hours of search and exploration.
Data Science, Kaggle, Machine Learning, Tips
- My machine learning model does not learn. What should I do? - Feb 10, 2021.
This article presents 7 hints on how to get out of the quicksand.
Algorithms, Business Context, Data Quality, Hyperparameter, Machine Learning, Modeling, Tips
- 10 Python Skills for Beginners - Dec 3, 2020.
Python is the fastest growing, most-beloved programming language. Get started with these Data Science tips.
Data Science, Programming, Python, Tips
- 5 Things You Are Doing Wrong in PyCaret - Nov 16, 2020.
PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with few words only. This makes experiments exponentially fast and efficient. Find out 5 ways to improve your usage of the library.
Machine Learning, PyCaret, Python, Tips
Software Engineering Tips and Best Practices for Data Science - Oct 13, 2020.
Bringing your work as a Data Scientist into the real-world means transforming your experiments, test, and detailed analysis into great code that can be deployed as efficient and effective software solutions. You must learn how to enable your machine learning algorithms to integrate with IT systems by taking them out of your notebooks and delivering them to the business by following software engineering standards.
Best Practices, Data Science, Software Engineering, Tips
How I Consistently Improve My Machine Learning Models From 80% to Over 90% Accuracy - Sep 23, 2020.
Data science work typically requires a big lift near the end to increase the accuracy of any model developed. These five recommendations will help improve your machine learning models and help your projects reach their target goals.
Accuracy, Ensemble Methods, Feature Engineering, Feature Selection, Hyperparameter, Machine Learning, Missing Values, Tips
- MathWorks Deep learning workflow: tips, tricks, and often forgotten steps - Sep 22, 2020.
Getting started in deep learning – and adopting an organized, sustainable, and reproducible workflow – can be challenging. This blog post will share some tips and tricks to help you develop a systematic, effective, attainable, and scalable deep learning workflow as you experiment with different deep learning models, datasets, and applications.
Deep Learning, MathWorks, MATLAB, Tips
- 4 Tricks to Effectively Use JSON in Python - Sep 8, 2020.
Working with JSON in Python is a breeze, this will get you started right away.
Programming, Python, Tips
- 3 Advanced Python Features You Should Know - Jul 16, 2020.
As a Data Scientist, you are already spending most of your time getting your data ready for prime time. Follow these real-world scenarios to learn how to leverage the advanced techniques in Python of list comprehension, Lambda expressions, and the Map function to get the job done faster.
Pandas, Programming, Python, Tips
- TensorFlow Dev Summit 2020: Top 10 Tricks for TensorFlow and Google Colab Users - Apr 8, 2020.
In this piece, we’ll highlight some of the tips and tricks mentioned during this year’s TF summit. Specifically, these tips will help you in getting the best out of Google’s Colab.
Google, Google Colab, TensorFlow, Tips
- 5 Google Colaboratory Tips - Mar 2, 2020.
Are you looking for some tips for using Google Colab for your projects? This article presents five you may find useful.
Google, Google Colab, Jupyter, Python, Tips
10 Python Tips and Tricks You Should Learn Today - Jan 8, 2020.
Check out this collection of 10 Python snippets that can be taken as a reference for your daily work.
Programming, Python, Tips
- Pro Tips: How to deal with Class Imbalance and Missing Labels - Nov 20, 2019.
Your spectacularly-performing machine learning model could be subject to the common culprits of class imbalance and missing labels. Learn how to handle these challenges with techniques that remain open areas of new research for addressing real-world machine learning problems.
Balancing Classes, Data Preparation, Missing Values, Tips, Unbalanced
- Top 7 Things I Learned in my Data Science Masters - Oct 15, 2019.
Even though I’m still in my studies, here’s a list of the most important things I’ve learned (as of yet).
Data Science, Data Science Education, Tips
- 4 Tips for Advanced Feature Engineering and Preprocessing - Aug 29, 2019.
Techniques for creating new features, detecting outliers, handling imbalanced data, and impute missing values.
Data Preprocessing, Feature Engineering, Python, Tips
- 9 Tips For Training Lightning-Fast Neural Networks In Pytorch - Aug 9, 2019.
Who is this guide for? Anyone working on non-trivial deep learning models in Pytorch such as industrial researchers, Ph.D. students, academics, etc. The models we're talking about here might be taking you multiple days to train or even weeks or months.
Neural Networks, Performance, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, Tips
- 25 Tricks for Pandas - Aug 6, 2019.
Check out this video (and Jupyter notebook) which outlines a number of Pandas tricks for working with and manipulating data, covering topics such as string manipulations, splitting and filtering DataFrames, combining and aggregating data, and more.
Pandas, Python, Tips
- 7 Tips for Dealing With Small Data - Jul 29, 2019.
At my workplace, we produce a lot of functional prototypes for our clients. Because of this, I often need to make Small Data go a long way. In this article, I’ll share 7 tips to improve your results when prototyping with small datasets.
Cross-validation, Data Models, Ensemble Methods, Modeling, Tips, Transfer Learning
- Things I Have Learned About Data Science - Jul 16, 2019.
Read this collection of 38 things the author has learned along his travels, and has opted to share for the benefit of the reader.
Data Science, Tips
- 10 Simple Hacks to Speed up Your Data Analysis in Python - Jul 11, 2019.
This article lists some curated tips for working with Python and Jupyter Notebooks, covering topics such as easily profiling data, formatting code and output, debugging, and more. Hopefully you can find something useful within.
Data Analysis, Jupyter, Pandas, Python, Tips
- Checklist for Debugging Neural Networks - Mar 22, 2019.
Check out these tangible steps you can take to identify and fix issues with training, generalization, and optimization for machine learning models.
Checklist, Modeling, Neural Networks, Optimization, Tips, Training
- Good Feature Building Techniques and Tricks for Kaggle - Dec 31, 2018.
A selection of top tips to obtain great results on Kaggle leaderboards, including useful code examples showing how best to use Latitude and Longitude features.
Feature Engineering, Kaggle, Tips
Should you become a data scientist? - Dec 10, 2018.
An overview of the current situation for data scientists, from its origins and history, to the recent growth in job postings, and looking at what changes the future might bring.
Career, Data Science, Data Scientist, History, Machine Learning, Tips, Trends
- Kick Start Your Data Career! Tips From the Frontline - Dec 5, 2018.
I am going to provide very interesting and useful tips through this blog series which will help students to kick start their career in Data.
Career, Data Science, Tips

Machine Learning Cheat Sheets - Sep 11, 2018.
Check out this collection of machine learning concept cheat sheets based on Stanord CS 229 material, including supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, tips & tricks, probability & stats, and algebra & calculus.
Cheat Sheet, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Neural Networks, Probability, Statistics, Supervised Learning, Tips, Unsupervised Learning
- Improving the Performance of a Neural Network - May 30, 2018.
There are many techniques available that could help us achieve that. Follow along to get to know them and to build your own accurate neural network.
Ensemble Methods, Hyperparameter, Neural Networks, Overfitting, Tips
3 Essential Google Colaboratory Tips & Tricks - Feb 12, 2018.
Google Colaboratory is a promising machine learning research platform. Here are 3 tips to simplify its usage and facilitate using a GPU, installing libraries, and uploading data files.
Google, Google Colab, Python, TensorFlow, Tips
Web Scraping Tutorial with Python: Tips and Tricks - Feb 1, 2018.
This post is intended for people who are interested to know about the common design patterns, pitfalls and rules related to the web scraping.
BeautifulSoup, Python, Tips, Web Scraping