- Transform speech into knowledge with Huggingface/Facebook AI and expert.ai - Sep 28, 2021.
Speech2Data is a blend of open source and free-to-use AI models and technologies powered by Huggingface, Facebook AI and expert.ai. Learn more here.
Expert.ai, Facebook, Hugging Face, Speech Recognition
- Free dataset worth $1350 to test the accent gap! - Aug 3, 2021.
With so many accent variations, how do speech and voice technologies keep up? In a few words: accented speech training data, representative of diverse groups of people. The more people your model can understand, the more likely you are to acquire and retain customers.
Competition, Dataset, Marketplace, Speech Recognition
- Implementing MLOps on an Edge Device - Aug 4, 2020.
This article introduces developers to MLOps and strategies for implementing MLOps on edge devices.
Edge Analytics, Machine Learning, MLOps, Speech Recognition, Workflow
- A 2019 Guide for Automatic Speech Recognition - Sep 24, 2019.
In this article, we’ll look at a couple of papers aimed at solving the problem of automated speech recognition with machine and deep learning.
NLP, Speech Recognition
- Build Your First Voice Assistant - Sep 6, 2019.
Hone your practical speech recognition application skills with this overview of building a voice assistant using Python.
Machine Learning, NLP, Python, Speech Recognition
- Practical Speech Recognition with Python: The Basics - Jul 9, 2019.
Do you fear implementing speech recognition in your Python apps? Read this tutorial for a simple approach to getting practical with speech recognition using open source Python libraries.
Google, NLP, Python, Speech Recognition
- Comparison of the Top Speech Processing APIs - Dec 28, 2018.
There are two main tasks in speech processing. First one is to transform speech to text. The second is to convert the text into human speech. We will describe the general aspects of each API and then compare their main features in the table.
Amazon, API, Google Cloud, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, NLP, Speech Recognition
- Building an Audio Classifier using Deep Neural Networks - Dec 15, 2017.
Using a deep convolutional neural network architecture to classify audio and how to effectively use transfer learning and data-augmentation to improve model accuracy using small datasets.
Acoustics, Audio, Deep Learning, Python, Speech, Speech Recognition, Transfer Learning
Deep Learning Zero to One: 5 Awe-Inspiring Demos with Code for Beginners, part 2 - Jul 1, 2017.
Here are deep learning examples and demos you can just download and run, including Spotify Artist Search using Speech APIs, Symbolic AI Speech Recognition, and Algorithmia API Photo Colorizer.
AI, Algorithmia, Beginners, Clarifai, Deep Learning, GitHub, iOS, Speech Recognition, Spotify
- Open Source Toolkits for Speech Recognition - Mar 14, 2017.
This article reviews the main options for free speech recognition toolkits that use traditional Hidden Markov Models and n-gram language models.
C++, Java, Open Source, Python, Speech Recognition, SVDS
- Artificial Intelligence and Speech Recognition for Chatbots: A Primer - Jan 26, 2017.
Bot bots bots... Read this overview of how artificial intelligence and natural language processing are contributing to chatbot development, and where it all goes from here.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Speech Recognition
- Data Science of Sales Calls: 3 Actionable Findings - Jan 19, 2017.
How does AI help sales and marketing teams in the organisation? Let’s understand Dos and don’ts of sales calls with the help of analysis of over 70,000+ B2B SaaS sales calls.
AI, Gong.io, Machine Learning, Sales, Speech Recognition
- Data Science of Sales Calls: The Surprising Words That Signal Trouble or Success - Sep 29, 2016.
While not as profound a problem as uncovering the secrets of the universe, how to conduct a successful sales conversation is an age-old problem, impacting millions of people every day.
Gong.io, Machine Learning, Sales, Speech Recognition
- Microsoft is Becoming M(ai)crosoft - Apr 25, 2016.
This post is an overview and discussion of Microsoft's increasing investment in, and approach to, artificial intelligence, and how their philosophy differs from their competitors.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Cortana, Machine Learning, Microsoft, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition