- What Is The Real Difference Between Data Engineers and Data Scientists? - Sep 16, 2021.
To launch your data career, you’ll need both theoretical knowledge and applied skills. Bootcamp programs like Springboard’s Data Science Career Track and Data Engineering Career Track can help make you job-ready through hands-on, project-based learning and one-on-one mentorship. Wondering which data career path is right for you? Read on to find out.
Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Skills, Springboard
- Popular Certifications to validate your data and analytics skills - Sep 7, 2021.
Check out the most popular certifications from SAS to see what certification you want to pursue next. Now through the end of 2021, you can save 55% on your exam!
Certification, Data Analytics, SAS, SAS Certification, Skills
- Machine Learning Skills – Update Yours This Summer - Jul 27, 2021.
The process of mastering new knowledge often requires multiple passes to ensure the information is deeply understood. If you already began your journey into machine learning and data science, then you are likely ready for a refresher on topics you previously covered. This eight-week self-learning path will help you recapture the foundations and prepare you for future success in applying these skills.
Computer Vision, Data Science Skills, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Skills
- The Most In Demand Skills for Data Engineers in 2021 - May 18, 2021.
If you are preparing to make a career in data or are looking for opportunities to skill-up in your current data-centric role, then this analysis of in-demand skills for 2021, based on over 17,000 Data Engineer job postings, should offer you a good idea as to which programming languages and software tools are increasing and decreasing in importance.
Apache Spark, AWS, Data Engineer, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Python, Skills, SQL
- 5 Supporting Skills That Can Help You Get a Data Science Job - Feb 25, 2021.
If you want to stand out among your fellow applicants, here are some supporting skills you should develop.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Skills
Introduction to Data Engineering - Dec 3, 2020.
The Q&A for the most frequently asked questions about Data Engineering: What does a data engineer do? What is a data pipeline? What is a data warehouse? How is a data engineer different from a data scientist? What skills and programming languages do you need to learn to become a data engineer?
Analytics, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Science, Skills
New Poll: Which Data Science Skills You Have and Which Ones You Want? Vote Now - Aug 5, 2020.
Take part in the latest KDnuggets poll, and share your insights with the community. Which Data Science skills do you currently possess, and which are you looking forward to add or improve upon? Vote now!
Career, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Poll, Skills
Skills to Build for Data Engineering - Jun 4, 2020.
This article jumps into the latest skill set observations in the Data Engineering Job Market which could definitely add a boost to your existing career or assist you in starting off your Data Engineering journey.
Career Advice, Data Engineering, Skills
The 4 Quadrants of Data Science Skills and 7 Principles for Creating a Viral Data Visualization - Oct 7, 2019.
As a data scientist, your most important skill is creating meaningful visualizations to disseminate knowledge and impact your organization or client. These seven principals will guide you toward developing charts with clarity, as exemplified with data from a recent KDnuggets poll.
Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Visualization, Excel, Java, Python, Skills, TensorFlow
Which Data Science Skills are core and which are hot/emerging ones? - Sep 17, 2019.
We identify two main groups of Data Science skills: A: 13 core, stable skills that most respondents have and B: a group of hot, emerging skills that most do not have (yet) but want to add. See our detailed analysis.
Career, Data Science Skills, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Excel, Machine Learning, Poll, Python, PyTorch, Scala, Skills, Statistics, TensorFlow
New Poll: Data Science Skills - Aug 28, 2019.
New KDnuggets poll asks 1) What Data Science/Machine Learning-related skills you currently have, and 2) Which skills you want to add or improve? If you are human, please vote and we will analyze and publish the results.
Data Science Skills, Poll, Skills
Top 13 Skills To Become a Rockstar Data Scientist - Jul 26, 2019.
Education, coding, SQL, big data platforms, storytelling and more. These are the 13 skills you need to master to become a rockstar data scientist.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Skills
- 12 Things I Learned During My First Year as a Machine Learning Engineer - Jul 23, 2019.
Learn about the day-in-the-life of one machine learning engineer and the important lessons learned for being successful in that role.
Advice, Best Practices, Communication, Machine Learning Engineer, Skills
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning your Career to Data Science – Part 2 - Jun 7, 2019.
How do you identify the technical skills a hiring manager is looking for? How do you build a data science project that draws the attention of a hiring manager?
Career Advice, Data Science, Skills, SQL, Tableau

A Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning your Career to Data Science – Part 1 - May 31, 2019.
If you are looking to transition your career to data science, don't immediately start learning Python or R. Instead, leverage the domain expertise you have accumulated over the years. Here's a foolproof guide on how to do that.
Career Advice, Data Science, Skills
- The Analytics Engineer – new role in the data team - Feb 13, 2019.
In a constantly changing landscape and with many companies, the roles and responsibilities of data engineers, analysts, and data scientists are changing, forcing the introduction of a new role: The Analytics Engineer.
Analytics, Analytics Team, Data Science Team, Engineer, Skills

Your AI skills are worth less than you think - Jan 25, 2019.
We are in the middle of an AI boom. That doesn’t mean that making your AI startup succeed is easy. I think there are some important pitfalls ahead of anyone trying to build their business around AI.
AI, Skills, Startups
How to go from Zero to Employment in Data Science - Jan 15, 2019.
We propose the quickest and surest way to go from zero experience to landing a job, either in data science generally, or specifically in a new programming language or a new technology.
Career, Data Science, Hiring, Skills
- 8 Ways to Improve Your Data Science Skills in 2 Years - Nov 17, 2017.
Two years. Two years is the maximum amount of time you should spend focused on your learning, education and training. That’s exactly why this guide is focused on honing the most beneficial skills in two years.
Data Science, Data Science Skills, Skills, Training
Closing the Insights-to-Action Gap - Sep 5, 2017.
There are many types of analytics for getting insight out of data, but the bigger and more difficult challenge is turning that insight into action. What should we do differently based on your findings?
Analytics, Gartner, Optimization, Skills
Top mistakes data scientists make when dealing with business people - Apr 13, 2017.
There are no cover articles praising the fails of the many data scientists that don’t live up to the hype. Here we examine 3 typical mistakes and how to avoid them.
Business, Data Scientist, Mistakes, Skills
- How to stay out of analytic rabbit holes: avoiding investigation loops and their traps - Apr 6, 2017.
Data scientists tend to think that their main job is to answer complex questions and gain in-depth insights, bu in reality it is all about solving problems – and the only way to solve a problem is to act on it.
Data Science, Methodology, Skills
- What makes a great data scientist? - Mar 30, 2017.
Here are 3 key traits that differentiate between a data scientist and a great data scientist, starting with – great data scientist is obsessed with solving problems, not new tools.
Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Skills
- 10 Tips to Improve your Data Science Interview - Nov 29, 2016.
Interviewing is a skill. Here are 10 tips and resources to improve your Data Science interviews.
Career, Data Science, Interview Questions, Skills
- Cartoon: Labor Day in the era of Robotics - Sep 5, 2016.
Amidst all the discussion about robots and automation taking over human jobs, new KDnuggets cartoon looks at how Labor Day can evolve by 2050.
Automated, Cartoon, Labor Day, Robots, Skills
How to Become a Data Scientist – Part 1 - Aug 22, 2016.
Check out this excellent (and exhaustive) article on becoming a data scientist, written by someone who spends their day recruiting data scientists. Do yourself a favor and read the whole way through. You won't regret it!
Pages: 1 2 3 4
Career, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Skills
- Practical skills that practical data scientists need - May 13, 2016.
The long story short, data scientist needs to be capable of solving business analytics problems. Learn more about the skill-set you need to master to achieve so.
Business Context, Data Scientist, Mathematics, Skills, SQL
- 10 Signs Of A Bad Data Scientist - Apr 6, 2016.
With the number of people claiming to be a data scientist growing, the “true” data scientists are becoming hard to find. Here your guide identify the clues to catch a bad data scientists.
Data Scientist, Skills
- Data Science Skills for 2016 - Feb 12, 2016.
As demand for the hottest job is getting hotter in new year, the skill set required for them is getting larger. Here, we are discussing the skills which will be in high demand for data scientist which include data visualization, Apache Spark, R, python and many more.
Apache Spark, CrowdFlower, Data Science, Python, Skills, SQL
- Most Demanded Data Science and Data Mining Skills - Dec 15, 2014.
Our analysis of most demanded data scientist skills shows that Data Science is a team effort focused on business analytics, with top 5 platform skills being SQL, Python, R, SAS, and Hadoop.
Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Hadoop, New York-NY, Python, R, SAS, Skills, SQL
- Hiring Data Scientists: What to look for? - Sep 9, 2014.
Know key characteristics of what makes up a good data scientist based upon the three authors’ consulting and research experience, having collaborated with many companies world-wide on the topics of big data and analytics.
Analytics, Big Data, Business, Data Mining, Data Scientist, Hiring, Programming, Skills, Statistics
- Interview: Samaneh Moghaddam, Applied Researcher, eBay on Opinion Mining – Typical Projects and Major Challenges - Jun 27, 2014.
We discuss typical sentiment analysis problems at eBay, underrated challenges, career motivation, important soft skills and more.
Advice, Challenges, eBay, Interview, Samaneh Moghaddam, Skills
- Split on Data Science Skills: Individual vs Team Approach - Jan 21, 2014.
The results of latest KDnuggets poll show an almost equal split between those who favor individual and those who favor the team approach. See the counterintuitive regional differences and interesting comments.
Data Science, Poll, Skills, Team