- AI Books you should read in 2021 - May 27, 2021.
As of late, every year seems to be a "break-out" year for AI. So, it's time for you to get ready for the future in the age of automation. This collection of books will help you prepare for the many opportunities to come, many of which may not have yet been imagined.
AGI, AI, Books, Business, China, Singularity
- Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in less than 50 years, say KDnuggets readers - Jan 5, 2018.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will likely be achieved in less than 50 years, according to latest KDnuggets Poll. The median estimate from all regions was 21-50 years, except in Asia where AGI is expected in 11-20 years.
AGI, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Poll, Singularity
- Cartoon: Hello, Singularity - Jan 11, 2015.
New KDnuggets cartoon takes a look at what can happen when Artificial Intelligence (AI) achieves Singularity.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Cartoon, Singularity
- KDnuggets Exclusive: Part 2 of the Interview with Yann LeCun - Feb 20, 2014.
We discuss how far AI is likely to go, how Data Science to Statistics is like Computer Science was to Math, Big Data hype and reality, and advice to beginning Data Scientists.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Hype, NYU, Singularity, Yann LeCun