- Sentiment Analysis API vs Custom Text Classification: Which one to choose? - Nov 30, 2021.
In this article, we are going to compare the sentiment extraction performance between Sentiment Analysis engines and Custom Text classification engines. The idea is to show pros and cons of these two types of engines on a concrete dataset.
API, Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification
- Sentiment Analysis with KNIME - Nov 29, 2021.
Check out this tutorial on how to approach sentiment classification with supervised machine learning algorithms.
Knime, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics
- Using Twitter to Understand Pizza Delivery Apprehension During COVID - Aug 6, 2021.
Analyzing customer sentiments and capturing any specific difference in emotion to order Dominos pizza in India during lockdown.
Analytics, COVID-19, Data Science, Retail, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter
- How to Create and Deploy a Simple Sentiment Analysis App via API - Jun 1, 2021.
In this article we will create a simple sentiment analysis app using the HuggingFace Transformers library, and deploy it using FastAPI.
FastAPI, Hugging Face, NLP, Python, Sentiment Analysis, Transformer
6 NLP Techniques Every Data Scientist Should Know - Feb 12, 2021.
Natural language processing has already begun to transform to way humans interact with computers, and its advances are moving rapidly. The field is built on core methods that must first be understood, with which you can then launch your data science projects to a new level of sophistication and value.
NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization, Topic Modeling
Roadmap to Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Oct 19, 2020.
Check out this introduction to some of the most common techniques and models used in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Data Preprocessing, LDA, NLP, Python, Roadmap, Sentiment Analysis, Transformer, Word Embeddings
8 AI/Machine Learning Projects To Make Your Portfolio Stand Out - Sep 9, 2020.
If you are just starting down a path toward a career in Data Science, or you are already a seasoned practitioner, then keeping active to advance your experience through side projects is invaluable to take you to the next professional level. These eight interesting project ideas with source code and reference articles will jump start you to thinking outside of the box.
AI, Career, Face Recognition, Machine Learning, Music, Natural Language Generation, Portfolio, Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization
- What is emotion AI and why should you care? - Jun 19, 2020.
What is emotion AI, why is it relevant, and what do you need to know about it?
AI, Chatbot, Emotion, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- 5 Essential Papers on Sentiment Analysis - Jun 9, 2020.
To highlight some of the work being done in the field, here are five essential papers on sentiment analysis and sentiment classification.
NLP, Research, Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification
- Alternative Data, Text Analytics, and Sentiment Analysis in Trading and Investing - Mar 25, 2020.
Different types of data beyond your typical dollars and cents have been used in the finance industry for many years. By leveraging machine learning, sentiment data is expected to play an increasingly dominant role in the investment industry, and this article highlights some special challenges of its use in trading models.
Investment, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics
An Introductory Guide to NLP for Data Scientists with 7 Common Techniques - Jan 9, 2020.
Data Scientists work with tons of data, and many times that data includes natural language text. This guide reviews 7 common techniques with code examples to introduce you the essentials of NLP, so you can begin performing analysis and building models from textual data.
Data Preparation, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, TF-IDF, Tokenization, Topic Modeling, Word Embeddings
- Sentiment and Emotion Analysis for Beginners: Types and Challenges - Oct 1, 2019.
There are three types of emotion AI, and their combinations. In this article, I’ll briefly go through these three types and the challenges of their real-life applications.
Beginners, Emotion, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- A Gentle Guide to Starting Your NLP Project with AllenNLP - Jul 10, 2019.
For those who aren’t familiar with AllenNLP, I will give a brief overview of the library and let you know the advantages of integrating it to your project.
Allen Institute, NLP, Python, Sentiment Analysis
- Free resources to learn Natural Language Processing - Sep 18, 2018.
An extensive list of free resources to help you learn Natural Language Processing, including explanations on Text Classification, Sequence Labeling, Machine Translation and more.
Beginners, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification
Detecting Sarcasm with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks - Jun 21, 2018.
Detection of sarcasm is important in other areas such as affective computing and sentiment analysis because such expressions can flip the polarity of a sentence.
arXiv, Convolutional Neural Networks, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
50+ Useful Machine Learning & Prediction APIs, 2018 Edition - May 1, 2018.
Extensive list of 50+ APIs in Face and Image Recognition ,Text Analysis, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Language Translation, Machine Learning and prediction.
API, Face Recognition, Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics
- Understanding What is Behind Sentiment Analysis – Part 2 - Apr 20, 2018.
Fine-tuning our sentiment classifier...
Classification, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- Understanding What is Behind Sentiment Analysis – Part 1 - Apr 13, 2018.
Build your first sentiment classifier in 3 steps.
Classification, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
5 Things You Need to Know about Sentiment Analysis and Classification - Mar 23, 2018.
We take a look at the important things you need to know about sentiment analysis, including social media, classification, evaluation metrics and how to visualise the results.
Classification, Explained, Sentiment Analysis
- How StockTwits Applies Social and Sentiment Data Science - Mar 9, 2018.
StockTwits is a social network for investors and traders, giving them a platform to share assertions and perceptions, analyses and predictions.
Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, Stocks, Stocktwits, Twitter
- The Analytics of Emotion and Depression - Apr 26, 2017.
Analytics can be used to provide a boost to the cure of depression. How analytics is being adopted by companies like Microsoft, Facebook to handle and detect vulnerable targets of depression.
Analytics, Depression, India, Instagram, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media Analytics, Text Analysis
- Text Mining Amazon Mobile Phone Reviews: Interesting Insights - Jan 10, 2017.
We analyzed more than 400 thousand reviews of unlocked mobile phones sold on Amazon.com to find out insights with respect to reviews, ratings, price and their relationships.
Amazon, Analytics, Product reviews, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics, Text Mining
- SlangSD: A Sentiment Dictionary for Slang Words - Sep 14, 2016.
The Slang Sentiment Dictionary (SlangSD) includes over 90,000 slang words together with their sentiment scores, facilitating sentiment analysis in user-generated contents.
Natural Language Processing, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- Mining Twitter Data with Python Part 6: Sentiment Analysis Basics - Jul 5, 2016.
Part 6 of this series builds on the previous installments by exploring the basics of sentiment analysis on Twitter data.
Python, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- Political Data Science: Analyzing Trump, Clinton, and Sanders Tweets and Sentiment - Jun 18, 2016.
This post shares some results of political text analytics performed on Twitter data. How negative are the US Presidential candidate tweets? How does the media mention the candidates in tweets? Read on to find out!
Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, ParseHub, Politics, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter
- 50 Useful Machine Learning & Prediction APIs - Dec 7, 2015.
We present a list of 50 APIs selected from areas like machine learning, prediction, text analytics & classification, face recognition, language translation etc. Start consuming APIs!
Pages: 1 2
API, Data Science, Face Recognition, IBM Watson, Image Recognition, Machine Learning, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- Sentiment Analysis 101 - Dec 3, 2015.
Sentiment analysis can be incredibly useful, and can help companies better answer pertinent questions and gain valuable business insights. Sentiment analysis technologies will continue to improve as they become more widely adopted. But what can sentiment analysis do for you?
Buzzlogix, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Competition - Oct 13, 2015.
SemEval is back and so is the Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) competition, which has gone multilingual for ABSA16. Get all of the details below.
Competition, Sentiment Analysis
- SentimentBuilder: Visual Analysis of Unstructured Texts - Sep 18, 2015.
Sankey diagrams are mainly used to visualize the flow of data on energy flows, material flow and trade-offs. SentimentBuilder found how to use them with unstructured text in their online NLP tool.
Data Visualization, Sentiment Analysis, Text Mining
- 11 things to know about Sentiment Analysis - Aug 13, 2015.
Seth Grimes, a text analytics guru, shares 11 key observations on what works, what is past, what is coming, and what to keep in mind while doing sentiment analysis.
Affective Computing, Emoji, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics