Path to Full Stack Data Science - Sep 27, 2021.
Start your journey toward mastering all aspects of the field of Data Science with this focused list of in-depth self-learning resources. Curated with the beginner in mind, these recommendations will help you learn efficiently, and can also offer existing professionals useful highlights for review or help filling in any gaps in skills.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Mathematics, Python, R, Roadmap
Learning Data Science and Machine Learning: First Steps After The Roadmap - Aug 24, 2021.
Just getting into learning data science may seem as daunting as (if not more than) trying to land your first job in the field. With so many options and resources online and in traditional academia to consider, these pre-requisites and pre-work are recommended before diving deep into data science and AI/ML.
Data Science, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Python, Roadmap, Statistics
- Data Science Curriculum for Professionals - Mar 25, 2021.
If you are looking to expand or transition your current professional career that is buried in spreadsheet analysis into one powered by data science, then you are in for an exciting but complex journey with much to explore and master. To begin your adventure, following this complete road map to guide you from a gnome in the forest of spreadsheets to an AI wizard known far and wide throughout the kingdom.
Cloud Computing, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Python, R, Roadmap, Statistics
Data Science Learning Roadmap for 2021 - Feb 26, 2021.
Venturing into the world of Data Science is an exciting, interesting, and rewarding path to consider. There is a great deal to master, and this self-learning recommendation plan will guide you toward establishing a solid understanding of all that is foundational to data science as well as a solid portfolio to showcase your developed expertise.
Data Engineering, Data Preparation, Data Science, Data Science Education, Python, Roadmap, SQL
- Roadmaps to becoming a Full-Stack AI Developer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, and more - Dec 2, 2020.
As the fields related to AI and Data Science expand, they are becoming complex with more options and specializations to consider. If you are beginning your journey toward becoming an expert in Artificial Intelligence, this roadmap will guide you to find your path along what to learn next while steering clear of the latest hype.
Advice, AI, Career, Data Scientist, Developer, Learning Path, Machine Learning Engineer, Roadmap
- Roadmap to Computer Vision - Oct 26, 2020.
Read this introduction to the main steps which compose a computer vision system, starting from how images are pre-processed, features extracted and predictions are made.
Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks, Data Preprocessing, Neural Networks, Roadmap
Roadmap to Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Oct 19, 2020.
Check out this introduction to some of the most common techniques and models used in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Data Preprocessing, LDA, NLP, Python, Roadmap, Sentiment Analysis, Transformer, Word Embeddings