- How to Build an Impressive Data Science Resume - Apr 28, 2021.
Every one of us needs a resume to showcase our skills and experience but how much effort are we putting into it to make it impactful. It is undeniable that resumes play a key role in our job application process. This article will explore some simple strategies to significantly improve the presentation as well as the content of data science resumes.
Career Advice, Data Science, Resume
- Using NLP to improve your Resume - Feb 23, 2021.
This article discusses performing keyword matching and text analysis on job descriptions.
Career Advice, NLP, Resume, Text Analysis
How to Optimize Your CV for a Data Scientist Career - Aug 26, 2020.
As the number of data science positions continues to grow dramatically, so does the number of data scientists in the marketplace. Follow these expert tips and examples to help make your resume and job applications stand out in an increasingly competitive field.
Career, Career Advice, Data Scientist, Hiring, Resume
- 7 Steps to a Job-winning Data Science Resume - Jan 10, 2020.
A resume plays a key role in bagging that dream data science job. We break down the nuances of a job-winning data science resume so that you can go ahead and transform your own resume.
Career Advice, Careers, Data Science, Resume
- How I used NLP (Spacy) to screen Data Science Resumes - Feb 6, 2019.
A real life example of when using NLP can help filter down a list of candidates for a job opening, with full source code and methodology.
Data Science, Hiring, NLP, Resume
How to Build a Data Science Portfolio - Jul 25, 2018.
This post will include links to where various data science professionals (data science managers, data scientists, social media icons, or some combination thereof) and others talk about what to have in a portfolio and how to get noticed.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Portfolio, Resume, Social Media
Text Mining 101: Mining Information From A Resume - May 24, 2017.
We show a framework for mining relevant entities from a text resume, and how to separation parsing logic from entity specification.
Career, Natural Language Processing, NLP, Resume, Text Analytics, Text Mining
- Data Science Resume Tips and Guidelines - Jan 8, 2016.
A well-built resume is key to get through the first door – in the process of getting hired as a Data Scientist. Learn more, about how to present yourself as a true DS and which pitfalls to avoid.
Data Scientist, DeZyre, Hiring, Khushbu Shah, Resume