- Serving ML Models in Production: Common Patterns - Oct 18, 2021.
Over the past couple years, we've seen 4 common patterns of machine learning in production: pipeline, ensemble, business logic, and online learning. In the ML serving space, implementing these patterns typically involves a tradeoff between ease of development and production readiness. Ray Serve was built to support these patterns by being both easy to develop and production ready.
FastAPI, Machine Learning, Production, Python, Ray
- Parallelizing Python Code - Oct 4, 2021.
This article reviews some common options for parallelizing Python code, including process-based parallelism, specialized libraries, ipython parallel, and Ray.
Distributed Computing, Parallelism, Programming, Python, Ray
- Fast AutoML with FLAML + Ray Tune - Sep 6, 2021.
Microsoft Researchers have developed FLAML (Fast Lightweight AutoML) which can now utilize Ray Tune for distributed hyperparameter tuning to scale up FLAML’s resource-efficient & easily parallelizable algorithms across a cluster.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Hyperparameter, Machine Learning, Microsoft, Python, Ray