What Makes Python An Ideal Programming Language For Startups - Dec 31, 2021.
In this blog, we will discuss what makes Python so popular, its features, and why you should consider Python as a programming language for your startup.
Programming Languages, Python, Startups
- Stack Overflow Survey Data Science Highlights - Aug 20, 2021.
The results of the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey were recently released, which is a fascinating snapshot of today's developers and the tools they are using. Have a look at some selections from the report, particularly those which may be of interest to data professionals.
Cloud, Data Science, Databases, Developers, Programming, Programming Languages, StackOverflow, Survey
- Why Learn Python? Here Are 8 Data-Driven Reasons - Jul 10, 2020.
Through this blog, I will list out the major reasons why you should learn Python and the 8 major data-driven reasons for learning it.
Data Science, Programming, Programming Languages, Python
Can Java Be Used for Machine Learning and Data Science? - Apr 14, 2020.
While Python and R have become favorites for building these programs, many organizations are turning to Java application development to meet their needs. Read on to see how, and why.
Data Science, Java, Machine Learning, Programming Languages
- Why Python is One of the Most Preferred Languages for Data Science? - Jan 3, 2020.
Why do most data scientists love Python? Learn more about how so many well-developed Python packages can help you accomplish your crucial data science tasks.
Data Exploration, Data Science, Programming Languages, Python
Introducing Gen: MIT’s New Language That Wants to be the TensorFlow of Programmable Inference - Jul 12, 2019.
Researchers from MIT recently unveiled a new probabilistic programming language named Gen, a language which allow researchers to write models and algorithms from multiple fields where AI techniques are applied without having to deal with equations or manually write high-performance code.
Inference, Julia, MIT, Programming Languages
2019 KDnuggets Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months? - May 7, 2019.
Vote in KDnuggets 20th Annual Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months? We will publish the anon data, results, and trends here.
Big Data, Data Mining Software, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Poll, Programming Languages
- How to DIY Your Data Science Education - Apr 3, 2019.
Some people find the path of formal education works well for them, but this may not work for everyone, in every situation. Here are eight ways that you can take a DIY approach to your data science education.
Books, Data Science, Data Science Education, MOOC, Podcast, Programming Languages, Youtube
- Data Science Predicting The Future - Jun 19, 2018.
In this article we will expand on the knowledge learnt from the last article - The What, Where and How of Data for Data Science - and consider how data science is applied to predict the future.
Data Science, Forecasting, Machine Learning, Programming Languages, Regression
- Control Structures in R: Using If-Else Statements and Loops - Feb 23, 2018.
Control structures allow you to specify the execution of your code. They are extremely useful if you want to run a piece of code multiple times, or if you want to run a piece a code if a certain condition is met.
Decision Making, Programming Languages, R
6 Reasons Why Python Is Suddenly Super Popular - Jul 25, 2017.
Python is a general-purpose language — sometimes referred to as utilitarian — which is designed to be simple to read and write. The point that it’s not a complex language is important.
Programming Languages, Python
- What Do Frameworks Offer Data Scientists that Programming Languages Lack? - May 2, 2017.
While programming languages will never be completely obsolete, a growing number of programmers (and data scientists) prefer working with frameworks and view them as the more modern and cutting-edge option for a number of reasons.
Big Data, Data Science, Programming Languages
The Most Popular Language For Machine Learning and Data Science Is … - Jan 11, 2017.
When it comes to choosing programming language for Data Analytics projects or job prospects, people have different opinions depending on their career backgrounds and domains they worked in. Here is the analysis of data from indeed.com with respect to choice of programming language for machine learning and data science.
Data Science, Machine Learning, Programming Languages, Python, R, Scala
- 5 EBooks to Read Before Getting into A Data Science or Big Data Career - Aug 11, 2016.
A short, carefully-curated list of 5 free ebooks to help you better understand what Data Science is all about and how you can best prepare for a career in data science, big data, and data analysis.
Big Data, Free ebook, Hadoop, Programming Languages, Simplilearn, Tableau
- Fastest Growing Programming Languages and Computing Frameworks - Mar 7, 2016.
A new model for ranking programming languages and predicting the growth of user adoption. Includes current language rankings and predictions.
Data Science, Javascript, Programming Languages, SQL, Trends
- The one language a Data Scientist must master - Sep 1, 2015.
Getting started with the data science, and wondering which language to pick up and technology to explore. But, that is secondary, every business is structured differently and to understand it and build on top of it, is the crux of data science.
Matt Reaney, Programming Languages, Python vs R