Data Science Portfolio Project Ideas That Can Get You Hired (Or Not) - Oct 20, 2021.
Choosing what to include in your data science portfolio during the job search is the most important part of the process. Each project should be well-structured so that a hiring manager can assess your skills quickly. To help you get started, we highlight a few data science project ideas that you should consider for your portfolio.
Career Advice, Data Science, Portfolio, Project
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n40, Oct 20: The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science; Ace Data Science Interviews with Portfolio Projects - Oct 20, 2021.
The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science; How to Ace Data Science Interview by Working on Portfolio Projects; Deploying Your First Machine Learning API; Real Time Image Segmentation Using 5 Lines of Code; What is Clustering and How Does it Work?
Clustering, Computer Vision, Data Science, Image Recognition, Interview, Machine Learning, Portfolio, Python
How to Ace Data Science Interview by Working on Portfolio Projects - Oct 13, 2021.
Recruiters of Data Science professionals around the world focus on portfolio projects rather than resumes and LinkedIn profiles. So, learning early how to contribute and share your work on GitHub, Deepnote, and Kaggle can help you perform your best during data science interviews.
Data Science, GitHub, Interview Questions, Kaggle, Portfolio, Project

A Data Science Portfolio That Will Land You The Job - Sep 10, 2021.
Landing a data science job is no easy feat, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article provides aspiring data scientists with advice on building a data science portfolio that stands out.
Data Science, Jobs, Portfolio

Top 10 Data Science Projects for Beginners - Jun 11, 2021.
Check out these projects for ideas to strengthen your skills and build a portfolio that stands out.
Beginners, Data Science, Portfolio, Project
The Portfolio Guide for Data Science Beginners - Mar 22, 2021.
Whether you are an aspiring or seasoned Data Scientist, establishing a clear and well-designed online portfolio presence will help you stand out in the industry, and provide potential employers a powerful understanding of your work and capabilities. These tips will help you brainstorm and launch your first data science portfolio.
Beginners, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Portfolio
The Best Data Science Project to Have in Your Portfolio - Feb 8, 2021.
If you are trying to find your first path into a Data Science career, then demonstrating the quality of your skills can be the greatest hurdle. While many standard projects exist for anyone to complete, creating an original data-driven project that attempts to solve some challenge is worth so much more. A good Data Scientist is one that can solve data-related questions, and a great Data Scientist poses original data-related questions and then solves.
Career Advice, Data Science, Portfolio
Build a Data Science Portfolio that Stands Out Using These Platforms - Jan 19, 2021.
Making your big break into the data science profession means standing out to potential employers in a crowd of tough competition. An important way to showcase your skills and experience is through the presentation of a portfolio. Following these recommendations for developing your portfolio will help you network effectively and stay on top of an ever-changing field.
Career Advice, Data Science, GitHub, Kaggle, LinkedIn, Portfolio
Learn to build an end to end data science project - Nov 11, 2020.
Appreciating the process you must work through for any Data Science project is valuable before you land your first job in this field. With a well-honed strategy, such as the one outlined in this example project, you will remain productive and consistently deliver valuable machine learning models.
Data Preparation, Data Science, GitHub, Portfolio, Python, Regression, Salary
A step-by-step guide for creating an authentic data science portfolio project - Oct 7, 2020.
Especially if you are starting out launching yourself as a Data Scientist, you will want to first demonstrate your skills through interesting data science project ideas that you can implement and share. This step-by-step guide shows you how to do go through this process, with an original example that explores Germany’s biggest frequent flyer forum, Vielfliegertreff.
COVID-19, Data Preparation, Data Science, Germany, Portfolio, Travel, Web Scraping
8 AI/Machine Learning Projects To Make Your Portfolio Stand Out - Sep 9, 2020.
If you are just starting down a path toward a career in Data Science, or you are already a seasoned practitioner, then keeping active to advance your experience through side projects is invaluable to take you to the next professional level. These eight interesting project ideas with source code and reference articles will jump start you to thinking outside of the box.
AI, Career, Face Recognition, Machine Learning, Music, Natural Language Generation, Portfolio, Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization
- Projects to Include in a Data Science Portfolio - Apr 26, 2019.
“Don’t pick just random projects to work on and add it to your resume or portfolio. Solve a problem that relates to the companies that you’re interested in.”
Career Advice, Data Science, Dataquest, Portfolio
How to Build a Data Science Portfolio - Jul 25, 2018.
This post will include links to where various data science professionals (data science managers, data scientists, social media icons, or some combination thereof) and others talk about what to have in a portfolio and how to get noticed.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Portfolio, Resume, Social Media
- Building a Data Science Portfolio: Machine Learning Project Part 1 - Jul 20, 2016.
Dataquest's founder has put together a fantastic resource on building a data science portfolio. This first of three parts lays the groundwork, with subsequent posts over the following 2 days. Very comprehensive!
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Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist, Dataquest, Machine Learning, Portfolio, Project, Python