- KDnuggets™ News 21:n45, Dec 1: Most Common SQL Mistakes on Data Science Interviews; Why Machine Learning Engineers are Replacing Data Scientists - Dec 1, 2021.
Most Common SQL Mistakes on Data Science Interviews; Why Machine Learning Engineers are Replacing Data Scientists; Vote in new KDnuggets Poll: What Percentage of Your Machine Learning Models Have Been Deployed? KDnuggets: Personal History and Nuggets of Experience.
About Gregory Piatetsky, Interview Questions, Machine Learning Engineer, Poll, SQL
- New Poll: What Percentage of Your Machine Learning Models Have Been Deployed? - Nov 29, 2021.
Take a moment to participate in the latest KDnuggets poll and let the community know what percentage of your machine learning models have been deployed.
Deployment, Poll, Production, Success
Relax! Data Scientists will not go extinct in 10 years, but the role will change - Jul 7, 2021.
About 70% of KDnuggets readers think that the demand for Data Scientists will increase, and 50% think it will increase significantly. At the same time, over 90% think the role of Data Scientist will change. What will the Data Scientist role be in 10 years?
Data Scientist, Poll, Trends
What will the demand for Data Scientists be in 10 years? Will Data Scientists be extinct? - Jun 24, 2021.
Participate in the latest KDnuggets survey and share your opinion: what does the next decade have in store for data scientist demand?
Data Science, Data Scientist, Poll, Survey, Trends
- Major changes: Where Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning were applied in 2020/21 - Jun 18, 2021.
Our latest poll shows major change in where AI, Data Science, Machine Learning are being applied, with decline in interest in traditional fields like CRM/Consumer Analytics, and growth in applications to Computer Vision, COVID, Agriculture, and Education.
Agriculture, Computer Vision, Consumer Analytics, Education, Finance, Industry, Poll
- Where Did You Apply Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning in 2020/2021? - May 25, 2021.
Take part in the latest KDnuggets survey, and let us know where you have been applying Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning in 2020/2021.
Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Poll, Survey
- Data Profession Job Satisfaction: Beware Of The Drop - Apr 16, 2021.
Latest KDnuggets Poll results: The Job satisfaction has declined for ML Engineers, Data Scientists, and Data Analysts, but remained the same for Data Engineers, and Managers/Directors. Data Scientist job satisfaction has an alarming drop in mid-career. Finally, which regions have the highest and lowest job satisfactions?
Career, Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Jobs, Machine Learning Engineer, Poll
- Here are the Most Popular Python IDEs/Editors - Oct 6, 2020.
Jupyter Notebook continues to lead as the most popular Python IDE, but its share has declined since the last poll. The top 4 contenders have remained the same, but only one has significantly improved its share. We also examine the breakdown by employment and region.
IDE, Jupyter, Poll, PyCharm, Python, Visual Studio Code
- New Poll: What Python IDE / Editor you used the most in 2020? - Sep 22, 2020.
The latest KDnuggets polls asks which Python IDE / Editor you have used the most in 2020. Participate now, and share your experiences with the community.
Data Science, Development, IDE, Poll, Programming, Python
Modern Data Science Skills: 8 Categories, Core Skills, and Hot Skills - Sep 8, 2020.
We analyze the results of the Data Science Skills poll, including 8 categories of skills, 13 core skills that over 50% of respondents have, the emerging/hot skills that data scientists want to learn, and what is the top skill that Data Scientists want to learn.
Communication, Data Preparation, Data Science Skills, Data Visualization, Excel, GitHub, Mathematics, Poll, Python, Reinforcement Learning, scikit-learn, SQL, Statistics
- KDnuggets™ News 20:n31, Aug 12: Data Science Skills: Have vs Want: Vote in the New Poll; Netflix Polynote is a New Open Source Framework to Build Better Data Science Notebooks - Aug 12, 2020.
Vote in the
new KDnuggets poll: which data science skills you have and which ones you want? Netflix is not only for movies - its Polynote is a new open source framework to build better data science notebooks; Learn about containerization of PySpark using Kubernetes; Read the findings from Data Scientist Job Market 2020 analysis; and Explore GPT-3 latest.
Data Science Skills, GPT-3, Jobs, Kubernetes, Netflix, Poll, PySpark
New Poll: Which Data Science Skills You Have and Which Ones You Want? Vote Now - Aug 5, 2020.
Take part in the latest KDnuggets poll, and share your insights with the community. Which Data Science skills do you currently possess, and which are you looking forward to add or improve upon? Vote now!
Career, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Poll, Skills
- Largest Dataset Analyzed – Poll Results and Trends - Jul 1, 2020.
The results show that despite the deluge of Big Data, large majority still works in Gigabyte or Megabyte-size datasets. Data Scientists work with the largest-size datasets, followed by Data Engineers, Data Analysts, and Business Analysts. Read more for details.
Data Scientist, Dataset, Largest, Poll, Trends
- Data Science Tools Popularity, animated - Jun 25, 2020.
Watch the evolution of the top 10 most popular data science tools based on KDnuggets software polls from 2000 to 2019.
About KDnuggets, Data Science Platform, Poll, Python, R
- New Poll: What was the largest dataset you analyzed / data mined? - Jun 9, 2020.
Take part in KDnuggets latest survey to have your voice heard, and let the community know what the largest dataset size you have worked with is.
Big Data, Datasets, Largest, Poll
- When Will AutoML replace Data Scientists? Poll Results and Analysis - Mar 16, 2020.
Will AI always be 5-10 years away? The majority of respondents to this poll think that AutoML will reach expert level in 5-10 years. Interestingly, it is about the same as 5 years ago. We examine the trends by AutoML experience, industry, and region.
Automated Data Science, AutoML, Humans vs Machines, Poll, Trends
- AutoML Poll results: if you try it, you’ll like it more - Jan 27, 2020.
The results of latest KDnuggets Poll on AutoML are quite interesting. While most respondents were not happy with AutoML performance, the opinions of those who tried it were higher than those who did not.
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Poll
Which Data Science Skills are core and which are hot/emerging ones? - Sep 17, 2019.
We identify two main groups of Data Science skills: A: 13 core, stable skills that most respondents have and B: a group of hot, emerging skills that most do not have (yet) but want to add. See our detailed analysis.
Career, Data Science Skills, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Excel, Machine Learning, Poll, Python, PyTorch, Scala, Skills, Statistics, TensorFlow
New Poll: Data Science Skills - Aug 28, 2019.
New KDnuggets poll asks 1) What Data Science/Machine Learning-related skills you currently have, and 2) Which skills you want to add or improve? If you are human, please vote and we will analyze and publish the results.
Data Science Skills, Poll, Skills
What you need to know: The Modern Open-Source Data Science/Machine Learning Ecosystem - Jun 10, 2019.
We identify the 6 tools in the modern open-source Data Science ecosystem, examine the Python vs R question, and determine which tools are used the most with Deep Learning and Big Data.
Anaconda, Apache Spark, Big Data Software, Deep Learning, Excel, Keras, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, scikit-learn, Software, SQL, Tableau, TensorFlow

Python leads the 11 top Data Science, Machine Learning platforms: Trends and Analysis - May 30, 2019.
Python continues to lead the top Data Science platforms, but R and RapidMiner hold their share; Almost 50% have used Deep Learning tools; SQL is steady; Consolidation continues.
Pages: 1 2
Anaconda, Apache Spark, Deep Learning, Excel, Keras, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, scikit-learn, Software, SQL, TensorFlow
2019 KDnuggets Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months? - May 7, 2019.
Vote in KDnuggets 20th Annual Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months? We will publish the anon data, results, and trends here.
Big Data, Data Mining Software, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Poll, Programming Languages
Top Data Science and Machine Learning Methods Used in 2018, 2019 - Apr 29, 2019.
Once again, the most used methods are Regression, Clustering, Visualization, Decision Trees/Rules, and Random Forests. The greatest relative increases this year are overwhelmingly Deep Learning techniques, while SVD, SVMs and Association Rules show the greatest decline.
Algorithms, Clustering, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Poll, Regression
- Which Data Science / Machine Learning methods and algorithms did you use in 2018/2019 for a real-world application? - Apr 9, 2019.
Which Data Science / Machine Learning methods and algorithms did you use in 2018/2019 for a real-world application? Take part in the latest KDnuggets survey and have your say.
Algorithms, Data Science, Machine Learning, Poll
Here are the most popular Python IDEs / Editors - Dec 7, 2018.
We report on the most popular IDE and Editors, based on our poll. Jupyter is the favorite across all regions and employment types, but there is competition for no. 2 and no. 3 spots.
IDE, Jupyter, Poll, Programming, PyCharm, Python, Visual Studio Code
- How Important is that Machine Learning Model be Understandable? We analyze poll results - Nov 19, 2018.
About 85% of respondents said it was always or frequently important that Machine Learning model be understandable. This was is especially important for academic researchers, and surprisingly more in US/Canada than in Europe or Asia.
Asia, Europe, Explainable AI, Explanation, GDPR, Machine Learning, Poll, USA
- Amazing consistency: Largest Dataset Analyzed / Data Mined – Poll Results and Trends - Oct 29, 2018.
The poll results show amazing consistency to past years, with median answers still in 10-100 gigabytes range. Really Big Data Scientists (100 Petabytes and more) continue to stand apart, but remain small segment where Asian data scientists lead for the first time in this poll.
Asia, Dataset, Europe, Largest, Poll, USA
- Which Data Profession Has The Highest Job Satisfaction? - Jun 12, 2018.
KDnuggets poll compares Machine Learning Engineer, Researcher, Data Scientist and other professions and identifies one with the highest job satisfaction. Job satisfaction usually starts high, but drops significantly after 4 years on the job.
Data Scientist, Jobs, Machine Learning Engineer, Poll, Researcher
The 6 components of Open-Source Data Science/ Machine Learning Ecosystem; Did Python declare victory over R? - Jun 6, 2018.
We find 6 tools form the modern open source Data Science / Machine Learning ecosystem; examine whether Python declared victory over R; and review which tools are most associated with Deep Learning and Big Data.
Anaconda, Apache Spark, Data Science, Keras, Machine Learning, Open Source, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, Scala, scikit-learn, TensorFlow
Python eats away at R: Top Software for Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning in 2018: Trends and Analysis - May 22, 2018.
Python continues to eat away at R, RapidMiner gains, SQL is steady, Tensorflow advances pulling along Keras, Hadoop drops, Data Science platforms consolidate, and more.
Pages: 1 2
Anaconda, Data Mining Software, Data Science Platform, Hadoop, Keras, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, SQL, TensorFlow, Trends
2018 KDnuggets Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months? - May 7, 2018.
Vote in KDnuggets 19th Annual Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months?
Data Mining Software, Data Science, Machine Learning, Poll
- Machine Learning Engineer, Researcher, Data Scientist have the highest job satisfaction - Apr 26, 2018.
KDnuggets poll finds that Machine Learning Engineer, Researcher, and Data Scientist have the highest job satisfaction. Job satisfaction usually starts high, but drops significantly after 4 years on the job. Data professionals in Asia and Latin America are most unsatisfied.
Data Scientist, Jobs, Machine Learning Engineer, Poll, Researcher
- New Poll: Data Scientist and Data Community Job Satisfaction - Apr 10, 2018.
Is Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer still the sexiest profession or have you been burned? Please vote in the new poll on job satisfaction.
Career, Data Scientist, Jobs, Poll
- Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in less than 50 years, say KDnuggets readers - Jan 5, 2018.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will likely be achieved in less than 50 years, according to latest KDnuggets Poll. The median estimate from all regions was 21-50 years, except in Asia where AGI is expected in 11-20 years.
AGI, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Poll, Singularity
- New Poll: Which Data Science / Machine Learning methods and tools you used? - Nov 20, 2017.
Please vote in new KDnuggets poll which examines the methods and tools used for a real-world application or project.
Algorithms, Data Science Tools, Machine Learning, Poll
When Will Demand for Data Scientists/Machine Learning Experts Peak? - Nov 7, 2017.
We analyze the results of Data Science / Machine Learning peak demand poll, examine the split between optimists and pessimists, and try to explain why predictions look so similar regardless of experience, affiliation, and region?
Data Scientist, Hiring, Machine Learning, Poll, Trends
- New Poll: When will demand for Data Scientists/Machine Learning experts begin to decline? - Oct 23, 2017.
New KDnuggets Poll examines how long the current high demand for Data Scientists/Machine Learning experts will last. Please vote and we will analyze and report the results.
Data Scientist, Hiring, Machine Learning Engineer, Poll, Trends
Python overtakes R, becomes the leader in Data Science, Machine Learning platforms - Aug 28, 2017.
While Python did not "swallow" R, in 2017 Python ecosystem overtook R as the leading platform for Analytics, Data Science, and Machine Learning and is pulling users from other platforms.
Data Science Platform, Poll, Python, Python vs R, R
- Optimism about AI improving society is high, but drops with experience developing AI systems - Jul 21, 2017.
While about 60% of KDnuggets readers think AI and Automation will improve society, the optimism drops significantly among those with 4 or more years experience developing AI systems. Should we pay more attention to the experts?
AI, Automation, Poll, Social Good
New Leader, Trends, and Surprises in Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning Software Poll - May 22, 2017.
Python caught up with R and (barely) overtook it; Deep Learning usage surges to 32%; RapidMiner remains top general Data Science platform; Five languages of Data Science.
Pages: 1 2
Anaconda, Data Mining Software, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, Spark, TensorFlow
New Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months? - May 5, 2017.
Vote in KDnuggets 18th Annual Poll: What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months? We will clean, analyze, visualize, and publish the results.
Data Mining Software, Data Science Platform, Deep Learning, Poll
- What Data You Analyzed – KDnuggets Poll Results and Trends - Apr 26, 2017.
Image/video data analysis is surging, JSON replacing XML, anonymized data usage is growing in US and Europe (but not in Asia), itemsets and Twitter analysis is declining - some of the highlights of KDnuggets Poll on data types used.
Anonymized, Asia, Data types, Europe, Image Recognition, Poll, Text Analysis, Time Series, USA
- New Poll: What data types you analyzed? - Apr 11, 2017.
New KDnuggets Poll is asking: What data types you analyzed in the past 12 months? Please vote.
Data types, Poll
- The Surprising Ethics of Humans and Self-Driving Cars - Jan 9, 2017.
The surprising finding is that people are much more willing to ride in a self-driving car that might kill them to save several pedestrians than in a car that would save them but kill pedestrians. Asian respondents had significantly different preferences from US and Europe.
Ethics, Humans vs Machines, Poll, Self-Driving Car
Trump, Failure of Prediction, and Lessons for Data Scientists - Nov 9, 2016.
The shocking and unexpected win of Donald Trump of presidency of the United States has once again showed the limits of Data Science and prediction when dealing with human behavior.
Donald Trump, Elections, Failure, Hillary Clinton, Nate Silver, Poll
- Largest Dataset Analyzed Poll shows surprising stability, more junior Data Scientists - Nov 8, 2016.
The majority (57%) of respondents only worked with Gigabyte range data. More junior Data Scientists enter the market, but Petabyte Big Data Scientists still stand apart.
Asia, Big Data, Datasets, Europe, Largest, Poll, USA
- The Great Algorithm Tutorial Roundup - Sep 20, 2016.
This is a collection of tutorials relating to the results of the recent KDnuggets algorithms poll. If you are interested in learning or brushing up on the most used algorithms, as per our readers, look here for suggestions on doing so!
Algorithms, Clustering, Decision Trees, K-nearest neighbors, Machine Learning, PCA, Poll, random forests algorithm, Regression, Statistics, Text Mining, Time Series, Visualization
Top Algorithms and Methods Used by Data Scientists - Sep 12, 2016.
Latest KDnuggets poll identifies the list of top algorithms actually used by Data Scientists, finds surprises including the most academic and most industry-oriented algorithms.
Pages: 1 2
Algorithms, Clustering, Data Visualization, Decision Trees, Poll, Regression
- R, Python Duel As Top Analytics, Data Science software – KDnuggets 2016 Software Poll Results - Jun 6, 2016.
R remains the leading tool, with 49% share, but Python grows faster and almost catches up to R. RapidMiner remains the most popular general Data Science platform. Big Data tools used by almost 40%, and Deep Learning usage doubles.
Pages: 1 2
Data Mining Software, Data Science Platform, Poll, Python, Python vs R, R, RapidMiner, SQL
- Poll Results: Where is Big Data? For most, Largest Dataset Analyzed is in laptop-size GB range - Aug 18, 2015.
A majority of data scientists (56%) work in Gigabyte dataset range. We note a small increase in Petabyte (web-scale) data miners, and a decline in Megabyte data miners. US, Australia/NZ, and Asia lead in percentage of Terabyte and Petabyte analysts.
Asia, Australia, Big Data, Datasets, Europe, Largest, Poll, USA
- Which Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science Tools go together? - Jun 11, 2015.
We analyze the associations between the top Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science tools based on the results of 2015 KDnuggets Software Poll. Download anonymized data and analyze it yourself.
Apache Spark, Data Mining Software, Excel, Hadoop, Knime, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, SQL
- R leads RapidMiner, Python catches up, Big Data tools grow, Spark ignites - May 25, 2015.
R is the most popular overall tool among data miners, although Python usage is growing faster. RapidMiner continues to be most popular suite for data mining/data science. Hadoop/Big Data tools usage grew to 29%, propelled by 3x growth in Spark. Other tools with strong growth include H2O (0xdata), Actian, MLlib, and Alteryx.
Actian, Apache Spark, Data Mining Software, H2O, Knime, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, SQL
- Data Scientists Automated and Unemployed by 2025? - May 5, 2015.
Will Data Scientists be unemployed by 2025? Majority of voters in latest KDnuggets Poll expect expert-level Data Science to be automated in 10 years or less.
Automation, Data Scientist, Poll
- Computing Platforms for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science - Apr 1, 2015.
The poll results suggest a split between a majority of data miners and data scientists who work with growing but still "PC-size", small GB-sized data, and a smaller group of Big Data analysts who work with cloud-sized data. Cloud computing, Unix, and especially Mac gained in popularity.
Pages: 1 2
Apple, Cloud Computing, Poll
- CRISP-DM, still the top methodology for analytics, data mining, or data science projects - Oct 28, 2014.
CRISP-DM remains the most popular methodology for analytics, data mining, and data science projects, with 43% share in latest KDnuggets Poll, but a replacement for unmaintained CRISP-DM is long overdue.
CRISP-DM, Data Mining, James Taylor, Methodology, Poll
- Four main languages for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science - Aug 18, 2014.
New KDnuggets Poll shows the growing dominance of four main languages for Analytics, Data Mining, and Data Science: R, SAS, Python, and SQL - used by 91% of data scientists - and decline in popularity of other languages, except for Julia and Scala.
Analytics Languages, Data Mining, Data Science, Julia, Poll, Python, R, SAS, Scala, SQL
- KDnuggets Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science Software Poll – Analyzed - Jun 17, 2014.
We analyze the results of KDnuggets Software Poll, including correlations between tools, and relationships between commercial, free, and Hadoop/Big Data tools. We identify a potential capability gap. Download anonymized data and analyze it yourself.
Data Mining Software, Hadoop, Poll, R, RapidMiner
- KDnuggets 15th Annual Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science Software Poll: RapidMiner Continues To Lead - Jun 7, 2014.
With over 3,000 data miners taking part in KDnuggets 15th Annual Software Poll, RapidMiner continues to lead. Free software is used much more outside US, and Hadoop usage grows fastest in Asia.
Data Mining Software, Excel, Hadoop, Knime, Poll, Python, R, RapidMiner, SAS, SQL, SQL Server, Weka
- Poll Results: Data Types/Sources Analyzed - May 17, 2014.
Trends in data sources for data mining include: table data dominates, followed by time series and text; audio, JSON grows in popularity, while itemsets decline; 70% access DB engines, but only 20% access NoSQL stores; Hadoop, MongoDB used more for text; Europe is lagging in NoSQL usage.
Data types, Hadoop, NoSQL, Poll, Relational Databases
- Data Scientists Salary Survey: US, Canada, Australia lead - Mar 21, 2014.
Data Scientists Salary Survey shows that industry data scientists are in a sweet spot, especially in US, Canada, and Australia, with average salary $135K. European and Asian data scientists salaries are significantly lower.
Asia, Australia, Canada, Data Scientist, Europe, Industry, Poll, Salary, USA
- Split on Data Science Skills: Individual vs Team Approach - Jan 21, 2014.
The results of latest KDnuggets poll show an almost equal split between those who favor individual and those who favor the team approach. See the counterintuitive regional differences and interesting comments.
Data Science, Poll, Skills, Team