- A Guide to Preparing OpenCV for Android - Oct 6, 2020.
This tutorial guides Android developers in preparing the popular library OpenCV for use. Using a step-by-step guide, the library will be imported into Android Studio and then can be used for performing any of the operations it supports, such as object detection, segmentation, tracking, and more.
Android, Computer Vision, Java, OpenCV
Predict Age and Gender Using Convolutional Neural Network and OpenCV - Apr 4, 2019.
Age and gender estimation from a single face image are important tasks in intelligent applications. As such, let's build a simple age and gender detection model in this detailed article.
Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks, OpenCV, Python
- Basic Image Data Analysis Using Numpy and OpenCV – Part 1 - Jul 10, 2018.
Accessing the internal component of digital images using Python packages becomes more convenient to understand its properties as well as nature.
Computer Vision, Image Processing, numpy, OpenCV, Python
Analyze a Soccer (Football) Game Using Tensorflow Object Detection and OpenCV - Jul 10, 2018.
For the data scientist within you let's use this opportunity to do some analysis on soccer clips. With the use of deep learning and opencv we can extract interesting insights from video clips
Football, Image Recognition, Object Detection, OpenCV, Python, Soccer, TensorFlow, Video recognition, World Cup
DIY Deep Learning Projects - Jun 8, 2018.
Inspired by the great work of Akshay Bahadur in this article you will see some projects applying Computer Vision and Deep Learning, with implementations and details so you can reproduce them on your computer.
Computer Vision, Data Science, Deep Learning, LinkedIn, Neural Networks, OpenCV, Python