- Should You Become a Freelance Artificial Intelligence Engineer? - Dec 8, 2021.
Take the first step towards your machine learning engineering career and explore the UC San Diego Extension Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp today. Those with prior software engineering or data science experience are encouraged to apply.
AI, Machine Learning, Online Education, UCSD
- Can You Become a Data Scientist Online? - Nov 24, 2021.
Until November 29th, you can join over 1.5 million students around the globe and gain the skills of successful data science professionals with unlimited annual access to the 365 Data Science Program at 72% OFF. Read on to learn more!
Courses, Data Science, Online Education
365 Data Science courses free until 18 November - Oct 25, 2021.
365 Data Science, an online educational platform providing beginner-to-advanced courses for data science and business analytics professionals, will unlock the entire library of courses, hands-on exercises, certificate exams, and resume builder for a full 30-day period from Oct. 18 to Nov. 18.
Courses, Data Science Education, Online Education
Here’s Why You Need Python Skills as a Machine Learning Engineer - Oct 6, 2021.
If you want to learn how to apply Python programming skills in the context of AI applications, the UC San Diego Extension Machine Learning Engineering Bootcamp can help. Read on to find out more about how machine learning engineers use Python, and why the language dominates today’s machine learning landscape.
Bootcamp, Machine Learning Engineer, Online Education, Python, UCSD
38 Free Courses on Coursera for Data Science - Oct 6, 2021.
There are so many online resources for learning data science, and a great deal of it can be used at no cost. This collection of free courses hosted by Coursera will help you enhance your data science and machine learning skills, no matter your current level of expertise.
Coursera, Data Science Education, Online Education
- Eight Data Science Specializations, and Why You Should Pick One - Oct 5, 2021.
With so many Data Science specializations, where should you focus? The Pace University online Master of Science in Data Science features elective courses which allow you to focus on topics that suit your career path so that you can begin to develop a unique specialization.
Data Science Education, MS in Data Science, Online Education
- 11 Best Data Science Education Platforms - Aug 26, 2021.
We cover 11 best Data Science Education platforms for 11 different use cases, ranging from specific languages to hands-on learners, to the best free option.
Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Online Education, Programming
- Online Master’s in Data Science from Northwestern - Jul 29, 2021.
Build statistical and analytical expertise as well as the management and leadership skills necessary to implement high-level, data-driven decisions in Northwestern's online Master of Science in Data Science program. Apply now!
Data Science, MS in Data Science, Northwestern, Online Education

Top 6 Data Science Online Courses in 2021 - Jul 15, 2021.
As an aspiring data scientist, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the abundance of resources available on the Internet. With these 6 online courses, you can develop yourself from a novice to experienced in less than a year, and prepare you with the skills necessary to land a job in data science.
Data Science Education, Online Education, Programming, Python, SQL
- How a Polytechnic Helps You Make the Tech-Business Connection - Jun 16, 2021.
WPI welcomes professionals of all levels to its 100% online MS in Business Analytics — no GRE or GMAT required. Get started here.
Business, MS in Business Analytics, Online Education, WPI
- 6 side hustles for an aspiring data scientist - May 13, 2021.
As an aspiring data scientist or an employed professional, many opportunities exist for you to offer your skills to a broader audience through side gigs. While the difficulty and risk vary, experiences from applying your data science practice to areas outside your immediate career path can increase your expertise while even increasing your bank account.
Career Advice, Data Scientist, Kaggle, Online Education, Youtube
- How to become an online data science tutor - May 12, 2021.
Your expertise in data science may be serving you well in your day job or you are on track to land that next dream position to do what you love. There are many others aspiring to attain your level of skill, and maybe you could consider helping them out... through a side gig of teaching.
Career Advice, Data Science Education, Online Education
- Make Connections With SAS Live Web Learning - May 11, 2021.
Through a year of uncertainty, the demand for analytics skills and the desire to continue skills development remained consistent. Take this opportunity to join SAS expert instructors and learn the latest skills in a Live Web class.
Analytics, Credit Risk, Data Science Education, Online Education, SAS
- MS in Data Science at Ramapo - Mar 25, 2021.
Ramapo College’s Master of Science in Data Science program will teach you to collect, synthesize, and analyze big data, become skilled in programming languages like R and Python, and leverage advanced tools to meet the demands of modern business and science.
MS in Data Science, Online Education
- Advance your career in Data Science with HSE Master in Data Science - Mar 11, 2021.
HSE’s Master of Data Science is the first fully English-taught online data science Master’s from a Russian university. The degree is designed for students with or without prior coding experience. The final application deadline is June 17th. Learn more about HSE’s Master of Data Science now.
Coursera, HSE, MS in Data Science, Online Education
- Start a career in Computer Science with Penn’s Master in Computer Science and Information Technology - Mar 4, 2021.
Penn MS of Computer and Information Technology is an online masters degree tailored for non-CS majors, empowering then to succeed in computing and technology fields. Apply by May 1.
Coursera, Master of Science, Online Education, U. of Pennsylvania
- Online MS in Data Science from Northwestern - Feb 11, 2021.
Advance your data science career with Northwestern. Build the essential technical, analytical, and leadership skills needed for careers in today's data-driven world in Northwestern's Master of Science in Data Science program. Apply now.
Data Science, MS in Data Science, Northwestern, Online Education
Learn Data Science for free in 2021 - Jan 6, 2021.
If you are considering starting a career path in machine learning and data science, then there is a great deal to learn theoretically, along with gaining practical skills in applying a broad range of techniques. This comprehensive learning plan will guide you to start on this path, and it is all available for free.
Data Science Education, Online Education
- Top 9 Data Science Courses to Learn Online - Dec 21, 2020.
Learn Data Science from these top courses. Details like cost and course duration are included.
Courses, Data Science Education, Online Education, Simplilearn
- Artificial Intelligence in Modern Learning System : E-Learning - Dec 9, 2020.
There has been a considerable shortage in the supply and demand of AI professionals. If you are looking to learn AI or learn machine learning, you can opt for free online courses offered by Great Learning.
AI, Great Learning, Online Education
- Top 6 Data Science Programs for Beginners - Nov 20, 2020.
Udacity has the best industry-leading programs in data science. Here are the top six data science courses for beginners to help you get started.
Beginners, Certificate, Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Online Education, Python, R, SQL, Udacity
How to Get Into Data Science Without a Degree - Nov 16, 2020.
Breaking into any new field or slogging through a career change is always a challenge, and requires focus and even a little grit. While transitioning to becoming a Data Scientist is no different, aspiring to this role is possible, even without a formal post-secondary degree, largely due to the vast amount of quality learning resources available today.
Career Advice, Data Science, Online Education
How to become a Data Scientist: a step-by-step guide - Oct 26, 2020.
Data science is everywhere. But what are the best ways to learn the field well enough to enter the profession? Read on for some tips and steps on doing so, and some great courses to help you get there.
Data Scientist, Great Learning, Online Education
10 Best Machine Learning Courses in 2020 - Oct 6, 2020.
If you are ready to take your career in machine learning to the next level, then these top 10 Machine Learning Courses covering both practical and theoretical work will help you excel.
Courses, DataCamp, Deep Learning, fast.ai, Machine Learning, Online Education, Python, Stanford
Machine Learning from Scratch: Free Online Textbook - Sep 22, 2020.
If you are looking for a machine learning starter that gets right to the core of the concepts and the implementation, then this new free textbook will help you dive in to ML engineering with ease. By focusing on the basics of the underlying algorithms, you will be quickly up and running with code you construct yourself.
Beginners, Free ebook, Machine Learning, Online Education
Online Certificates/Courses in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning from Top Universities - Sep 16, 2020.
We present the online courses and certificates in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and related topics from the top 20 universities in the world.
AI, Business Analytics, Certificate, Columbia, Coursera, Courses, edX, Harvard, Machine Learning, MIT, Online Education, Stanford, Toronto, UC Berkeley, UCLA
- KDnuggets™ News 20:n34, Sep 9: Top Online Data Science Masters Degrees; Modern Data Science Skills: 8 Categories, Core Skills, and Hot Skills - Sep 9, 2020.
Also: Creating Powerful Animated Visualizations in Tableau; PyCaret 2.1 is here: What's new?; How To Decide What Data Skills To Learn; How to Evaluate the Performance of Your Machine Learning Model
Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Master of Science, Modeling, Online Education, PyCaret, Tableau
Top Online Masters in Analytics, Business Analytics, Data Science – Updated - Sep 1, 2020.
We provide an updated list of best online Masters in AI, Analytics, and Data Science, including rankings, tuition, and duration of the education program.
Data Analytics, Data Science, Education, Master of Science, MS in Analytics, MS in Data Science, Online Education

Data Science MOOCs are too Superficial - Jul 20, 2020.
Most massive open online courses are too superficial because they offer introductory-level courses. For in-depth knowledge, more is needed to increase your knowledge and expertise after establishing a foundation.
Data Science, MOOC, Online Education
- 5th International Summer School 2020 on Resource-aware Machine Learning (REAML) - Jul 7, 2020.
The Resource-aware Machine Learning summer school provides lectures on the latest research in machine learning, with the twist on resource consumption and how these can be reduced. This year it will be held online between 31st of August and 4th of September, and is free of charge. Register now.
Machine Learning, Online Education, Resource-aware, Summer School, TU Dortmund
4 Free Math Courses to do and Level up your Data Science Skills - Jun 22, 2020.
Just as there is no Data Science without data, there's no science in data without mathematics. Strengthening your foundational skills in math will level you up as a data scientist that will enable you to perform with greater expertise.
Bayesian, Coursera, edX, Inference, Linear Algebra, Mathematics, Online Education, Principal component analysis, Probability, Python, Statistics
- Free Data Analytics Courses - Jun 15, 2020.
Wherever your skills are at today, check out these top course recommendations for 2020 to help you master data analytics.
Courses, Data Analytics, Online Education
- Upcoming Webinars and Online Events in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning: June - Jun 4, 2020.
Here are some interesting upcoming webinar, online events and virtual conferences in in AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning.
AI, Machine Learning, Meetings, Online Education, Virtual Event, Webinar
- AI Channels to Follow - May 15, 2020.
AI is certainly playing an important role in our global fight against the novel coronavirus. These YouTube channels are recommended to keep you covered with the latest advancements in the field and how it is impacting our world.
AI, Online Education, Podcast, Youtube
- I Designed My Own Machine Learning and AI Degree - May 13, 2020.
With so many pioneering online resources for open education, check out this organized collection of courses you can follow to become a well-rounded machine learning and AI engineer.
Data Science Education, Machine Learning, Online Education
Start Your Machine Learning Career in Quarantine - May 11, 2020.
While this quarantine can last two months, make the most of it by starting your career in Machine Learning with this 60-day learning plan.
Career, Data Science Education, Machine Learning, Online Education
- Upcoming Webinars and online events in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning - Apr 10, 2020.
Use the time at home productively and learn something new! We bring you a selection of upcoming interesting webinars and online events on AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and related topics.
Meetings, Online Education, Virtual Event, Webinar
- Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving – a free online statistics course - Apr 9, 2020.
This online course is available – for free – to anyone interested in building practical skills in using data to solve problems better.
Course, JMP, Online Education, Statistics
- 365 Data Science courses free until 15 April - Mar 31, 2020.
Be safe. Stay at home. Learn data science. 365 Data Science is making all of their courses free until Apr 15. Sign up now and learn for free!
Courses, Data Science Education, Online Education
- Top AI Resources – Directory for Remote Learning - Mar 24, 2020.
Whether you are just learning Data Science, a current professional, or just interested, it's crucial to keep the mind stimulated and stay current. With conferences, schools, and travel largely canceled because of #coronavirus, these remote resources will help you stay engaged.
AI, Blogs, Courses, Online Education, Podcast, RE.WORK, Resources, Webinar, White Paper, Youtube
- 10 Best and Free Machine Learning Courses, Online - Dec 26, 2019.
Getting ready to leap into the world of Data Science? Consider these top machine learning courses curated by experts to help you learn and thrive in this exciting field.
Coursera, Data Science Education, Deep Learning, edX, Machine Learning, Online Education
Is Kaggle Learn a “Faster Data Science Education?” - Aug 20, 2019.
Kaggle Learn is "Faster Data Science Education," featuring micro-courses covering an array of data skills for immediate application. Courses may be made with newcomers in mind, but the platform and its content is proving useful as a review for more seasoned practitioners as well.
Data Science, Data Science Education, Kaggle, Online Education
Top Certificates and Certifications in Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning and AI - Jul 25, 2019.
Here are the top certificates and certifications in Analytics, AI, Data Science, Machine Learning and related areas.
Business Analytics, Certificate, Certification, Data Science Certificate, Education, Machine Learning, Online Education, SAS Certification
- AI in the Family: how to teach machine learning to your kids - May 28, 2019.
AI is all the rage with today’s programmers, but what about the next generation? Machine learning can be introduced to young ones just now learning about code, and you can help spark their interest.
AI, Beginners, Data Science Education, Education, Kids, Online Education
- 2019 Best Masters in Data Science and Analytics – Online - Apr 23, 2019.
We provide an updated comprehensive and objective survey of online Masters in Analytics and Data Science, including rankings, tuition, and duration of the education program.
Data Analytics, Data Science, Education, Master of Science, MS in Analytics, MS in Data Science, Online Education
How To Go Into Data Science: Ultimate Q&A for Aspiring Data Scientists with Serious Guides - Apr 22, 2019.
To learn ALL the skills sets in data science is next to impossible as the scope is way too wide. There’ll always be some skills (technical/non-technical) that data scientists don’t know or haven’t learned as different businesses require different skill sets.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Online Education
8 Reasons Why You Should Get a Microsoft Azure Certification - Mar 18, 2019.
With huge and growing popularity of Microsoft Azure, getting that certification will advance your career. Consider these 8 reasons for taking an Azure certification course
Certification, Cloud Computing, Microsoft Azure, Online Education, Simplilearn
- What are Some “Advanced” AI and Machine Learning Online Courses? - Feb 22, 2019.
Where can you find not-so-common, but high-quality online courses (Free) for ‘advanced’ machine learning and artificial intelligence?
AI, Machine Learning, MOOC, Online Education
- Why Applied MSc in Data Engineering? Data Engineers are in greater demand than Data Scientists - Jan 17, 2019.
2 graduate programmes now available at Data ScienceTech Institute in France: Applied MSc in Data Engineering Applied MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, with enterprise level certifications included in each. There is a 100% conversion to an internship and 90% to a job contract.
Data Science, Data ScienceTech Institute, France, Online Education
A Complete Guide to Choosing the Best Machine Learning Course - Nov 30, 2018.
A collection of the best courses covering machine learning concepts and techniques, including supervised and unsupervised learning, and hands-on modeling to develop algorithms and prepare you for the role of Machine Learning Engineer.
Career, Machine Learning, Online Education, Simplilearn
- Learn AI and Data Science rapidly based only on high school math – KDnuggets Offer - May 25, 2018.
This 3-month program, created by Ajit Jaokar, who teaches at Oxford, is interactive and delivered by video. Coding examples are in Python. Places limited - check special KDnuggets rate.
AI, Ajit Jaokar, Data Science Education, Mathematics, Online Education, Python
- Top SAS Courses Online - May 11, 2018.
High quality SAS training for beginners is out there and I’ll help you find it.
Beginners, Coursera, Online Education, SAS, Udemy
- Hands-on: Intro to Python for Data Analysis - May 2, 2018.
Learn one of the top languages used in data science and machine learning with this new hands-on course by TDWI Online Learning.
Data Analysis, Online Education, Python, TDWI
Key Algorithms and Statistical Models for Aspiring Data Scientists - Apr 16, 2018.
This article provides a summary of key algorithms and statistical techniques commonly used in industry, along with a short resource related to these techniques.
Algorithms, Data Science, Machine Learning, Online Education, Statistics
Best Online Masters in Data Science and Analytics – a comprehensive, unbiased survey - Nov 14, 2017.
The first comprehensive and objective survey of online Masters in Analytics / Data Science, including rankings, tuition, and duration of the education program.
Pages: 1 2
Master of Science, MS in Analytics, MS in Business Analytics, MS in Data Science, Online Education
- Cybersecurity: Managing Risk in the Information age, Harvard online short course - Nov 2, 2017.
Learn how to identify and manage operational risk, litigation risk and reputational risk. This course is brought to you by HarvardX in collaboration with GetSmarter, experts in online education for working professionals.
Cybersecurity, Harvard, Online Education, Risk Assessment
- Videos for Business Analytics using Data Mining course - Sep 12, 2017.
Here we present links to very useful videos on Business Analytics using data mining courses.
Business Analytics, Data Mining, Galit Shmueli, Online Education, R, Youtube
- Stanford Online Data Mining Courses and Certificates - Aug 1, 2017.
With Stanford Online Data Mining Certificates, learn to guide important business decisions, become indispensable, and give your career a boost.
Certificate, Data Mining Training, Data Science Education, Online Education, Stanford
- The Path To Learning Artificial Intelligence - May 19, 2017.
Learn how to easily build real-world AI for booming tech, business, pioneering careers and game-level fun.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Learning Path, Machine Learning, Online Education, Python
- E-learning courses on Advanced Analytics, Credit Risk Modeling, and Fraud Analytics - Apr 18, 2017.
These online courses, developed by Prof. Bart Baesens and SAS, include videos, case studies, quizzes, and focus on focusses on the concepts and modeling methodologies and not on specific software.
Advanced Analytics, Bart Baesens, Credit Risk, Fraud analytics, Online Education, SAS
Every Intro to Data Science Course on the Internet, Ranked - Mar 2, 2017.
For this guide, I spent 10+ hours trying to identify every online intro to data science course offered as of January 2017, extracting key bits of information from their syllabi and reviews, and compiling their ratings.
Coursera, Data Science, MOOC, Online Education, Ranking, Udacity, Udemy
- Doctor of Business Administration/Data Analytics, Online at Grand Canyon University - Jan 12, 2017.
Offered in a convenient online format, this doctoral program empowers expert data analysts to spark new industry-wide innovation.
Business Analytics, Data Analytics, Online Education
- Process Mining: Where Data Science and Process Science Meet - Nov 17, 2016.
A data scientist without Process Mining training is ill-equipped to uncover the organization’s real processes, analyze compliance, diagnose bottlenecks and improve processes, so improve your skills with a new version of the free Coursera course "Process Mining: Data Science in Action" will start on November 28, 2016.
Book, Coursera, Online Education, Process Mining
Top 10 Data Science Videos on Youtube - Oct 17, 2016.
Learning and the future are the key topics in the recent Youtube videos on Data Science. The main questions revolve around: “how to become a Data Scientist”, “what is a data scientist”, and “where data science is going”. But why there is so little explanation of data science to the masses?
Pages: 1 2
Data Science, Data Scientist, DJ Patil, Online Education, R, Videolectures, Youtube
- The top 5 Big Data courses to help you break into the industry - Aug 25, 2016.
Here is an updated and in-depth review of top 5 providers of Big Data and Data Science courses: Simplilearn, Cloudera, Big Data University, Hortonworks, and Coursera
Big Data, Cloudera, Coursera, Data Science Education, Hortonworks, Online Education, Simplilearn
- Udacity Nanodegree Programs: Machine Learning, Data Analyst, and more - Jun 1, 2016.
Develop new skills. Be in demand. Accelerate your career with the credential that fast-tracks you to career success.
Machine Learning, Online Education, Udacity
- New KDnuggets Tutorials Page: Learn R, Python, Data Visualization, Data Science, and more - Mar 16, 2016.
Introducing new KDnuggets Tutorials page with useful resources for learning about Business Analytics, Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, R, Python, Data Visualization, Spark, Deep Learning and more.
Data Science Education, Online Education, Python, R
- Self-Paced E-Learning course: Credit Risk Modeling - Mar 8, 2016.
The course covers basic and advanced modeling, including stress testing Probability of Default (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD ) and Exposure At Default (EAD) models.
Bart Baesens, Credit Risk, Online Education, Risk Modeling
- Online course: Credit Risk Modeling - Oct 7, 2015.
The course covers basic and advanced modeling, including stress testing Probability of Default (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD ) and Exposure At Default (EAD) models.
Bart Baesens, Credit Risk, Online Education, Risk Modeling
- How to become a Data Scientist for Free - Aug 28, 2015.
Here are the most required skills for a data scientist position based on ReSkill’s analyses of thousands of job posts and free resources to learn each skill.
Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Java, Online Education, Python, R, SQL, Statistics
- More Data Mining with Weka - Jan 30, 2014.
This online course teaches both principles and practical data mining techniques, lets students work on very big datasets, classify text, experiment with clustering, and much more.
Association Rules, Clustering, Data Mining with Weka, Online Education, Text Classification, Weka
- Interpreting Model Performance with Cost Functions - Jan 13, 2014.
Cost functions are critical for the correct assessment of performance of data mining and predictive models. This series goes deep into the statistical properties and mathematical understanding of each cost function and explores their similarities and differences.
Cost Function, Model Performance, Online Education, Salford Systems