KDnuggets™ News 21:n45, Dec 1: Most Common SQL Mistakes on Data Science Interviews; Why Machine Learning Engineers are Replacing Data Scientists
Most Common SQL Mistakes on Data Science Interviews; Why Machine Learning Engineers are Replacing Data Scientists; Vote in new KDnuggets Poll: What Percentage of Your Machine Learning Models Have Been Deployed? KDnuggets: Personal History and Nuggets of Experience.
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In this issue: Most Common SQL Mistakes on Data Science Interviews; Why Machine Learning Engineers are Replacing Data Scientists; Vote in new KDnuggets Poll: What Percentage of Your Machine Learning Models Have Been Deployed?
After 28+ years of publishing and editing KDnuggets, I am retiring and transitioning KDnuggets to Matthew Mayo, who will become the new editor-in-chief. Here is my story of KDnuggets, with useful nuggets of experience I learned along this amazing journey. - Gregory Piatetsky
KDnuggets Top Blogs Reward Program will pay to the authors of top blogs each month. Reposts accepted, but original submissions get 3x repost rate. Read our guidelines & submit your blog to KDnuggets first!
After 28+ years of publishing and editing KDnuggets, I am retiring and transitioning KDnuggets to Matthew Mayo, who will become the new editor-in-chief. Here is my story of KDnuggets, with useful nuggets of experience I learned along this amazing journey. - Gregory Piatetsky
KDnuggets Top Blogs Reward Program will pay to the authors of top blogs each month. Reposts accepted, but original submissions get 3x repost rate. Read our guidelines & submit your blog to KDnuggets first!
Most Common SQL Mistakes on Data Science Interviews, by Nate Rosidi
- Why Machine Learning Engineers are Replacing Data Scientists, by Arthur Mello
- KDnuggets: Personal History and Nuggets of Experience, by Gregory Piatetsky
- New Poll: What Percentage of Your Machine Learning Models Have Been Deployed?, by Eric Siegel
- How to Build a Knowledge Graph with Neo4J and Transformers, by Walid Amamou
- PyCaret 2.3.5 Is Here! Learn What's New, by Moez Ali
- Data Scientists: How to Sell Your Project and Yourself, by Ilro Lee
Products, Services
- Put Responsible AI into Practice—
attend the digital event on December 7, by Microsoft - Can You Become a Data Scientist Online?, by 365 Data Science
- eBook: 101 Ways to Use Third-Party Data to Make Smarter Decisions, by Roidna
- AI meets BI: Key capabilities to look for in a modern BI platform, by Zoho Analytics
Tutorials, Overviews
- Sentiment Analysis API vs Custom Text Classification: Which one to choose?, by Jérémy Lambert
- Clustering in Crowdsourcing: Methodology and Applications, by Daniil Likhobaba
- Building Massively Scalable Machine Learning Pipelines with Microsoft Synapse ML, by Jesus Rodriguez
- Sentiment Analysis with KNIME, by Thiel & Rudnitckaia
- A Spreadsheet that Generates Python: The Mito JupyterLab Extension, by Roman Orac
- Top 4 Data Integration Tools for Modern Enterprises, by Ammar Ali
- Common Misconceptions About Differential Privacy, by Lipika Ramaswamy
- 5 Advanced Tips on Python Sequences, by Michael Berk
- On-Device Deep Learning: PyTorch Mobile and TensorFlow Lite, by Dhruv Matani
- Dask DataFrame is not Pandas, by Hugo Shi
- 3 Differences Between Coding in Data Science and Machine Learning, by Nahla Davies
- Difference between distributed learning versus federated learning algorithms, by Aishwarya Srinivasan
- Build a Serverless News Data Pipeline using ML on AWS Cloud, by Maria Zentsov
- Easy Synthetic Data in Python with Faker, by Matthew Mayo
- Inside recommendations: how a recommender system recommends, by Sciforce
- Book Metadata and Cover Retrieval Using OCR and Google Books API, by Cadili & Rudnitckaia
- Cartoon: Data Science for Thanksgiving, by Gregory Piatetsky
- What's the difference between a Data Scientist and a Data Analyst?, by Nisha Arya Ahmed
- Accelerating AI with MLOps, by Yochay Ettun
- 5 Tips to Get Your First Data Scientist Job, by Renato Boemer
- Stop Blaming Humans for Bias in AI, by Ahmer Inam
- Where NLP is heading, by Paul Barba
Top Stories, Tweets
- Top Stories, Nov 22-28: Most Common SQL Mistakes on Data Science Interviews, by KDnuggets
- Top Stories, Nov 15-21: 19 Data Science Project Ideas for Beginners, by KDnuggets
- See our recent jobs in AI, Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning
- You can post a free short entry on KDnuggets jobs page for an industry or academic job related to AI, Big Data, Data Science, or Machine Learning, email - see details at kdnuggets.com/jobs
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KDnuggets: Personal History and Nuggets of Experience