- On-Device Deep Learning: PyTorch Mobile and TensorFlow Lite - Nov 22, 2021.
PyTorch and TensorFlow are the two leading AI/ML Frameworks. In this article, we take a look at their on-device counterparts PyTorch Mobile and TensorFlow Lite and examine them more deeply from the perspective of someone who wishes to develop and deploy models for use on mobile platforms.
Deep Learning, Mobile, PyTorch, TensorFlow
- Deep Learning on your phone: PyTorch C++ API for use on Mobile Platforms - Nov 12, 2021.
The PyTorch Deep Learning framework has a C++ API for use on mobile platforms. This article shows an end-to-end demo of how to write a simple C++ application with Deep Learning capabilities using the PyTorch C++ API such that the same code can be built for use on mobile platforms (both Android and iOS).
C++, Deep Learning, Mobile, Python, PyTorch
- How is Machine Learning Beneficial in Mobile App Development? - Sep 1, 2021.
Mobile app developers have a lot to gain by implementing AI & Machine Learning from the revolutionary changes that these disruptive technologies can offer. This is due to AI and ML's potential to strengthen mobile applications, providing for smoother user experiences capable of leveraging powerful features.
App, Development, Machine Learning, Mobile
Introduction to Federated Learning - Aug 20, 2020.
Federated learning means enabling on-device training, model personalization, and more. Read more about it in this article.
Data Labeling, Federated Learning, Mobile, Privacy, Training
- Upgrading the Brand Mobile App with Machine Learning - Jun 11, 2020.
The tech progress in mobile app development, as well as digital enhancements, have created new chances for brands to allure and retain customers. In bridging the individualization gap, Machine Learning comes to the rescue.
App, Machine Learning, Mobile
Top 9 Mobile Apps for Learning and Practicing Data Science - Jan 17, 2020.
This article will tell you about the top 9 mobile apps that help the user in learning and practicing data science and hence is improving their productivity.
Apps, Data Science, Mobile
- Google Open Sources MobileNetV3 with New Ideas to Improve Mobile Computer Vision Models - Dec 2, 2019.
The latest release of MobileNets incorporates AutoML and other novel ideas in mobile deep learning.
Automated Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Google, Mobile, Open Source
The Hackathon Guide for Aspiring Data Scientists - Jul 15, 2019.
This article is an overview of how to prepare for a hackathon as an aspiring data scientist, highlighting the 4 reasons why you should take part in one, along with a series of tips for participation.
Data Science, Flask, Hackathon, Mobile, Product
- Comparing MobileNet Models in TensorFlow - Mar 1, 2019.
MobileNets are a family of mobile-first computer vision models for TensorFlow, designed to effectively maximize accuracy while being mindful of the restricted resources for an on-device or embedded application.
Computer Vision, Mobile, Neural Networks, TensorFlow
10 Best Mobile Apps for Data Scientist / Data Analysts - Oct 10, 2018.
A collection of useful mobile applications that will help enhance your vital data science and analytic skills. These free apps can improve your listening abilities, logical skills, basic leadership qualities and more.
Apps, Data Scientist, Mobile, Python
- TalkingData Data Science Competition: understand mobile users - Jul 12, 2016.
Unique opportunity to solve complex real world big data challenges for the China mobile market - predict users demographic characteristics based on their app usage, geolocation, and mobile device properties.
China, Competition, Kaggle, Mobile, TalkingData, Turi
- Interview: Daqing Zhao, Macys.com on Building Effective Data Models for Marketing - Dec 11, 2014.
We discuss the challenges in identifying the fair price of ad media, recommendations for building effective models for online marketing, unique challenges of Mobile channel, selection of Big Data tools, and more.
Daqing Zhao, Data Models, Data Science Skills, Hadoop, Interview, Macy's, Marketing, Mobile, Tools