- Free From MIT: Intro to Computational Thinking with Julia - Nov 12, 2020.
Introduction to Computational Thinking with Julia, with Applications to Modeling the COVID-19 Pandemic is another freely-available offering from MIT's Open Courseware.
Computer Science, COVID-19, Data Science, Julia, MIT
Free From MIT: Intro to Computational Thinking and Data Science - Oct 14, 2020.
This free course from MIT will help in your transition to thinking computationally, and ultimately solving complex data science problems.
Computer Science, Courses, Data Science, MIT, Python
Online Certificates/Courses in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning from Top Universities - Sep 16, 2020.
We present the online courses and certificates in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and related topics from the top 20 universities in the world.
AI, Business Analytics, Certificate, Columbia, Coursera, Courses, edX, Harvard, Machine Learning, MIT, Online Education, Stanford, Toronto, UC Berkeley, UCLA
Free From MIT: Intro to Computer Science and Programming in Python - Sep 9, 2020.
This free introductory computer science and programming course is available via MIT's Open Courseware platform. It's a great resource for mastering the fundamentals of one of data science's major requirements.
Computer Science, Courses, MIT, Programming, Python
Introducing Gen: MIT’s New Language That Wants to be the TensorFlow of Programmable Inference - Jul 12, 2019.
Researchers from MIT recently unveiled a new probabilistic programming language named Gen, a language which allow researchers to write models and algorithms from multiple fields where AI techniques are applied without having to deal with equations or manually write high-performance code.
Inference, Julia, MIT, Programming Languages
10 More Must-See Free Courses for Machine Learning and Data Science - Dec 20, 2018.
Have a look at this follow-up collection of free machine learning and data science courses to give you some winter study ideas.
AI, Algorithms, Big Data, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, MIT, NLP, Reinforcement Learning, U. of Washington, UC Berkeley, Yandex
10 Free Must-See Courses for Machine Learning and Data Science - Nov 8, 2018.
Check out a collection of free machine learning and data science courses to kick off your winter learning season.
Data Science, Deep Learning, fast.ai, Google, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, MIT, NLP, Reinforcement Learning, Stanford, Yandex
- Top 10 Recent AI videos on YouTube - May 10, 2017.
Top viewed videos on artificial intelligence since 2016 include great talks and lecture series from MIT and Caltech, Google Tech Talks on AI.
AI, Google, Machine Learning, MIT, Neural Networks, NVIDIA, Robots, Youtube
- 5 Free Courses for Getting Started in Artificial Intelligence - Feb 1, 2017.
A carefully-curated list of 5 free collections of university course material to help you better understand the various aspects of what artificial intelligence and skills necessary for moving forward in the field.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, MIT, Reinforcement Learning, Self-Driving Car, UC Berkeley
- The Data Science Machine, or ‘How To Engineer Feature Engineering’ - Oct 22, 2015.
MIT researchers have developed what they refer to as the Data Science Machine, which combines feature engineering and an end-to-end data science pipeline into a system that beats nearly 70% of humans in competitions. Is this game-changing?
Automated, Data Science, Feature Engineering, Feature Extraction, MIT
- Automatic Statistician and the Profoundly Desired Automation for Data Science - Feb 17, 2015.
The Automatic Statistician project by Univ. of Cambridge and MIT is pushing ahead the frontiers of automation for the selection and evaluation of machine learning models. In general, what does automation mean to Data Science?
Automation, Cambridge, Data Cleaning, Data Science, Machine Learning, MIT, Modeling, Statistician