- How I Built A Perfect Model And Got Into Trouble - Oct 12, 2021.
Data-driven decisions, actionable insights, business impact—you've seen these buzzwords in data science jobs descriptions. But, just focusing on these terms doesn't automatically lead to the best results. Learn from this real-world scenario that followed data-driven indecisiveness, found misleading insights, and initially created a negative business impact.
Analytics, Business, Customer Analytics, Finance, KPI, Metrics
- Forget Telling Stories; Help People Navigate - Mar 15, 2021.
When designing reporting & visualizations, think of them as part of a navigation framework rather than stand-alone information.
Data Analysis, Data Science, Infographic, KPI, Storytelling
Peer Reviewing Data Science Projects - Apr 13, 2020.
In any technical development field, having other practitioners review your work before shipping code off to production is a valuable support tool to make sure your work is error-proof. Even through your preparation for the review, improvements might be discovered and then other issues that escaped your awareness can be spotted by outsiders. This peer scrutiny can also be applied to Data Science, and this article outlines a process that you can experiment with in your team.
Advice, Checklist, Data Science, Deployment, KPI
- Observability for Data Engineering - Feb 10, 2020.
Going beyond traditional monitoring techniques and goals, understanding if a system is working as intended requires a new concept in DevOps, called Observability. Learn more about this essential approach to bring more context to your system metrics.
Data Engineering, DevOps, Explainability, KPI, Monitoring, Time Series
How to build a Successful Advanced Analytics Department - Jan 4, 2018.
This article presents our opinions and suggestions on how an Advanced Analytics department should operate. We hope this will be useful for those who want to implement analytics work in their company, as well as for existing departments.
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Analytics, Analytics Team, Business, Data Science Team, Gartner, KPI
- Analytics 101: Comparing KPIs - Mar 20, 2017.
Different business units in the organisation have different behaviours (e.g. turnover rate) and they can’t be compared with each other. So, how can we tell whether the changes in their behaviour are reasons for concern?
KPI, Metrics, Statistics
- The Top 5 KPIs to Consider When Measuring Your Campaign - Feb 28, 2017.
When it comes to measuring marketing campaign performance or analysing customers in any business, below top 5 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) needs to be used to strategically drive the business.
Churn, Customer Analytics, KPI, Metrics, ROI, Social Media