- How to Build a Football Dataset with Web Scraping - Nov 5, 2020.
This article covers using Selenium to scrape JavaScript rendered content.
Javascript, Python, Selenium, Soccer, Web Scraping
- 6 Easy Steps to Implement a Computer Vision Application Using Tensorflow.js - Jun 18, 2020.
In this article, we are going to see how we can implement computer vision applications using tensorflow.js models.
Computer Vision, Javascript, TensorFlow
60+ useful graph visualization libraries - May 17, 2019.
We outline 60+ graph visualization libraries that allow users to build applications to display and interact with network representations of data.
D3.js, Data Visualization, Graph Visualization, Javascript
- D3.js Graph Gallery for Data Visualization - Mar 28, 2019.
The d3 graph gallery is a collection of 200 simple charts made with d3.js, with reproducible, commented and editable code.
D3.js, Data Visualization, Javascript
- TensorFlow.js: Machine learning for the web and beyond - Feb 28, 2019.
TensorFlow.js brings TensorFlow and Keras to the the JavaScript ecosystem, supporting both Node.js and browser-based applications. Read a summary of the paper which describes the design, API, and implementation of TensorFlow.js.
Javascript, Keras, Neural Networks, TensorFlow
- How to make a simple bar chart in D3 - Mar 30, 2018.
D3 is a JavaScript library that continues to grow, both in terms of popularity and possibilities, capable of creating dynamic, interactive visualisations. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a basic bar chart in d3, populated with data from a csv file.
D3.js, Data Visualization, Javascript
- 5 Deep Learning Projects You Can No Longer Overlook - Jul 12, 2016.
There are a number of "mainstream" deep learning projects out there, but many more niche projects flying under the radar. Have a look at 5 such projects worth checking out.
C++, Deep Learning, Javascript, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Overlook, Python
- Mining Twitter Data with Python Part 7: Geolocation and Interactive Maps - Jul 6, 2016.
The final part of this 7 part series explores using geolocation and interactive maps with Twitter data.
Data Visualization, Geo-Localization, Javascript, Python, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- 5 More Machine Learning Projects You Can No Longer Overlook - Jun 28, 2016.
There are a lot of popular machine learning projects out there, but many more that are not. Which of these are actively developed and worth checking out? Here is an offering of 5 such projects.
Computer Vision, Data Preparation, Data Preprocessing, Javascript, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, NLP, Overlook, Python
- Top Machine Learning Libraries for Javascript - Jun 24, 2016.
Javascript may not be the conventional choice for machine learning, but there is no reason it cannot be used for such tasks. Here are the top libraries to facilitate machine learning in Javascript.
Andrej Karpathy, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Javascript, Machine Learning, Neural Networks
- Implementing Neural Networks in Javascript - May 12, 2016.
Javascript is one of the most prevalent and fastest growing languages in existence today. Get a quick introduction to implementing neural networks in the language, and direction on where to go from here.
Javascript, MNIST, Neural Networks
- Fastest Growing Programming Languages and Computing Frameworks - Mar 7, 2016.
A new model for ranking programming languages and predicting the growth of user adoption. Includes current language rankings and predictions.
Data Science, Javascript, Programming Languages, SQL, Trends
- Building Zoomable Line Charts in jQuery - Feb 25, 2016.
Learn how to build zoomable line charts using FusionCharts’ core JS library and its jQuery charts plugin, and get started making some beautiful data visualizations for the web.
Data Visualization, FusionCharts, Javascript
- Getting Started with Data Visualization - Feb 19, 2016.
Data visualization is on the rise nowadays. This step-by-step tutorial covers the process of creating your first data visualization using FusionCharts.
Data Visualization, FusionCharts, Javascript
- TheWalnut.io: An Easy Way to Create Algorithm Visualizations - Jul 29, 2015.
Google's DeepDream project has gone viral which allows to visualize the deep learning neural networks. It highlights a need for a generalized algorithm visualization tool, in this post we introduce to you one such effort.
Algorithms, Data Visualization, Javascript, Python
- Open Source Enabled Interactive Analytics: An Overview - Jun 26, 2015.
Explaining the aspects of creating an interactive data driven dashboard using open source technologies i.e. MongoDB, D3.Js, DC.JS and Node JS.
Anmol Koul, D3.js, Data Visualization, Javascript, MongoDB