- Anecdotes from 11 Role Models in Machine Learning - Nov 12, 2021.
The skills needed to create good data are also the skills needed for good leadership.
Active Learning, AI, Data Science, Influencers, Machine Learning
The List of Top 10 Lists in Data Science - Aug 14, 2020.
The list of Top 10 lists that Data Scientists -- from enthusiasts to those who want to jump start a career -- must know to smoothly navigate a path through this field.
Algorithms, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Datasets, Influencers, LinkedIn, Python, Top 10
12 Deep Learning Researchers and Leaders - Sep 23, 2019.
Our list of deep learning researchers and industry leaders are the people you should follow to stay current with this wildly expanding field in AI. From early practitioners and established academics to entrepreneurs and today’s top corporate influencers, this diverse group of individuals is leading the way into tomorrow’s deep learning landscape.
Andrej Karpathy, Andrew Ng, Deep Learning, Demis Hassabis, Fei-Fei Li, Geoff Hinton, Ian Goodfellow, Influencers, Jeremy Howard, Research, Yann LeCun
12 NLP Researchers, Practitioners & Innovators You Should Be Following - Aug 12, 2019.
Check out this list of NLP researchers, practitioners and innovators you should be following, including academics, practitioners, developers, entrepreneurs, and more.
Influencers, Jeremy Howard, NLP, Rachel Thomas, Research, Richard Socher
Top 10 Data Science Leaders You Should Follow - Jul 12, 2019.
If you’re in the data science field, I strongly encourage you to follow these giants— which I’ll list down in the section below — and be a part of our data science community to learn from the best and share your experience and knowledge.
Data Science, Experts, Influencers, Social Media
Top 10 Active Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning Influencers on LinkedIn, Updated - Sep 26, 2017.
Looking for advice? Guidance? Stories? We’ve put a list of the top ten LinkedIn influencers of the last three months, follow them and stay up-to-date with the latest news in Big Data, Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning and AI.
About Gregory Piatetsky, Bernard Marr, Big Data, Carla Gentry, Data Science, DJ Patil, Influencers, Kirk D. Borne, LinkedIn, Machine Learning, Tom Davenport, Trends
- Must-Know: How to determine the influence of a Twitter user? - May 30, 2017.
The influence of a Twitter user goes beyond the simple number of followers. We also want to examine how effective are tweets - how likely they are to be retweeted, favorited, or the links inside clicked upon. What exactly is an influential user depends on the definition.
Influencers, Twitter
17 More Must-Know Data Science Interview Questions and Answers, Part 3 - Mar 15, 2017.
The third and final part of 17 new must-know Data Science interview questions and answers covers A/B testing, data visualization, Twitter influence evaluation, and Big Data quality.
Pages: 1 2
3Vs of Big Data, A/B Testing, Big Data, Data Quality, Data Science, Data Visualization, Influencers, Interview Questions, Statistics, Twitter
- Agilience Top Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Authorities - Nov 7, 2016.
Agilience developed a new way to find authorities in social media across many fields of interest. In previous post we reviewed the top authorities in Data Mining and Data science; in this post we review top authorities in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning which includes Vineet Vashishta, Kirk D. Borne, KDnuggets, James Kobielus, Kaggle and more.
Pages: 1 2
About KDnuggets, Agilience, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Influencers, Kaggle, Kirk D. Borne, Machine Learning
- Top 16 Active Big Data, Data Science Leaders on LinkedIn - Sep 23, 2016.
Who are the most active Big Data, Data Science Influencers and Leaders on LinkedIn? We analyze the data and bring you the list of key people to follow.
About Gregory Piatetsky, Bernard Marr, Big Data, Big Data Influencers, Carla Gentry, Data Science, DJ Patil, Influencers, LinkedIn, Tom Davenport
- Meet the 11 Big Data & Data Science Leaders on LinkedIn - May 6, 2016.
In this post, we present a list of popular data science leaders on LinkedIn. Follow these leaders who will keep you in touch with the latest Data Science happenings!
About Gregory Piatetsky, Bernard Marr, Big Data, Data Scientist, DJ Patil, Hilary Mason, Influencers, LinkedIn, Tom Davenport
- AI and Machine Learning: Top Influencers and Brands - Mar 8, 2016.
Onalytica gives us a new list of the top 100 Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning influencers and brands, and provides some insight into the relationships between them.
About Gregory Piatetsky, AI, Influencers, Kirk D. Borne, Machine Learning, Onalytica, Top list
- The 123 Most Influential People in Data Science - Sep 15, 2015.
We used LittleBird algorithm to build a true Data Science influencer network by measuring how often influencers retweet other influencers. Top influencers include @hmason, @kdnuggets, @kaggle, @peteskomoroch, @mrogati, and @KirkDBorne.
About KDnuggets, Alex Salkever, Big Data Influencers, Data Science, Hilary Mason, Influencers, Kaggle, Kirk D. Borne, Silk.co
- 10 Predictive Analytics Influencers You Need to Know - Mar 5, 2015.
A list of Predictive Analytics Influencers based on Twitter activity around “#PredictiveAnalytics” and “Predictive Analytics”: Gregory Piatetsky, Vineet Vashishta, Aki Kakko and more.
About Gregory Piatetsky, About KDnuggets, Big Data Influencers, Dataconomy, Influencers, Mike Gualtieri, Predictive Analytics
- 10 Most Influential Analytics Leaders in India - Feb 25, 2014.
Analytics India Magazine’s annual ranking of the 10 Most Influential Analytics Leaders in India, in terms of Impact, Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Analytics evangelism.
2014, Analytics Leader, India, Influencers