1994 KDD Nuggets Index

KDD Nuggets 94:1, e-mailed 94-01-17
Douglas H. Fisher -- AI and Statistics workshop, Jan 95
David Scott Lewis -- FREE E-Mag on Intelligent Computing
Jos Uiterwijk -- Extracting Information from Chess Databases
KDD Nuggets 94:2, e-mailed 94-01-25
Sarab: KDD Successes in Europe
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro: Firms look at massively parallel computers for data mining;
-- Market for data mining is estimated at $500M today (ComputerWorld).
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro: Spec. Issue of IEEE TKDE on Learning and Discovery in Databases
Marcel Holsheimer -- Data Mining Report available
KDD Nuggets 94:3, e-mailed 94-02-09
Peter Edwards: Report on European Machine Discovery Workshop
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro: Reminder -- KDD-94 Submissions Due March 1
Roberto Zicari -- CFP: Theory and Practice of Object Systems Journal
KDD Nuggets 94:4, e-mailed 94-02-23
John Guidi: Workshop on Information Retrieval and Genomics
Y. Shum: Query -- Automatic Hyperlinking ?
KDD Nuggets 94:5, e-mailed 94-03-02
R. Uthurusamy: March 18, 1994 new submission date for KDD-94 Workshop
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro: reviews of
-- ComputerWorld: "Data Warehousing: Hot Property, Tough Sell"
-- AI Expert: "Mining for Financial Knowledge with CBR"
Will Dwinnell: Database Programming & Design -- "Data Mining: Tapping the Mother Lode"
KDD Nuggets 94:6, e-mailed 94-04-01
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro: FAQ for KDD Nuggets -- proposal
S. Nishisato: Two-Day Workshop on Analysis of Categorical Data
R. McGregor: Loch Ness radar patterns confirm existence of Monster
KDD Nuggets 94:7, e-mailed 94-04-18
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro,
-- Time: Attack of the Data Miners
-- Business Week: Gold Mine of Data in Customer Service
-- ComputerWorld: Data is money, but people are special
-- US Census Bureau is now on WWW at http://www.census.gov/
Tej Anand, AT&T Data Mining Conference
Larry Ai, TRW Smart Charts for Pharmaceuticals
Edwin Pednault, MDL workshop at ML/COLT 94
Roberto Zicari, CFP: Theory and Practice of Object Systems
KDD Nuggets 94:8, e-mailed 94-05-06
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, Knowledge Discovery Mine at http://info.gte.com/~kdd/
A.N.Pryke, The Data Mine at http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~anp/TheDataMine.html
T. Finin, CFP: Conf. on Info. and Knowledge Management (CIKM'94)
KDD Nuggets 94:9, e-mailed 94-05-13
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, ISR: Microsoft success using neural network for direct marketing
B. Wuthrich, A draft of a manuscript on Knowledge Discovery
Y. Kodratoff, The comprehensibility manifesto and CFP for ECML'95 workshop Industrial applications of ML and comprehensibility
KDD Nuggets 94:10, e-mailed 94-05-26
W. Kloesgen, request for KDD home pages and Explora home page
Sudha Ram, CFP: Information Sharing and Knowledge Discovery minitrack at HICSS-28 -- papers due June 15.
KDD Nuggets 94:11, e-mailed 94-06-01
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro: Correction: AT&T Calling Card does not use neural networks. But others do.
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro: NII Privacy Principles and comments
KDD Nuggets 94:12, e-mailed 94-06-15
X. Wu, AI'94 Tutorial on Intelligent Learning Database Systems (Nov 94, Queensland, Australia)
A. Freitas, Query: Are there LARGE KDD benchmark databases ?
D. Fisher, CFP: AI & Statistics 1995 workshop (June 30 deadline!)
A. Motro, CFP: Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems
KDD Nuggets 94:13, e-mailed 94-07-14
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, new release of KD Mine at http://info.gte.com/~kdd/
D. Lim, Query: Fractal Database product by Cross/Z ?
KDD Nuggets 94:14, e-mailed 94-07-26
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, new in KD Mine, http://info.gte.com/~kdd/
David Page (in ML-list), Inductive Learning Competition
LA Times, Any data in the computer can be used against you
CFP: Special Issue of the AI Journal on Empirical AI
Ross Quinlan: Revised Version of C4.5
KDD Nuggets 94:15, e-mailed 94-08-09
W. Buntine, A guide to the literature on learning graphical models
D. Jensen, OTA Study on KDD and Financial Crime
M. Yoshifumi, CFP: DB Systems for Advanced Applications
P. Smyth, CFP: Scientific and Statistical Database Management Conf.
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, New in KD Mine
KDD Nuggets 94:16, e-mailed 94-08-29
Tim Hume, UCI ML info available via WWW
Andy Pryke, article on XpertRule Analyzer for credit analysis
Ibrahim Imam, CFP: Intelligent Adaptive Systems (IAS-95)
John Major, Free (almost) time series data available
R. Zicari, General OODB for Software Engineering Processes
Jack Park, Query: multidimensional databases ?
KDD Nuggets 94:17, e-mailed 94-09-20
R. Valdes-Perez, CFP: Systematic Methods Of Scientific Discovery
M. J. Wolfe, Large Supermarket Dataset available
M. Holsheimer, Two KDD-94 papers available by ftp
AI-Stats list, Making Sense of Data: Short Course, Oct 13-14, 1994
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, Business Week cover story on Database Marketing
KDD Nuggets 94:18, e-mailed 94-10-14
J. Catlett, Data mining in dramatic literature
D. Fisher, CFP: Fifth workshop on AI and Statistics
G. Patnaik, CFP: Computational AI applications in Geophysical Sciences
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, ComputerWorld: Parallel processing mines retail data
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, AI Magazine published KDD-93 report
T. Mitchell, Machine Learning course available via WWW
KDD Nuggets 94:19, e-mailed 94-10-31
D. Page, Results of Inductive Learning Competition
P. Brazdil, Challenge for ML
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, What is New in KD Mine
M. Ozsoyoglu, WWW page for ACM SIGMOD/PODS'95
njm@cupido.inesc.pt, CFP:7th Portuguese conf on AI and workshops
M. Jeusfeld, Proceedings of AI&Databases workshop available
KDD Nuggets 94:20, e-mailed 94-11-18
M. Moulet, CFP: Statistics, ML, and KDD workshop in Europe, April 95
P. Godfrey, Tech. report on Failing Database Queries
X. Wu, KDD Tutorial Overheads Available by FTP
Blix, AI/ML oriented WWW page
Bob Duin, WWW page for pattern recognition
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, WSJ: Dark Side of Database Marketing
KDD Nuggets 94:21, e-mailed 94-11-30
IDA-95, CFP: Int. Symp. of Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA-95)
J. Petit, Using Queries to Improve Database Reverse Engineering
S. Kloosterman, KDD Definitions question
J. P. Lee, Book: Database Issues for Data Visualization
A. Aamodt, CFP: 5th Scandinavian Conf. on AI
KDD Nuggets 94:22, e-mailed 94-12-09
U. Fayyad, CFP: First International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-95)
P. Smyth, KDD-95 Logo contest
P. Leung, Request for Market Info on KDD
KDD Nuggets 94:23, e-mailed 94-12-27
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, ComputerWorld on "AI Determines Customer Preference"
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, KDD Nuggets in 1995 Directory of Electronic Journals
D. Druker, Siftware: Essbase Multi-Dimensional OLAP Server
M. Holsheimer, Siftware: Data Surveyor
M. Manago, CFP: IJCAI CBR Workshop
B. Julien, CFP: IJCAI workshop on Machine Learning in Engineering
M. Scmill, CFP: AI journal special issue on Empirical AI

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