- JupyterLab 3 is Here: Key reasons to upgrade now - Jan 8, 2021.
Read about these 3 reasons for checking out JupyterLab 3 today.
Data Science, IDE, Jupyter, Programming
Best Python IDEs and Code Editors You Should Know - Jan 8, 2021.
Developing machine learning algorithms requires implementing countless libraries and integrating many supporting tools and software packages. All this magic must be written by you in yet another tool -- the IDE -- that is fundamental to all your code work and can drive your productivity. These top Python IDEs and code editors are among the best tools available for you to consider, and are reviewed with their noteworthy features.
IDE, Jupyter, PyCharm, Python, Visual Studio Code
R or Python? Why Not Both? - Dec 9, 2020.
Do you use both R and Python, either in different projects or in the same? Check out prython, an IDE designed to handle your needs.
Data Analysis, Data Science, IDE, Programming, Python, R
- How to be a 10x data scientist - Oct 12, 2020.
If you are a Data Scientist looking to make it to the next level, then there are many opportunities to up your game and your efficiency to stand out from the others. Some of these recommendations that you can follow are straightforward, and others are rarely followed, but they will all pay back in dividends of time and effectiveness for your career.
Advice, Data Scientist, IDE, Jupyter, Uncertainty, Workflow
- Here are the Most Popular Python IDEs/Editors - Oct 6, 2020.
Jupyter Notebook continues to lead as the most popular Python IDE, but its share has declined since the last poll. The top 4 contenders have remained the same, but only one has significantly improved its share. We also examine the breakdown by employment and region.
IDE, Jupyter, Poll, PyCharm, Python, Visual Studio Code
- New Poll: What Python IDE / Editor you used the most in 2020? - Sep 22, 2020.
The latest KDnuggets polls asks which Python IDE / Editor you have used the most in 2020. Participate now, and share your experiences with the community.
Data Science, Development, IDE, Poll, Programming, Python
Netflix’s Polynote is a New Open Source Framework to Build Better Data Science Notebooks - Aug 5, 2020.
The new notebook environment provides substantial improvements to streamline experimentation in machine learning workflows.
IDE, Jupyter, Netflix, Open Source, Scala
Here are the most popular Python IDEs / Editors - Dec 7, 2018.
We report on the most popular IDE and Editors, based on our poll. Jupyter is the favorite across all regions and employment types, but there is competition for no. 2 and no. 3 spots.
IDE, Jupyter, Poll, Programming, PyCharm, Python, Visual Studio Code
What is the Best Python IDE for Data Science? - Nov 14, 2018.
Before you start learning Python, choose the IDE that suits you the best. We examine many available tools, their pros and cons, and suggest how to choose the best Python IDE for you.
Data Science, IDE, Jupyter, Programming, Python