18 Inspiring Women In AI, Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning - Mar 8, 2018.
For the 2018 international women's day, we profile 18 inspiring women who lead the field in AI, Analytics, Big Data , Data science, and Machine Learning areas.
AI, Big Data, Carla Gentry, Data Science, Fei-Fei Li, Hilary Mason, Jill Dyche, Meta Brown, Monica Rogati, Women
- 42 Essential Quotes by Data Science Thought Leaders - May 4, 2017.
42 illuminating quotes you need to read if you’re a data scientist or considering a career in the field – insights from industry experts tackling the tough questions that every data scientist faces.
Pages: 1 2
Career, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, DJ Patil, Hilary Mason, Kirk D. Borne
- Meet the 11 Big Data & Data Science Leaders on LinkedIn - May 6, 2016.
In this post, we present a list of popular data science leaders on LinkedIn. Follow these leaders who will keep you in touch with the latest Data Science happenings!
About Gregory Piatetsky, Bernard Marr, Big Data, Data Scientist, DJ Patil, Hilary Mason, Influencers, LinkedIn, Tom Davenport
- The 123 Most Influential People in Data Science - Sep 15, 2015.
We used LittleBird algorithm to build a true Data Science influencer network by measuring how often influencers retweet other influencers. Top influencers include @hmason, @kdnuggets, @kaggle, @peteskomoroch, @mrogati, and @KirkDBorne.
About KDnuggets, Alex Salkever, Big Data Influencers, Data Science, Hilary Mason, Influencers, Kaggle, Kirk D. Borne, Silk.co
- Insights from Data Science Handbook - May 28, 2015.
Here you can find perspective of lead data scientists on the definitions ranging from data science, metrics selection while solving a problem, work ethics, the art of storytelling and why data science is important in todays world.
Data Science, Data Science Fellows, Data Science Jargon, DJ Patil, Handbook, Hilary Mason
- Top 30 people in Big Data and Analytics - Feb 9, 2015.
Innovation Enterprise has compiled a top 30 list for individuals in big data that have had a large impact on the development or popularity of the industry.
About Gregory Piatetsky, Andy Palmer, Big Data, Big Data Influencers, DJ Patil, Hilary Mason, IE Group, Kirk D. Borne, Paco Nathan, Tom Davenport, Wolfram