- Amazon Web Services Webinar: Accelerating clinical trial and biomedical development processes with healthcare data - Aug 18, 2021.
Join this webinar on August 27 to learn how to leverage external healthcare datasets to make faster decisions with greater accuracy – accelerating biomedical development and improving patient welfare.
AWS, Healthcare, IBM
- FluDemic – using AI and Machine Learning to get ahead of disease - Apr 30, 2021.
We are amidst a healthcare data explosion. AI/ML will be more vital than ever in the prevention and handling of future pandemics. Here, we walk you through the different facets of modeling infectious diseases, focusing on influenza and COVID-19.
AI, COVID-19, Healthcare, Machine Learning
- Applying Natural Language Processing in Healthcare - Mar 23, 2021.
New advances in natural language processing (NLP) based on deep learning and transfer learning have made a whole set of software use cases in healthcare viable. The Healthcare NLP Summit is a free online conference on April 6th and 7th, bringing together 30+ technical sessions from across the community that works to apply these advances in the real world.
Formulated, Healthcare, Meetings, NLP, Summit
- Covid or just a Cough? AI for detecting COVID-19 from Cough Sounds - Dec 15, 2020.
Increased capabilities in screening and early testing for a disease can significantly support quelling its spread and impact. Recent progress in developing deep learning AI models to classify cough sounds as a prescreening tool for COVID-19 has demonstrated promising early success. Cough-based diagnosis is non-invasive, cost-effective, scalable, and, if approved, could be a potential game-changer in our fight against COVID-19.
AI, Audio, COVID-19, Deep Learning, Healthcare
- Predicting Heart Disease Using Machine Learning? Don’t! - Nov 10, 2020.
I believe the “Predicting Heart Disease using Machine Learning” is a classic example of how not to apply machine learning to a problem, especially where a lot of domain experience is required.
Advice, Failure, Healthcare, Machine Learning, Medical, Prediction
- AI in Healthcare: A review of innovative startups - Sep 30, 2020.
The AI innovation in healthcare has been overwhelming with the Global Healthcare AI Market accounting for $0.95 billion in 2017, and is expected to reach $19.25 billion by 2026. What drives this vibrant growth?
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Healthcare, Startups
- Artificial Intelligence for Precision Medicine and Better Healthcare - Sep 23, 2020.
In this article, we will focus on various machine learning, deep learning models, and applications of AI which can pave the way for a new data-centric era of discovery in healthcare.
AI, Health, Healthcare
Deep Learning for Detecting Pneumonia from X-ray Images - Jun 5, 2020.
This article covers an end to end pipeline for pneumonia detection from X-ray images.
Deep Learning, Healthcare, Image Recognition, Python
- Cartoon: The Worst Telemedicine? - May 16, 2020.
New KDnuggets cartoon examines what may be the worst example of telemedicine ...
Cartoon, Healthcare, Humor
AI and Machine Learning for Healthcare - May 14, 2020.
Traditional business and technology sectors are not the only fields being impacted by AI. Healthcare is a field that is thought to be highly suitable for the applications of AI tools and techniques.
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Healthcare, Machine Learning
- How AI Can Help Manage Infectious Diseases - Apr 28, 2020.
With the capability to analyze huge amounts of data, including medical information, human behavior patterns, and environmental conditions, big data tools can be invaluable in dealing with deadly outbreaks.
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Healthcare
- Fighting Coronavirus With AI: Improving Testing with Deep Learning and Computer Vision - Apr 22, 2020.
This post will cover how testing is done for the coronavirus, why it's important in battling the pandemic, and how deep learning tools for medical imaging can help us improve the quality of COVID-19 testing.
AI, Computer Vision, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Deep Learning, Healthcare
- How Data Science Is Being Used to Understand COVID-19 - Apr 10, 2020.
Read this overview to gain an understanding of how data scientists are working hard to learn as much about COVID-19 as they can.
Coronavirus, Data Science, Healthcare
Best Free Epidemiology Courses for Data Scientists - Apr 3, 2020.
Are you interested in knowing more about epidemiology, the field which studies the spread and distribution of diseases? This article collects some free courses which are intended to help you do just that.
Coronavirus, Courses, Healthcare, MOOC
- Brain Tumor Detection using Mask R-CNN - Mar 30, 2020.
Mask R-CNN has been the new state of the art in terms of instance segmentation. Here I want to share some simple understanding of it to give you a first look and then we can move ahead and build our model.
Brain, Cancer Detection, Convolutional Neural Networks, Healthcare, Medical
- Top 5 AI trends for 2020 - Jan 21, 2020.
We are all witnessing a staggering growth of AI technology with so many new benefits for people while also changing the way we live and work. As AI continues to grow, which applications will have a significant impact in 2020?
2020 Predictions, AI, Automation, Chatbot, Healthcare, Privacy, Retail, Trends
- 5 Ways AI Is Changing The Healthcare Industry - Jan 7, 2020.
The healthcare AI market is expected to reach 28 billion dollars by the year 2025. With such exponential growth, AI is undoubtedly likely to bring some drastic changes in the healthcare industry. Let’s look at five ways of how AI has changed the healthcare industry.
AI, Health, Healthcare
- How to Become a Successful Healthcare Data Analyst - Nov 5, 2019.
Are you interested in starting your career in the data analysis domain? Read this informative blog on how to get your career off the ground.
Career Advice, Data Analyst, Healthcare
- Convolutional Neural Network for Breast Cancer Classification - Oct 24, 2019.
See how Deep Learning can help in solving one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.
Cancer Detection, Deep Learning, Healthcare, Python
How AI will transform healthcare (and can it fix the US healthcare system?) - Sep 30, 2019.
This thorough review focuses on the impact of AI, 5G, and edge computing on the healthcare sector in the 2020s as well as a look at quantum computing's potential impact on AI, healthcare, and financial services.
Pages: 1 2
AI, Healthcare, Quantum Computing, Startups, USA
Understanding Cancer using Machine Learning - Aug 16, 2019.
Use of Machine Learning (ML) in Medicine is becoming more and more important. One application example can be Cancer Detection and Analysis.
Cancer Detection, Healthcare, Machine Learning, Medical
- Classifying Heart Disease Using K-Nearest Neighbors - Jul 8, 2019.
I have written this post for the developers and assumes no background in statistics or mathematics. The focus is mainly on how the k-NN algorithm works and how to use it for predictive modeling problems.
Pages: 1 2
Healthcare, K-nearest neighbors, Machine Learning, Medical, Python
- How AI can help solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges – and why we might fail - Feb 12, 2019.
AI represents a step change in humanity’s ability to rise to its greatest challenges. We explore three areas in which AI can contribute to the UN’s Global Goals - and why we could fall short.
AI, Finance, Healthcare, Innovation, Social Good, United Nations
- Why Vegetarians Miss Fewer Flights – Five Bizarre Insights from Data - Jan 12, 2019.
A frenzy of number-crunching is churning out a heap of insights that are colorful, sometimes surprising, and often valuable. We explain how this works, and investigate five bizarre discoveries found in data.
Credit Risk, Eric Siegel, Healthcare, Machine Learning, Overfitting, Uber
- Healthcare Analytics Made Simple - Nov 12, 2018.
Finally, a book on Python healthcare machine learning techniques is here! Healthcare Analytics Made Simple does just what the title says: it makes healthcare data science simple and approachable for everyone.
Analytics, Book, Healthcare, Pandas, Python
- The Long Tail of Medical Data - Nov 12, 2018.
This article discusses some issues related to medical data, relating specifically to power law distributions and computer aided diagnosis. Read on to see machine learning's place in the puzzle.
Distribution, Healthcare, Medical, Zipf's Law
- Why AI will not replace radiologists - Nov 1, 2018.
We investigate some of the reasons why radiologists will be safe from AI, including the fact that humans will always maintain ultimate responsibility, how productivity gains will drive demand, and more.
AI, Healthcare, Humans vs Machines
- Semantic Interoperability: Are you training your AI by mixing data sources that look the same but aren’t? - Oct 9, 2018.
Semantic interoperability is a challenge in AI systems, especially since data has become increasingly more complex. The other issue is that semantic interoperability may be compromised when people use the same system differently.
AI, Datasets, Healthcare, Semantic Analysis
- Big Data a $4.7 Billion opportunity in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry - Jul 31, 2018.
This post contains some of the key findings from the SNS Telecom & IT's latest report, which indicates that Big Data investments in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry are expected to reach nearly $4.7 Billion by the end of 2018.
Big Data, Healthcare, Pharma
- Detecting Breast Cancer with Deep Learning - May 9, 2018.
Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women, and the second main cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. In this article I will build a WideResNet based neural network to categorize slide images into two classes, one that contains breast cancer and other that doesn’t using Deep Learning Studio.
Cancer Detection, Deep Learning, Healthcare, Neural Networks
- Interview: Bill Moreau, USOC on Empowering World’s Best Athletes through Analytics. - Feb 12, 2018.
CNBC recently quoted this KDnuggets interview which discussed how United States Olympic Committee uses Big Data, how athletes respond to Analytical insights, integration of sports medicine into sports performance and sports injury.
Bill Moreau, Healthcare, Olympic, Sports, Sports Medicine, USOC
- What makes a data visualization successful? - Sep 25, 2017.
Data visualisation gives very important insights about the data. But it is subjective to the goal of analysis & area of application. Let’s see how.
Brexit, Climate Change, Data Visualization, Hans Rosling, Healthcare
- Top 10 Machine Learning Use Cases: Part 2 - Sep 11, 2017.
This post is the second in a series whose aim is to shake up our intuitions about what machine learning is making possible in specific sectors — to look beyond the set of use cases that always come to mind.
Healthcare, IBM, Machine Learning, Use Cases
- The new Enigma Public – the platform connecting people to data - Sep 11, 2017.
Public data has tremendous potential and different people can use it to solve variety of problems. Enigma relaunches Enigma Public — the platform connecting people to data.
Datasets, Government, Healthcare, Social Good
- Are physicians worried about computers machine learning their jobs? - Aug 30, 2017.
We review JAMA article on “Unintended Consequences of Machine Learning in Medicine” and argue that a number of alarming opinions in this pieces are not supported by evidence.
Automation, Decision Support, Healthcare, Machine Learning
50 Companies Leading The AI Revolution, Detailed - Mar 16, 2017.
We detail 50 companies leading the Artificial Intelligence revolution in AD Sales, CRM, Autotech, Business Intelligence and analytics, Commerce, Conversational AI/Bots, Core AI, Cyber-Security, Fintech, Healthcare, IoT, Vision, and other areas.
AI, Business Analytics, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Healthcare, IoT, Machine Learning
- Webinar: Athena Health “Unbreaks” Health Care by Modernizing their Data Stack, Feb 28 - Feb 17, 2017.
With a new Snowflake data warehouse and Looker data platform on top, data analysts at athenahealth are delivering data to more people, and improving patient experience in the US healthcare system. Register and learn how.
Data Warehouse, Healthcare, Looker
- Social Media for Marketing and Healthcare: Focus on Adverse Side Effects - Jan 9, 2017.
Social media like twitter, facebook are very important sources of big data on the internet and using text mining, valuable insights about a product or service can be found to help marketing teams. Lets see, how healthcare companies are using big data and text mining to improve their marketing strategies.
Healthcare, NLP, Social Media, Text Analytics, Text Mining, Twitter
- Data Sources for Cool Data Science Projects - Dec 20, 2016.
One of the biggest obstacles to successful projects has been getting access to interesting data. Here are some more cool public data sources you can use for your next project.
Data Incubator, Datasets, Elections, Healthcare, Michael Li
- Cartoon: Scary Big Data - Oct 29, 2016.
What do Halloween and Big Data have in common? Both can be scary, as new KDnuggets cartoon shows.
Big Data, Cartoon, Halloween, Healthcare, Privacy
- What is the influence of Big Data in Medicine? - Mar 14, 2016.
The 360-degree customer view is the idea, that companies can get a complete view of customers by aggregating data from the various touch points that a user. And, big data is helping to materialize this idea, which will revolutionize the healthcare.
Big Data, Customer Analytics, Healthcare
- Data Science and Disability - Mar 1, 2016.
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence has come to the forefront of technology in the last few years. Learn, how practitioners are taking a more philanthropic outlook on life, supporting people suffering with both physical and mental disabilities.
Data Science, Disability, Healthcare
- How Data Science is Fighting Disease - Feb 22, 2016.
Many organisations are starting to use Data Science as a method of tracking, diagnosing and curing some of the world’s most widespread diseases. We look at 3 common diseases, and how Data Science is used to save lives.
Ebola, Enlitic, Healthcare, MJFF
- How big data can help in home health care? - Oct 7, 2015.
Proper home care services can reduce both the chances and the cost of hospitalization and manage illness. Understand what big data promises for the healthcare sector and what are practical hurdles standing between the current solutions.
Big Data, Healthcare, Kaushik Pal
- Book: Healthcare Data Analytics - Jul 20, 2015.
Written by prominent researchers and experts working in the healthcare domain, this book provides a clear understanding of the analytical techniques currently available to solve healthcare problems.
Book, Charu Aggarwal, Healthcare
- Research Leaders on Data Mining, Data Science, and Big Data key trends, top papers - Jan 9, 2015.
We asked global research leaders in Data Science and Big Data what are the most interesting research papers/advances of 2014 and what are the key trends they see in 2015. Here are their answers.
Charu Aggarwal, Deep Learning, Eamonn Keogh, Healthcare, Jeff Ullman, Jian Pei, Jiawei Han, Mohammed Zaki
- Big Data accelerates medical research? Or not? - Oct 26, 2014.
Take a look at how big data in healthcare brings big opportunities, but along with those opportunities come great risk if statistics aren't carefully applied to those large datasets.
Big Data, Healthcare, Overfitting, Research