- Optimization Algorithms in Neural Networks - Dec 18, 2020.
This article presents an overview of some of the most used optimizers while training a neural network.
Gradient Descent, Neural Networks, Optimization
- Which methods should be used for solving linear regression? - Sep 2, 2020.
As a foundational set of algorithms in any machine learning toolbox, linear regression can be solved with a variety of approaches. Here, we discuss. with with code examples, four methods and demonstrate how they should be used.
Gradient Descent, Linear Regression, numpy, Python, Statistics, SVD
- Enabling the Deep Learning Revolution - Dec 5, 2019.
Deep learning models are revolutionizing the business and technology world with jaw-dropping performances in one application area after another. Read this post on some of the numerous composite technologies which allow deep learning its complex nonlinearity.
Deep Learning, Gradient Descent, Neural Networks, Optimization
- Designing Your Neural Networks - Nov 4, 2019.
Check out this step-by-step walk through of some of the more confusing aspects of neural nets to guide you to making smart decisions about your neural network architecture.
Beginners, Classification, Dropout, Gradient Descent, Neural Networks, Regression
- Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - Oct 8, 2019.
In this article, we’ll try to cover everything related to Artificial Neural Networks or ANN.
Beginners, Gradient Descent, Neural Networks
- A Summary of DeepMind’s Protein Folding Upset at CASP13 - Jul 17, 2019.
Learn how DeepMind dominated the last CASP competition for advancing protein folding models. Their approach using gradient descent is today's state of the art for predicting the 3D structure of a protein knowing only its comprising amino acid compounds.
Bioinformatics, Deep Learning, DeepMind, Exxact, Generative Adversarial Network, Gradient Descent, Protein
- 10 Gradient Descent Optimisation Algorithms + Cheat Sheet - Jun 26, 2019.
Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used for minimizing the cost function in various ML algorithms. Here are some common gradient descent optimisation algorithms used in the popular deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and Keras.
Algorithms, Deep Learning, Gradient Descent, Optimization
- How Optimization Works - Apr 18, 2019.
Optimization problems are naturally described in terms of costs - money, time, resources - rather than benefits. In math it's convenient to make all your problems look the same before you work out a solution, so that you can just solve it the one time.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Gradient Descent, Optimization, Prescriptive Analytics
- An Intuitive Introduction to Gradient Descent - Jun 21, 2018.
This post provides a good introduction to Gradient Descent, covering the intuition, variants and choosing the learning rate.
Gradient Descent, Machine Learning, Optimization
- Deep Learning in H2O using R - Jan 22, 2018.
This article is about implementing Deep Learning (DL) using the H2O package in R. We start with a background on DL, followed by some features of H2O's DL framework, followed by an implementation using R.
Backpropagation, Deep Learning, Gradient Descent, H2O, Machine Learning, R
- The 10 Deep Learning Methods AI Practitioners Need to Apply - Dec 13, 2017.
Deep learning emerged from that decade’s explosive computational growth as a serious contender in the field, winning many important machine learning competitions. The interest has not cooled as of 2017; today, we see deep learning mentioned in every corner of machine learning.
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Backpropagation, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Dropout, Gradient Descent, LSTM, Neural Networks, Transfer Learning
- Understanding Objective Functions in Neural Networks - Nov 23, 2017.
This blog post is targeted towards people who have experience with machine learning, and want to get a better intuition on the different objective functions used to train neural networks.
Cost Function, Deep Learning, Gradient Descent, Neural Networks, Optimization
- Neural Network Foundations, Explained: Updating Weights with Gradient Descent & Backpropagation - Oct 25, 2017.
In neural networks, connection weights are adjusted in order to help reconcile the differences between the actual and predicted outcomes for subsequent forward passes. But how, exactly, do these weights get adjusted?
Backpropagation, Explained, Gradient Descent, Neural Networks
- How I started with learning AI in the last 2 months - Oct 9, 2017.
The relevance of a full stack developer will not be enough in the changing scenario of things. In the next two years, full stack will not be full stack without AI skills.
AI, Chatbot, Gradient Descent, Neural Networks, Python
- 37 Reasons why your Neural Network is not working - Aug 22, 2017.
Over the course of many debugging sessions, I’ve compiled my experience along with the best ideas around in this handy list. I hope they would be useful to you.
Pages: 1 2
Data Engineering, Data Preparation, Gradient Descent, Neural Networks
- Optimization in Machine Learning: Robust or global minimum? - Jun 30, 2017.
Here we discuss how convex problems are solved and optimised in machine learning/deep learning.
Deep Learning, Gradient Descent, Machine Learning, Optimization, UAI
- Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 1 - May 24, 2017.
This post, the first in a series of ML tutorials, aims to make machine learning accessible to anyone willing to learn. We’ve designed it to give you a solid understanding of how ML algorithms work as well as provide you the knowledge to harness it in your projects.
Classification, Cost Function, Gradient Descent, Machine Learning, Regression
- Keep it simple! How to understand Gradient Descent algorithm - Apr 28, 2017.
In Data Science, Gradient Descent is one of the important and difficult concepts. Here we explain this concept with an example, in a very simple way. Check this out.
Algorithms, Gradient Descent
- Learning to Learn by Gradient Descent by Gradient Descent - Feb 2, 2017.
What if instead of hand designing an optimising algorithm (function) we learn it instead? That way, by training on the class of problems we’re interested in solving, we can learn an optimum optimiser for the class!
Gradient Descent, Machine Learning, NIPS, Optimization
- The Gentlest Introduction to Tensorflow – Part 2 - Aug 19, 2016.
Check out the second and final part of this introductory tutorial to TensorFlow.
Pages: 1 2
Beginners, Deep Learning, Gradient Descent, Machine Learning, TensorFlow
- A Concise Overview of Standard Model-fitting Methods - May 27, 2016.
A very concise overview of 4 standard model-fitting methods, focusing on their differences: closed-form equations, gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, and mini-batch learning.
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Cost Function, Gradient Descent, Machine Learning, Sebastian Raschka