A Non-Technical Reading List for Data Science - Dec 2, 2019.
The world still cannot be reduced to numbers on a page because human beings are still the ones making all the decisions. So, the best data scientists understand the numbers and the people. Check out these great data science books that will make you a better data scientist without delving into the technical details.
Books, Data Science, Future, Review, Society
- Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030 - Dec 15, 2016.
Read this engaging overview of a report from the Stanford University 100 year study of Artificial Intelligence, “a long-term investigation of the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its influences on people, their communities, and society.”
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Future
- I’ve Been Replaced by an Analytics Robot - May 20, 2015.
A veteran statistician reflects on the journey from a statistician of the past to data scientist of today, how the work he used to do became automated, and what future can data scientists can expect.
Automation, Data Science, Future, History, Robots