- Building Deep Learning Projects with fastai — From Model Training to Deployment - Nov 4, 2020.
A getting started guide to develop computer vision application with fastai.
Deep Learning, Deployment, fast.ai, Modeling, Python, Training

fastcore: An Underrated Python Library - Oct 15, 2020.
A unique python library that extends the python programming language and provides utilities that enhance productivity.
Development, fast.ai, Programming, Python
10 Best Machine Learning Courses in 2020 - Oct 6, 2020.
If you are ready to take your career in machine learning to the next level, then these top 10 Machine Learning Courses covering both practical and theoretical work will help you excel.
Courses, DataCamp, Deep Learning, fast.ai, Machine Learning, Online Education, Python, Stanford
Computational Linear Algebra for Coders: The Free Course - Jul 27, 2020.
Interested in learning more about computational linear algebra? Check out this free course from fast.ai, structured with a top-down teaching method, and solidify your understanding of an important set of machine learning-related concepts.
Course, fast.ai, Linear Algebra
- Crop Disease Detection Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision - Jun 17, 2020.
Computer vision has tremendous promise for improving crop monitoring at scale. We present our learnings from building such models for detecting stem and wheat rust in crops.
Agriculture, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, fast.ai

Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch: The Free eBook - Jun 1, 2020.
If you are interested in a top-down, example-driven book on deep learning, check out the draft of the upcoming Deep Learning for Coders with fastai & PyTorch from fast.ai team.
Deep Learning, fast.ai, Free ebook, Jeremy Howard, PyTorch
10 Must-read Machine Learning Articles (March 2020) - Apr 9, 2020.
This list will feature some of the recent work and discoveries happening in machine learning, as well as guides and resources for both beginner and intermediate data scientists.
AI, API, Cloud, Data Analytics, Datasets, fast.ai, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Social Media
- Introducing fastpages: An easy to use blogging platform with extra features for Jupyter Notebooks - Feb 27, 2020.
This article introduces the easy to use blogging platform fastpages. fastpages relies on Github pages for hosting, and Github Actions to automate the creation of your blog, and contains extra features for Jupyter Notebooks.
Blogs, fast.ai, Jupyter, Programming
10 Free Top Notch Natural Language Processing Courses - Oct 7, 2019.
Are you looking to learn natural language processing? This collection of 10 free top notch courses will allow you to do just that, with something for every approach to learning NLP and its varied topics.
fast.ai, NLP, Oxford, spaCy, Stanford, U. of Washington, UC Berkeley, Yandex
- Pytorch Lightning vs PyTorch Ignite vs Fast.ai - Aug 16, 2019.
Here, I will attempt an objective comparison between all three frameworks. This comparison comes from laying out similarities and differences objectively found in tutorials and documentation of all three frameworks.
fast.ai, Neural Networks, Python, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning
- 10 New Things I Learnt from fast.ai Course V3 - Jun 24, 2019.
Fastai offers some really good courses in machine learning and deep learning for programmers. I recently took their "Practical Deep Learning for Coders" course and found it really interesting. Here are my learnings from the course.
Deep Learning, fast.ai, Jeremy Howard, Machine Learning, MOOC
- Boost Your Image Classification Model - May 27, 2019.
Check out this collection of tricks to improve the accuracy of your classifier.
fast.ai, Generative Adversarial Network, Image Classification, Image Recognition, Python
- Which Deep Learning Framework is Growing Fastest? - May 1, 2019.
In September 2018, I compared all the major deep learning frameworks in terms of demand, usage, and popularity. TensorFlow was the champion of deep learning frameworks and PyTorch was the youngest framework. How has the landscape changed?
Data Science, Data Scientist, Deep Learning, fast.ai, Keras, Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow
- Building NLP Classifiers Cheaply With Transfer Learning and Weak Supervision - Mar 15, 2019.
In this blog, I’ll walk you through a personal project in which I cheaply built a classifier to detect anti-semitic tweets, with no public dataset available, by combining weak supervision and transfer learning.
Pages: 1 2
Bias, fast.ai, NLP, Python, Text Classification, Transfer Learning, Twitter, ULMFiT
- The 6 Most Useful Machine Learning Projects of 2018 - Jan 15, 2019.
Let’s take a look at the top 6 most practically useful ML projects over the past year. These projects have published code and datasets that allow individual developers and smaller teams to learn and immediately create value.
Automated Machine Learning, Facebook, fast.ai, Google, Keras, Machine Learning, Object Detection, Python, Reinforcement Learning, Word Embeddings
10 Free Must-See Courses for Machine Learning and Data Science - Nov 8, 2018.
Check out a collection of free machine learning and data science courses to kick off your winter learning season.
Data Science, Deep Learning, fast.ai, Google, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, MIT, NLP, Reinforcement Learning, Stanford, Yandex
- Deep Learning Framework Power Scores 2018 - Sep 24, 2018.
Who’s on top in usage, interest, and popularity?
CNTK, Deep Learning, fast.ai, Java, Keras, MXNet, Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Theano
- fast.ai Deep Learning Part 2 Complete Course Notes - Jul 17, 2018.
This posts is a collection of a set of fantastic notes on the fast.ai deep learning part 2 MOOC freely available online, as written and shared by a student. These notes are a valuable learning resource either as a supplement to the courseware or on their own.
Deep Learning, fast.ai, Jeremy Howard, MOOC
- fast.ai Deep Learning Part 1 Complete Course Notes - Jul 10, 2018.
This posts is a collection of a set of fantastic notes on the fast.ai deep learning part 1 MOOC freely available online, as written and shared by a student. These notes are a valuable learning resource either as a supplement to the courseware or on their own.
Deep Learning, fast.ai, Jeremy Howard, MOOC
- fast.ai Machine Learning Course Notes - Jul 6, 2018.
This posts is a collection of a set of fantastic notes on the fast.ai machine learning MOOC freely available online, as written and shared by a student. These notes are a valuable learning resource either as a supplement to the courseware or on their own.
fast.ai, Jeremy Howard, Machine Learning, MOOC
- An Introduction to Deep Learning for Tabular Data - May 17, 2018.
This post will discuss a technique that many people don’t even realize is possible: the use of deep learning for tabular data, and in particular, the creation of embeddings for categorical variables.
Deep Learning, fast.ai, Kaggle, Neural Networks, Rachel Thomas, word2vec
- Quick Feature Engineering with Dates Using fast.ai - Mar 16, 2018.
The fast.ai library is a collection of supplementary wrappers for a host of popular machine learning libraries, designed to remove the necessity of writing your own functions to take care of some repetitive tasks in a machine learning workflow.
fast.ai, Feature Engineering, Machine Learning, Pandas, Python, Time Series
- How to do Machine Learning Efficiently - Mar 13, 2018.
I now believe that there is an art, or craftsmanship, to structuring machine learning work and none of the math heavy books I tended to binge on seem to mention this.
Architecture, fast.ai, Machine Learning, Validation, Workflow
- Fast.ai Lesson 1 on Google Colab (Free GPU) - Feb 8, 2018.
In this post, I will demonstrate how to use Google Colab for fastai. You can use GPU as a backend for free for 12 hours at a time. GPU compute for free? Are you kidding me?
Deep Learning, fast.ai, Google, Google Colab, GPU, Jupyter
5 Fantastic Practical Machine Learning Resources - Feb 6, 2018.
This post presents 5 fantastic practical machine learning resources, covering machine learning right from basics, as well as coding algorithms from scratch and using particular deep learning frameworks.
Deep Learning, fast.ai, Gluon, Machine Learning, MOOC, MXNet, Python
An Overview of 3 Popular Courses on Deep Learning - Oct 13, 2017.
After completing the 3 most popular MOOCS in deep learning from Fast.ai, deeplearning.ai/Coursera (which is not completely released) and Udacity, I believe a post about what you can expect from these 3 courses will be useful for future Deep learning enthusiasts.
Andrew Ng, Coursera, Deep Learning, deeplearning.ai, fast.ai, Jeremy Howard, Neural Networks
- Credible Sources of Accurate Information About AI - Oct 9, 2017.
I want to recommend several credible sources of accurate information. Most of the writing on this list is intended to be accessible to anyone—even if you aren’t a programmer or don’t work in tech.
AI, fast.ai, Hype, Jeremy Howard, Rachel Thomas, Research, Twitter, Zeynep Tufekci