8 AI/Machine Learning Projects To Make Your Portfolio Stand Out - Sep 9, 2020.
If you are just starting down a path toward a career in Data Science, or you are already a seasoned practitioner, then keeping active to advance your experience through side projects is invaluable to take you to the next professional level. These eight interesting project ideas with source code and reference articles will jump start you to thinking outside of the box.
AI, Career, Face Recognition, Machine Learning, Music, Natural Language Generation, Portfolio, Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization
- 5 Machine Learning Papers on Face Recognition - May 28, 2020.
This article will highlight some of that research and introduce five machine learning papers on face recognition.
Face Recognition, Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Neural Networks
50+ Useful Machine Learning & Prediction APIs, 2018 Edition - May 1, 2018.
Extensive list of 50+ APIs in Face and Image Recognition ,Text Analysis, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Language Translation, Machine Learning and prediction.
API, Face Recognition, Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics
- Cartoon: What Else Can AI Guess From Your Face? - Sep 16, 2017.
Recent story about AI able to guess if a person is gay or straight from their photo led us to think what else can AI guess from your face.
AI, Cartoon, Face Recognition, Food, Humor
- Bad Data + Good Models = Bad Results - Jan 26, 2017.
No matter how advanced is your Machine Learning algorithm, the results will be bad if the input data
is bad. We examine one popular IMDB dataset and discuss how an analyst can deal with such data.
Data Quality, Face Recognition, IMDb, Kaggle, Movies
- 50 Useful Machine Learning & Prediction APIs - Dec 7, 2015.
We present a list of 50 APIs selected from areas like machine learning, prediction, text analytics & classification, face recognition, language translation etc. Start consuming APIs!
Pages: 1 2
API, Data Science, Face Recognition, IBM Watson, Image Recognition, Machine Learning, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- Deep Learning, The Curse of Dimensionality, and Autoencoders - Mar 12, 2015.
Autoencoders are an extremely exciting new approach to unsupervised learning and for many machine learning tasks they have already surpassed the decades of progress made by researchers handpicking features.
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Autoencoder, Deep Learning, Face Recognition, Geoff Hinton, Image Recognition, Nikhil Buduma