The Best ETL Tools in 2021 - Dec 21, 2021.
If you have clear, well-defined objectives, it won’t be hard to identify the ETL technology that best meets your needs. Here are some of the best ETL tools you can use in your business.
ELT, ETL, Tools
- The Seven Best ELT Tools for Data Warehouses - Dec 1, 2021.
ELT helps to streamline the process of modern data warehousing and managing a business’ data. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the best ELT tools to help you clean and transfer important data to your data warehouse.
Data Science Tools, Data Warehouse, ELT, ETL
How I Redesigned over 100 ETL into ELT Data Pipelines - Nov 15, 2021.
Learn how to level up your Data Pipelines!
ELT, ETL, Pipeline, SQL
Design Patterns for Machine Learning Pipelines - Nov 2, 2021.
ML pipeline design has undergone several evolutions in the past decade with advances in memory and processor performance, storage systems, and the increasing scale of data sets. We describe how these design patterns changed, what processes they went through, and their future direction.
Data Preprocessing, ETL, Machine Learning, Pipeline
- ETL and ELT: A Guide and Market Analysis - Oct 29, 2021.
ETL and related techniques remain a powerful and foundational tool in the data industry. We explain what ETL is and how ETL and ELT processes have evolved over the years, with a close eye toward how third-generation ETL tools are about to disrupt standard data processing practices.
Data Preparation, ELT, ETL, Market Research, Pipeline
- Smart Ingestion: Using ontology-driven AI - Sep 8, 2021.
Imagine data that organizes itself to power your decision-making.
AI, ETL, Ontology
Prefect: How to Write and Schedule Your First ETL Pipeline with Python - Aug 16, 2021.
Workflow management systems made easy — both locally and in the cloud.
Cloud, ETL, Pipeline, Python
- Development & Testing of ETL Pipelines for AWS Locally - Aug 2, 2021.
Typically, development and testing ETL pipelines is done on real environment/clusters which is time consuming to setup & requires maintenance. This article focuses on the development and testing of ETL pipelines locally with the help of Docker & LocalStack. The solution gives flexibility to test in a local environment without setting up any services on the cloud.
AWS, Data Engineering, ETL, Pipeline
- dbt for Data Transformation – Hands-on Tutorial - Jul 28, 2021.
The data build tool (dbt) is gaining in popularity and use, and this hands-on tutorial covers creating complex models, using variables and functions, running tests, generating docs, and many more features.
Data Engineering, Data Preparation, dbt, ETL, SQL
- How to pitch to VCs, explained: The Deck We Used to Raise Capital For Our Open-Source ELT Platform - May 21, 2021.
Winning seed funding from venture capitalists is a daunting task, and the pitch is key. Learn how one effective slide deck resulted in a successful early funding round for an open-source start-up, Airbyte.
Data Preparation, ELT, ETL, Startup, VC
- ETL in the Cloud: Transforming Big Data Analytics with Data Warehouse Automation - Apr 15, 2021.
Today, organizations are increasingly implementing cloud ETL tools to handle large data sets. With data sets becoming larger by the day, unified ETL tools have become crucial for data integration needs of enterprises.
Automation, Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Cloud, Data Analytics, Data Warehouse, ETL
What’s ETL? - Apr 2, 2021.
Discover what ETL is, and see in what ways it’s critical for data science.
Data Processing, Data Science, ETL
- Introducing dbt, the ETL and ELT Disrupter - Mar 17, 2021.
Moving and processing data is happening 24/7/365 world-wide at massive scales that only get larger by the hour. Tools exist to introduce efficiencies in how data can be extracted from sources, transformed through calculations, and loaded into target data repositories. However, on their own, these tools can introduce some restrictions in the processing, especially for the needs of data analytics and data science.
Data Engineering, Data Preparation, dbt, ELT, ETL
- The Best Tool for Data Blending is KNIME - Jan 13, 2021.
These are the lessons and best practices I learned in many years of experience in data blending, and the software that became my most important tool in my day-to-day work.
Data Exploration, Data Management, ETL, Knime
Why the Future of ETL Is Not ELT, But EL(T) - Dec 4, 2020.
The well-established technologies and tools around ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) are undergoing a potential paradigm shift with new approaches to data storage and expanding cloud-based compute. Decoupling the EL from T could reconcile analytics and operational data management use cases, in a new landscape where data warehouses and data lakes are merging.
Data Analysis, Data Engineering, Data Lakes, Data Preparation, ELT, ETL
- Find Your Perfect Fit: A Quick Guide for Job Roles in the Data World - Apr 23, 2020.
Data related positions are considered the hottest in the job market during the last couple of years. While everyone wants to join the party and enter this fascinating field, it is essential to first get an understanding. In this quick guide, I’ll do my best to dispel the confusion by crystalizing the essence of the different positions.
Business Analyst, Career Advice, Data Analyst, Data Architect, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Database Management, Developers, ETL, Machine Learning Engineer
- Manual Coding or Automated Data Integration – What’s the Best Way to Integrate Your Enterprise Data? - Aug 19, 2019.
What’s the best way to execute your data integration tasks: writing manual code or using ETL tool? Find out the approach that best fits your organization’s needs and the factors that influence it.
Advice, Data Integration, Data Management, Data Science, Data Science Platform, ETL
- The Role of the Data Engineer is Changing - Jan 10, 2019.
The role of the data engineer in a startup data team is changing rapidly. Are you thinking about it the right way?
Data Engineer, Data Science, dbt, ETL
ETL vs ELT: Considering the Advancement of Data Warehouses - May 22, 2018.
The traditional concept of ETL is changing towards ELT – when you’re running transformations right in the data warehouse. Let’s see why it’s happening, what it means to have ETL vs ELT, and what we can expect in the future.
BigQuery, Data Warehouse, ELT, ETL, Statsbot
- A Beginner’s Guide to Data Engineering – Part II - Mar 15, 2018.
In this post, I share more technical details on how to build good data pipelines and highlight ETL best practices. Primarily, I will use Python, Airflow, and SQL for our discussion.
Pages: 1 2
AirBnB, Data Engineering, Data Science, ETL, Pipeline, Python, SQL
Are Data Lakes Fake News? - Sep 6, 2017.
The quick answer is yes, and the biggest problem is that the term “Data Lakes” has been overloaded by vendors and analysts with different meanings, resulting in an ill-defined and blurry concept.
Data Lakes, Data Warehouse, ETL, Fake News, Hadoop
- Data Lake Plumbers: Operationalizing the Data Lake - Feb 18, 2016.
Gain insight into data lakes, their benefits, when they are appropriate, and how to operationalize them. How do they compare to the data warehouse?
Data Lake, Data Warehouse, ETL, Hadoop
- Interview: Joseph Babcock, Netflix on Genie, Lipstick, and Other In-house Developed Tools - Jun 16, 2015.
We discuss role of analytics in content acquisition, data architecture at Netflix, organizational structure, and open-source tools from Netflix.
Data Science, ETL, In-house, Interview, Joseph Babcock, Netflix, Open Source, Tools