- What is emotion AI and why should you care? - Jun 19, 2020.
What is emotion AI, why is it relevant, and what do you need to know about it?
AI, Chatbot, Emotion, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- Sentiment and Emotion Analysis for Beginners: Types and Challenges - Oct 1, 2019.
There are three types of emotion AI, and their combinations. In this article, I’ll briefly go through these three types and the challenges of their real-life applications.
Beginners, Emotion, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- Data Science For Our Mental Development - Feb 11, 2019.
In this blog, I aim to generalize how AI can help us with mental development in the future as well as discuss some of the present-day solutions.
Data Science, Development, Emotion
- Emotional Intelligence for Data Science Teams - Jul 20, 2017.
Here are three lessons for making and demonstrating a greater business impact to your organization, according to Domino Labs most successful customers.
Data Science Team, Domino, Emotion, ROI
- Let Me Hear Your Voice and I’ll Tell You How You Feel - May 24, 2016.
This post provides an overview of a voice tone analyzer implemented as part of a cohesive emotion detection system, directly from the researcher and architect.
Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Emotion