Online Certificates/Courses in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning from Top Universities - Sep 16, 2020.
We present the online courses and certificates in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and related topics from the top 20 universities in the world.
AI, Business Analytics, Certificate, Columbia, Coursera, Courses, edX, Harvard, Machine Learning, MIT, Online Education, Stanford, Toronto, UC Berkeley, UCLA
4 Free Math Courses to do and Level up your Data Science Skills - Jun 22, 2020.
Just as there is no Data Science without data, there's no science in data without mathematics. Strengthening your foundational skills in math will level you up as a data scientist that will enable you to perform with greater expertise.
Bayesian, Coursera, edX, Inference, Linear Algebra, Mathematics, Online Education, Principal component analysis, Probability, Python, Statistics
Python and R Courses for Data Science - Feb 26, 2020.
Since Python and R are a must for today's data scientists, continuous learning is paramount. Online courses are arguably the best and most flexible way to upskill throughout ones career.
Coursera, Data Science, edX, MOOC, Programming, Python, R
- 10 Best and Free Machine Learning Courses, Online - Dec 26, 2019.
Getting ready to leap into the world of Data Science? Consider these top machine learning courses curated by experts to help you learn and thrive in this exciting field.
Coursera, Data Science Education, Deep Learning, edX, Machine Learning, Online Education
- How to Start Learning Deep Learning - Jul 14, 2016.
Want to get started learning deep learning? Sure you do! Check out this great overview, advice, and list of resources.
Andrej Karpathy, Coursera, Deep Learning, edX, Geoff Hinton, Neural Networks
- Top Machine Learning MOOCs and Online Lectures: A Comprehensive Survey - Jul 11, 2016.
This post reviews Machine Learning MOOCs and online lectures for both the novice and expert audience.
Andrew Ng, Coursera, Deep Learning, edX, Machine Learning, MOOC, Nando de Freitas, Tom Mitchell, Udacity
- 15 Mathematics MOOCs for Data Science - Sep 23, 2015.
The essential mathematics necessary for Data Science can be acquired with these 15 MOOCs, with a strong emphasis on applied algebra & statistics.
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Applied Statistics, Coursera, Data Science, edX, Mathematics, MOOC, R, Udemy
- Perfume, computer programming, and Harvard - Oct 8, 2014.
What is the connection between Perfume, computer programming, and Harvard education? Peter Bruce explains.
edX, Harvard, Programming,