- Tips & Tricks of Deploying Deep Learning Webapp on Heroku Cloud - Dec 24, 2021.
Learn model deployment issues and solutions on deploying a TensorFlow-based image classifier Streamlit app on a Heroku server.
Applications, Docker, DVC, GitHub, Heroku, Streamlit, TensorFlow
- Five Interesting Data Engineering Projects - Mar 17, 2020.
As the role of the data engineer continues to grow in the field of data science, so are the many tools being developed to support wrangling all that data. Five of these tools are reviewed here (along with a few bonus tools) that you should pay attention to for your data pipeline work.
Dask, Data Engineering, dbt, DVC, Python
- How A Data Scientist Can Improve Productivity - May 25, 2017.
Data Science projects involve iterative processes and may need changes in data at every iteration. But Data versioning, data pipelines and data workflows make Data Scientist’s life easy, let’s see how.
CRISP-DM, Data Scientist, Data Workflow, DVC, GitHub, Version Control
- Data Version Control: iterative machine learning - May 11, 2017.
ML modeling is an iterative process and it is extremely important to keep track of all the steps and dependencies between code and data. New open-source tool helps you do that.
CRISP-DM, DVC, GitHub, Machine Learning, Open Source, Reproducibility, Version Control