- The Mueller Report Word Cloud: A brief tutorial in R - Apr 22, 2019.
Word clouds are simple visual summaries of the mostly frequently used words in a text, presenting essentially the same information as a histogram but are somewhat less precise and vastly more eye-catching. Get a quick sense of the themes in the recently released Mueller Report and its 448 pages of legal content.
Donald Trump, Politics, R, Word Cloud
Generating Text with RNNs in 4 Lines of Code - Jun 14, 2018.
Want to generate text with little trouble, and without building and tuning a neural network yourself? Let's check out a project which allows you to "easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code."
Donald Trump, LSTM, NLP, Python, Recurrent Neural Networks, Twitter
- Find Out What Celebrities Tweet About the Most - Oct 5, 2017.
Word cloud is a popular data visualisation method. Here we show how to use R to create twitter word cloud of celebrities and politicians.
Andrew Ng, Data Visualization, Donald Trump, R, Twitter, Word Cloud
17 More Must-Know Data Science Interview Questions and Answers - Feb 15, 2017.
17 new must-know Data Science Interview questions and answers include lessons from failure to predict 2016 US Presidential election and Super Bowl LI comeback, understanding bias and variance, why fewer predictors might be better, and how to make a model more robust to outliers.
Pages: 1 2
Anomaly Detection, Bias, Classification, Data Science, Donald Trump, Interview Questions, Outliers, Overfitting, Variance
Trump, Failure of Prediction, and Lessons for Data Scientists - Nov 9, 2016.
The shocking and unexpected win of Donald Trump of presidency of the United States has once again showed the limits of Data Science and prediction when dealing with human behavior.
Donald Trump, Elections, Failure, Hillary Clinton, Nate Silver, Poll
- An NLP Approach to Analyzing Twitter, Trump, and Profanity - Nov 3, 2016.
Who swears more? Do Twitter users who mention Donald Trump swear more than those who mention Hillary Clinton? Let’s find out by taking a natural language processing approach (or, NLP for short) to analyzing tweets.
Pages: 1 2
Donald Trump, Natural Language Processing, NLP, Twitter
Cartoon: Make Data Great Again - Aug 13, 2016.
This KDnuggets cartoon considers a speech that a certain presidential candidate can give on a topic of Big Data.
Cartoon, Donald Trump, Politics
- Political Data Science: Analyzing Trump, Clinton, and Sanders Tweets and Sentiment - Jun 18, 2016.
This post shares some results of political text analytics performed on Twitter data. How negative are the US Presidential candidate tweets? How does the media mention the candidates in tweets? Read on to find out!
Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, ParseHub, Politics, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter