- Tips & Tricks of Deploying Deep Learning Webapp on Heroku Cloud - Dec 24, 2021.
Learn model deployment issues and solutions on deploying a TensorFlow-based image classifier Streamlit app on a Heroku server.
Applications, Docker, DVC, GitHub, Heroku, Streamlit, TensorFlow
- Deploy a Dockerized FastAPI App to Google Cloud Platform - May 4, 2021.
A short guide to deploying a Dockerized Python app to Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Run and a SQL instance.
API, Deployment, Docker, FastAPI, Google Cloud
- How to Dockerize Any Machine Learning Application - Apr 6, 2021.
How can you -- an awesome Data Scientist -- also be known as an awesome software engineer? Docker. And these 3 simple steps to use it for your solutions over and over again.
Advice, Applications, Containers, Deployment, Docker, Machine Learning
- 7 Most Recommended Skills to Learn to be a Data Scientist - Feb 10, 2021.
The Data Scientist professional has emerged as a true interdisciplinary role that spans a variety of skills, theoretical and practical. For the core, day-to-day activities, many critical requirements that enable the delivery of real business value reach well outside the realm of machine learning, and should be mastered by those aspiring to the field.
Career Advice, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Data Visualization, Docker, Pandas, Python, SQL
- 8 New Tools I Learned as a Data Scientist in 2020 - Jan 14, 2021.
The author shares the data science tools learned while making the move from Docker to Live Deployments.
Data Science, Data Science Tools, Data Scientist, Deployment, Docker, Kubernetes, MLflow, NoSQL
How to Acquire the Most Wanted Data Science Skills - Nov 13, 2020.
We recently surveyed KDnuggets readers to determine the "most wanted" data science skills. Since they seem to be those most in demand from practitioners, here is a collection of resources for getting started with this learning.
Algorithms, Amazon, Apache Spark, AWS, Computer Vision, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Deep Learning, Docker, NLP, NoSQL, PyTorch, Reinforcement Learning, TensorFlow
- You Don’t Have to Use Docker Anymore - Oct 29, 2020.
Docker is not the only containerization tool out there and there might just be better alternatives…
Containers, Data Engineering, DevOps, Docker
- Stop Running Jupyter Notebooks From Your Command Line - Oct 28, 2020.
Instead, run your Jupyter Notebook as a stand alone web app.
App, Data Science, Docker, Jupyter, Python
- Deploying Secure and Scalable Streamlit Apps on AWS with Docker Swarm, Traefik and Keycloak - Oct 23, 2020.
If you are a data scientist who just wants to get the work done but doesn’t necessarily want to go down the DevOps rabbit hole, this tutorial offers a relatively straightforward deployment solution leveraging Docker Swarm and Traefik, with an option of adding user authentication with Keycloak.
AWS, Deployment, Docker, Scalability, Security, Streamlit
- Strategies of Docker Images Optimization - Oct 8, 2020.
Large Docker images lengthen the time it takes to build and share images between clusters and cloud providers. When creating applications, it’s therefore worth optimizing Docker Images and Dockerfiles to help teams share smaller images, improve performance, and debug problems.
Docker, Optimization, Sciforce, Strategy
Automating Every Aspect of Your Python Project - Sep 18, 2020.
Every Python project can benefit from automation using Makefile, optimized Docker images, well configured CI/CD, Code Quality Tools and more…
Development, DevOps, Docker, Programming, Python
- Apache Spark Cluster on Docker - Jul 22, 2020.
Build your own Apache Spark cluster in standalone mode on Docker with a JupyterLab interface.
Apache Spark, Data Engineering, Docker, Jupyter, Python
- Building a REST API with Tensorflow Serving (Part 2) - Jul 21, 2020.
This post is the second part of the tutorial of Tensorflow Serving in order to productionize Tensorflow objects and build a REST API to make calls to them.
API, Docker, Keras, Python, TensorFlow
Deploy Machine Learning Pipeline on AWS Fargate - Jul 3, 2020.
A step-by-step beginner’s guide to containerize and deploy ML pipeline serverless on AWS Fargate.
AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Machine Learning, Pipeline, PyCaret
- Deploy a Machine Learning Pipeline to the Cloud Using a Docker Container - Jun 12, 2020.
In this tutorial, we will use a previously-built machine learning pipeline and Flask app to demonstrate how to deploy a machine learning pipeline as a web app using the Microsoft Azure Web App Service.
Cloud, Docker, Machine Learning, Pipeline, PyCaret, Python
- Taming Complexity in MLOps - May 28, 2020.
A greatly expanded v2.0 of the open-source Orbyter toolkit helps data science teams continue to streamline machine learning delivery pipelines, with an emphasis on seamless deployment to production.
Best Practices, Docker, MLOps, Python
- Dockerize Jupyter with the Visual Debugger - Apr 17, 2020.
A step by step guide to enable and use visual debugging in Jupyter in a docker container.
Data Science, Docker, Jupyter, Python
- Docker Cheat Sheet - Aug 21, 2018.
This comprehensive cheat sheet will assist Docker users, experienced and new, in getting containers up-and-running quickly. We list commands that will allow users to install, build, ship and run Docker containers.
Cheat Sheet, Docker
Data Scientist guide for getting started with Docker - Aug 14, 2018.
Docker is an increasingly popular way to create and deploy applications through virtualization, but can it be useful for data scientists? This guide should help you quickly get started.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Docker, Jupyter
- Setting up your AI Dev Environment in 5 Minutes - Aug 13, 2018.
Whether you're a novice data science enthusiast setting up TensorFlow for the first time, or a seasoned AI engineer working with terabytes of data, getting your libraries, packages, and frameworks installed is always a struggle. Learn how datmo, an open source python package, helps you get started in minutes.
AI, datmo, Development, Docker, Machine Learning, Python, TensorFlow
- Torus for Docker-First Data Science - May 8, 2018.
To help data science teams adopt Docker and apply DevOps best practices to streamline machine learning delivery pipelines, we open-sourced a toolkit based on the popular cookiecutter project structure.
Data Science, DevOps, Docker, Machine Learning Engineer, Open Source, Python
Docker for Data Science - Jan 2, 2018.
Coming from a statistics background I used to care very little about how to install software and would occasionally spend a few days trying to resolve system configuration issues. Enter the god-send Docker almighty.
Data Science, Docker
- Introducing R-Brain: A New Data Science Platform - Oct 11, 2017.
R-Brain is a next generation platform for data science built on top of Jupyterlab with Docker, which supports not only R, but also Python, SQL, has integrated intellisense, debugging, packaging, and publishing capabilities.
Data Science Platform, Docker, Jen Underwood, Jupyter, R, R-Brain
- Containers: The Enabler of YARN - Jul 28, 2014.
The evolution of a data-center operating system is discussed along with the underlying challenges and approaches being followed. Containers play a big role in enabling the required abstraction and deliver additional benefits.
Altiscale, Applications, Containers, Docker, Hadoop, MapReduce, Mesos, Virtualization, YARN