Design patterns in machine learning - Jul 21, 2021.
Can we abstract best practices to real design patterns yet?
Design, Machine Learning, Programming
Must Know for Data Scientists and Data Analysts: Causal Design Patterns - Mar 12, 2021.
Industry is a prime setting for observational causal inference, but many companies are blind to causal measurement beyond A/B tests. This formula-free primer illustrates analysis design patterns for measuring causal effects from observational data.
Causality, Data Science, Design, Design of Experiments, Statistics
Machine Learning Systems Design: A Free Stanford Course - Feb 26, 2021.
This freely-available course from Stanford should give you a toolkit for designing machine learning systems.
Courses, Deployment, Design, Machine Learning, Maintenance, Stanford
- Graph Machine Learning Meets UX: An uncharted love affair - Jan 13, 2020.
When machine learning tools are developed by technology first, they risk failing to deliver on what users actually need. It can also be difficult for development teams to establish meaningful direction. This article explores the challenges of designing an interface that enables users to visualise and interact with insights from graph machine learning, and explores the very new, uncharted relationship between machine learning and UX.
Data Science, Data Visualization, Design, Graph Analytics, Machine Learning, UI/UX
- Interview: Sastry Malladi, StubHub on Designing Big Data Architecture for the Unknown Future - Jul 28, 2014.
We discuss the Big Data architecture at StubHub, important factors in architecture design, hybrid approach of using Big Data along with traditional data warehouses, challenges, importance of meta-data and more.
Architecture, Challenges, Design, Hadoop, Interview, Metadata, Personalization, Recommendation, Sastry Malladi, StubHub