How To Build A Database Using Python - Sep 28, 2021.
Implement your database without handling the SQL using the Flask-SQLAlchemy library.
Databases, Flask, Python, SQL
- Stack Overflow Survey Data Science Highlights - Aug 20, 2021.
The results of the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey were recently released, which is a fascinating snapshot of today's developers and the tools they are using. Have a look at some selections from the report, particularly those which may be of interest to data professionals.
Cloud, Data Science, Databases, Developers, Programming, Programming Languages, StackOverflow, Survey
- The NoSQL Know-It-All Compendium - May 13, 2021.
Are you a NoSQL beginner, but want to become a NoSQL Know-It-All? Well, this is the place for you. Get up to speed on NoSQL technologies from a beginner's point of view, with this collection of related progressive posts on the subject. NoSQL? No problem!
Beginners, Databases, NoSQL, SQL
- Document Databases, Explained - Mar 9, 2021.
Out of all the NoSQL database types, document-stores are considered the most sophisticated ones. They store data in a JSON format which as opposed to a classic rows and columns structure.
Beginners, Databases, NoSQL
- Graph Databases, Explained - Feb 26, 2021.
Between the four main NoSQL database types, graph databases are widely appreciated for their application in handling large sets of unstructured data coming from various sources. Let’s talk about how graph databases work and what are their practical uses.
Beginners, Databases, Graph Databases, NoSQL
- Column-Oriented Databases, Explained - Feb 12, 2021.
NoSQL Databases have four distinct types. Key-value stores, document-stores, graph databases, and column-oriented databases. In this article, we’ll explore column-oriented databases, also known simply as “NoSQL columns”.
Beginners, Databases, NoSQL, Programming
- Feature Store vs Data Warehouse - Dec 22, 2020.
A feature store is a data warehouse of features for machine learning. Differently from a data warehouse, it is dual-database: one serving features at low latency to online applications and another storing large volumes of features. Learn how Data Scientists leverage this capability in production-deployed models.
Data Warehouse, Databases, Feature Store, Pipeline
Learning SQL the Hard Way - Jan 8, 2020.
Simply put: This post is about installing SQL, explaining SQL and running SQL.
Databases, MySQL, Programming, SQL
- Why physical storage of your database tables might matter - May 31, 2019.
Follow this investigation into why physical storage of your database tables might matter, from problem identification to possible issue resolutions.
Apache Spark, Databases, Postgres, SQL
- YouTube videos on database management, SQL, Datawarehousing, Business Intelligence, OLAP, Big Data, NoSQL databases, data quality, data governance and Analytics – free - May 18, 2018.
Watch over 20 hours of YouTube videos on databases and database design, Physical Data Storage, Transaction Management and Database Access, and Data Warehousing, Data Governance and (Big) Data Analytics - all free.
Analytics, Bart Baesens, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Data Governance, Data Quality, Data Warehousing, Databases, NoSQL, SQL, Youtube
- Graph Databases Burst into the Mainstream - Feb 19, 2018.
What do Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft and Twitter have in common? They're all adopters of graph databases - a hot technology that continues to evolve.
Databases, Graph Databases, TigerGraph
- How To Write Better SQL Queries: The Definitive Guide – Part 2 - Aug 24, 2017.
Most forget that SQL isn’t just about writing queries, which is just the first step down the road. Ensuring that queries are performant or that they fit the context that you’re working in is a whole other thing. This SQL tutorial will provide you with a small peek at some steps that you can go through to evaluate your query.
Pages: 1 2
Algorithms, Complexity, Databases, Relational Databases, SQL
- How To Write Better SQL Queries: The Definitive Guide – Part 1 - Aug 23, 2017.
Most forget that SQL isn’t just about writing queries, which is just the first step down the road. Ensuring that queries are performant or that they fit the context that you’re working in is a whole other thing. This SQL tutorial will provide you with a small peek at some steps that you can go through to evaluate your query.
Pages: 1 2
Databases, Relational Databases, SQL