- What Does a Data Scientist Do? - Dec 6, 2021.
This guide provides you with the best possible, most direct, and clear answers to "What is data science?" and "What does a data scientist do?".
Advice, Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Roles, Salary
365 Data Science courses free until 18 November - Oct 25, 2021.
365 Data Science, an online educational platform providing beginner-to-advanced courses for data science and business analytics professionals, will unlock the entire library of courses, hands-on exercises, certificate exams, and resume builder for a full 30-day period from Oct. 18 to Nov. 18.
Courses, Data Science Education, Online Education
38 Free Courses on Coursera for Data Science - Oct 6, 2021.
There are so many online resources for learning data science, and a great deal of it can be used at no cost. This collection of free courses hosted by Coursera will help you enhance your data science and machine learning skills, no matter your current level of expertise.
Coursera, Data Science Education, Online Education
- Eight Data Science Specializations, and Why You Should Pick One - Oct 5, 2021.
With so many Data Science specializations, where should you focus? The Pace University online Master of Science in Data Science features elective courses which allow you to focus on topics that suit your career path so that you can begin to develop a unique specialization.
Data Science Education, MS in Data Science, Online Education

Path to Full Stack Data Science - Sep 27, 2021.
Start your journey toward mastering all aspects of the field of Data Science with this focused list of in-depth self-learning resources. Curated with the beginner in mind, these recommendations will help you learn efficiently, and can also offer existing professionals useful highlights for review or help filling in any gaps in skills.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Mathematics, Python, R, Roadmap
How to be a Data Scientist without a STEM degree - Sep 20, 2021.
Breaking into data science as a professional does require technical skills, a well-honed knack for problem-solving, and a willingness to swim in oceans of data. Maybe you are coming in as a career change or ready to take a new learning path in life--without having previously earned an advanced degree in a STEM field. Follow these tips to find your way into this high-demand and interesting field.
Career Advice, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Project, Python, SQL
- What 2 years of self-teaching data science taught me - Sep 17, 2021.
Many of us self-learn data science from the very beginning. While continuing to self-learn on demand is crucial, especially after you become a professional, there can be many pitfalls early on for learning the wrong way or missing out on key ideas that are important for the real-world application of data science.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education
- What Is The Real Difference Between Data Engineers and Data Scientists? - Sep 16, 2021.
To launch your data career, you’ll need both theoretical knowledge and applied skills. Bootcamp programs like Springboard’s Data Science Career Track and Data Engineering Career Track can help make you job-ready through hands-on, project-based learning and one-on-one mentorship. Wondering which data career path is right for you? Read on to find out.
Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Skills, Springboard
- ebook: Learn Data Science with R – free download - Sep 7, 2021.
Check out this new book for data science beginners with many practical examples that covers statistics, R, graphing, and machine learning. As a source to learn the full breadth of data science foundations, "Learn Data Science with R" starts at the beginner level and gradually progresses into expert content.
Data Science, Data Science Education, ebook, R
- 11 Best Data Science Education Platforms - Aug 26, 2021.
We cover 11 best Data Science Education platforms for 11 different use cases, ranging from specific languages to hands-on learners, to the best free option.
Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Online Education, Programming
- 7 reasons you should get a formal degree in Data Science - Aug 23, 2021.
So many options are now available online to learn in the field of data science. There are several factors to consider to determine if these options or a traditional degree from an academic institution is the best approach for your personal learning style and career aspirations.
Data Science Education

Advice for Learning Data Science from Google’s Director of Research - Jul 19, 2021.
Surfing the professional career wave in data science is a hot prospect for many looking to get their start in the world. The digital revolution continues to create many exciting new opportunities. But, jumping in too fast without fully establishing your foundational skills can be detrimental to your success, as is suggested by this advice for data science newbies from Peter Norvig, the Director of Research at Google.
Advice, Beginners, Data Science, Data Science Education, Machine Learning, Peter Norvig

Top 6 Data Science Online Courses in 2021 - Jul 15, 2021.
As an aspiring data scientist, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the abundance of resources available on the Internet. With these 6 online courses, you can develop yourself from a novice to experienced in less than a year, and prepare you with the skills necessary to land a job in data science.
Data Science Education, Online Education, Programming, Python, SQL
How to Get Practical Data Science Experience to be Career-Ready - Jul 7, 2021.
Becoming a professional in the field of data science takes more than just book-smarts. You need to have experience with real-world data sets, frequently-used tools, and an intuition for solutions that you can only gain from hands-on experience. These resources will jump start developing your practical skills.
Career Advice, Data Science Education, Pandas, Project, SQL

A Learning Path To Becoming a Data Scientist - Jul 6, 2021.
Becoming a professional data scientist may not be as easy as "1... 2... 3...", but these 10 steps can be your self-learning roadmap to kickstarting your future in the exciting and ever-expanding field of data science.
Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Learning Path
- How to become an online data science tutor - May 12, 2021.
Your expertise in data science may be serving you well in your day job or you are on track to land that next dream position to do what you love. There are many others aspiring to attain your level of skill, and maybe you could consider helping them out... through a side gig of teaching.
Career Advice, Data Science Education, Online Education
- Make Connections With SAS Live Web Learning - May 11, 2021.
Through a year of uncertainty, the demand for analytics skills and the desire to continue skills development remained consistent. Take this opportunity to join SAS expert instructors and learn the latest skills in a Live Web class.
Analytics, Credit Risk, Data Science Education, Online Education, SAS

Essential Linear Algebra for Data Science and Machine Learning - May 10, 2021.
Linear algebra is foundational in data science and machine learning. Beginners starting out along their learning journey in data science--as well as established practitioners--must develop a strong familiarity with the essential concepts in linear algebra.
Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Linear Algebra, Linear Regression, Mathematics, Python
- Data Science Curriculum for Professionals - Mar 25, 2021.
If you are looking to expand or transition your current professional career that is buried in spreadsheet analysis into one powered by data science, then you are in for an exciting but complex journey with much to explore and master. To begin your adventure, following this complete road map to guide you from a gnome in the forest of spreadsheets to an AI wizard known far and wide throughout the kingdom.
Cloud Computing, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Python, R, Roadmap, Statistics
- The Inferential Statistics Data Scientists Should Know - Mar 11, 2021.
The foundations of Data Science and machine learning algorithms are in mathematics and statistics. To be the best Data Scientists you can be, your skills in statistical understanding should be well-established. The more you appreciate statistics, the better you will understand how machine learning performs its apparent magic.
Data Science Education, Statistics
Data Science Learning Roadmap for 2021 - Feb 26, 2021.
Venturing into the world of Data Science is an exciting, interesting, and rewarding path to consider. There is a great deal to master, and this self-learning recommendation plan will guide you toward establishing a solid understanding of all that is foundational to data science as well as a solid portfolio to showcase your developed expertise.
Data Engineering, Data Preparation, Data Science, Data Science Education, Python, Roadmap, SQL
- 10 resources for data science self-study - Feb 17, 2021.
Many resources exist for the self-study of data science. In our modern age of information technology, an enormous amount of free learning resources are available to anyone, and with effort and dedication, you can master the fundamentals of data science.
Data Science, Data Science Certificate, Data Science Education, Kaggle, MOOC, Python, Youtube
- Is M.Tech in Data Science Worth It? - Jan 26, 2021.
Is M.Tech in Data Science worth it or should you learn using just online courses and projects. Let's try to find the answer to that question.
Data Science Education, Great Learning, MS in Data Science
My Data Science Learning Journey So Far - Jan 13, 2021.
These are some obstacles the author faced in their data science learning journey in the past year, including how much time it took to overcome each obstacle and what it has taught the author.
Career Advice, Challenges, Data Science, Data Science Education
Learn Data Science for free in 2021 - Jan 6, 2021.
If you are considering starting a career path in machine learning and data science, then there is a great deal to learn theoretically, along with gaining practical skills in applying a broad range of techniques. This comprehensive learning plan will guide you to start on this path, and it is all available for free.
Data Science Education, Online Education
- Top 9 Data Science Courses to Learn Online - Dec 21, 2020.
Learn Data Science from these top courses. Details like cost and course duration are included.
Courses, Data Science Education, Online Education, Simplilearn
- Data science certification – why it is important and where to get it? - Nov 30, 2020.
Data science jobs are one of most sought after and in-demand jobs in the IT industry right now. In order to get into this field and get these data science jobs, certification is needed and that is widely discussed below.
Certification, Data Science Certificate, Data Science Education, Great Learning
- Top 6 Data Science Programs for Beginners - Nov 20, 2020.
Udacity has the best industry-leading programs in data science. Here are the top six data science courses for beginners to help you get started.
Beginners, Certificate, Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Online Education, Python, R, SQL, Udacity
- My Data Science Online Learning Journey on Coursera - Nov 9, 2020.
Check out the author's informative list of courses and specializations on Coursera taken to get started on their data science and machine learning journey.
Coursera, Courses, Data Science, Data Science Education

The Best Data Science Certification You’ve Never Heard Of - Nov 4, 2020.
The CDMP is the best data strategy certification you’ve never heard of. (And honestly, when you consider the fact that you’re probably working a job that didn’t exist ten years ago, it’s not surprising that this certification isn’t widespread just yet.)
Career Advice, Certification, Data Science, Data Science Education
- I Designed My Own Machine Learning and AI Degree - May 13, 2020.
With so many pioneering online resources for open education, check out this organized collection of courses you can follow to become a well-rounded machine learning and AI engineer.
Data Science Education, Machine Learning, Online Education
Start Your Machine Learning Career in Quarantine - May 11, 2020.
While this quarantine can last two months, make the most of it by starting your career in Machine Learning with this 60-day learning plan.
Career, Data Science Education, Machine Learning, Online Education
- 365 Data Science courses free until 15 April - Mar 31, 2020.
Be safe. Stay at home. Learn data science. 365 Data Science is making all of their courses free until Apr 15. Sign up now and learn for free!
Courses, Data Science Education, Online Education
- Data Science Curriculum for self-study - Feb 26, 2020.
Are you asking the question, "how do I become a Data Scientist?" This list recommends the best essential topics to gain an introductory understanding for getting started in the field. After learning these basics, keep in mind that doing real data science projects through internships or competitions is crucial to acquiring the core skills necessary for the job.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Mathematics, Probability, Programming, Statistics
- How to learn data science on your own: a practical guide - Feb 11, 2020.
While much focus today is on the rise in working from home and the challenges experienced, not as much is said about learning from home. For those lone wolfs studying Data Science in a self-directed way, a range of issues can get in the way of your goal. Learn about these common problems to prepare to focus yourself all the way to your educational goals.
Advice, Beginners, Data Science Education, MOOC
- 10 Best and Free Machine Learning Courses, Online - Dec 26, 2019.
Getting ready to leap into the world of Data Science? Consider these top machine learning courses curated by experts to help you learn and thrive in this exciting field.
Coursera, Data Science Education, Deep Learning, edX, Machine Learning, Online Education
Data Science Curriculum Roadmap - Dec 3, 2019.
What follows is a set of broad recommendations, and it will inevitably require a lot of adjustments in each implementation. Given that caveat, here are our curriculum recommendations.
Data Science, Data Science Education
- Top 7 Things I Learned in my Data Science Masters - Oct 15, 2019.
Even though I’m still in my studies, here’s a list of the most important things I’ve learned (as of yet).
Data Science, Data Science Education, Tips
Is Kaggle Learn a “Faster Data Science Education?” - Aug 20, 2019.
Kaggle Learn is "Faster Data Science Education," featuring micro-courses covering an array of data skills for immediate application. Courses may be made with newcomers in mind, but the platform and its content is proving useful as a review for more seasoned practitioners as well.
Data Science, Data Science Education, Kaggle, Online Education
What’s wrong with the approach to Data Science? - Jul 10, 2019.
The job ‘Data Scientist’ has been around for decades, it was just not called “Data Scientist”. Statisticians have used their knowledge and skills using machine learning techniques such as Logistic Regression and Random Forest for prediction and insights for longer than people actually realize.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist
- Becoming a Level 3.0 Data Scientist - May 29, 2019.
Want to be a Junior, Senior, or Principal Data Scientists? Find out what you need to do to navigate the Data Science Career Game.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist
- AI in the Family: how to teach machine learning to your kids - May 28, 2019.
AI is all the rage with today’s programmers, but what about the next generation? Machine learning can be introduced to young ones just now learning about code, and you can help spark their interest.
AI, Beginners, Data Science Education, Education, Kids, Online Education
How To Go Into Data Science: Ultimate Q&A for Aspiring Data Scientists with Serious Guides - Apr 22, 2019.
To learn ALL the skills sets in data science is next to impossible as the scope is way too wide. There’ll always be some skills (technical/non-technical) that data scientists don’t know or haven’t learned as different businesses require different skill sets.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Online Education
- How to DIY Your Data Science Education - Apr 3, 2019.
Some people find the path of formal education works well for them, but this may not work for everyone, in every situation. Here are eight ways that you can take a DIY approach to your data science education.
Books, Data Science, Data Science Education, MOOC, Podcast, Programming Languages, Youtube
- Deploy your PyTorch model to Production - Mar 20, 2019.
This tutorial aims to teach you how to deploy your recently trained model in PyTorch as an API using Python.
Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Deep Learning, Flask, Programming, Python, PyTorch
- A comprehensive list of Machine Learning Resources: Open Courses, Textbooks, Tutorials, Cheat Sheets and more - Dec 7, 2018.
A thorough collection of useful resources covering statistics, classic machine learning, deep learning, probability, reinforcement learning, and more.
Cheat Sheet, Data Science Education, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Open Source, Reinforcement Learning, Resources, Statistics
How To Learn Data Science If You’re Broke - Oct 9, 2018.
A first-hand account on how to learn data science on a budget, with advice covering useful resources, a recommended curriculum, typical concepts, building a portfolio and more.
Beginners, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education
- Webinar: Life as a Data Scientist, Sep 12 - Sep 8, 2018.
Watch Springboard webinar and learn everything from the hard skills to the soft skills aspiring data scientists need. Springboard Data Science Career Track now offers deferred tuition - learn more.
Career, Data Science Education, Data Science Skills, Springboard
- Why a Professional Association for Data Scientists is a Bad Idea - Jul 2, 2018.
This post presents the argument against having a professional association for data scientists.
Certification, Data Science, Data Science Education, SIGKDD, Trends
- Learn AI and Data Science rapidly based only on high school math – KDnuggets Offer - May 25, 2018.
This 3-month program, created by Ajit Jaokar, who teaches at Oxford, is interactive and delivered by video. Coding examples are in Python. Places limited - check special KDnuggets rate.
AI, Ajit Jaokar, Data Science Education, Mathematics, Online Education, Python
- Data Engineer vs Data Scientist: the evolution of aggressive species - May 14, 2018.
This article looks at how the two "species" - data scientists and data engineers - harmonise and coexist.
Career, Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, DSTI, indeed
How Do I Get My First Data Science Job? - Apr 2, 2018.
Here are the steps you need to obtain your first job in data science, including details on how to create a good portfolio, key networking tips, getting the right education and managing expectations.
Advice, Career, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, GitHub, Jobs, Kaggle
- 5 Things to Know Before Rushing to Start in Data Science - Mar 13, 2018.
Strong math understanding, computing skills, critical thinking and presentations skills provide a strong foundation for a career in Data Science.
Advice, Business Analytics, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education
- 5 Things You Need To Know About Data Science - Feb 19, 2018.
Here are 5 useful things to know about Data Science, including its relationship to BI, Data Mining, Predictive Analytics, and Machine Learning; Data Scientist job prospects; where to learn Data Science; and which algorithms/methods are used by Data Scientists
Algorithms, BI, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Google Trends, Jobs, Machine Learning
- Learn Data Science Without a Degree - Jan 19, 2018.
But how do you learn data science? Let’s take a look at some of the steps you can take to begin your journey into data science without needing a degree, including Springboard’s Data Science Career Track.
Career, Data Science Education, Interview, Springboard
The Art of Learning Data Science - Jan 9, 2018.
A beginner’s account of getting into comfort zone of learning Data Science.
Coursera, Data Science, Data Science Education, Kaggle, LinkedIn, MOOC
- Best Masters in Data Science and Analytics – Europe Edition - Dec 7, 2017.
The third part of our comprehensive, unbiased survey of graduate programs in Data Science and Analytics, examining the programs from Europe.
Pages: 1 2
Data Science Education, Europe, Master of Science, MS in Analytics, MS in Business Analytics, MS in Data Science
Want to Become a Data Scientist? Read This Interview First - Oct 13, 2017.
There’s been a lot of hype about Data Science... and probably just as much confusion about it.
Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist
- Stanford Online Data Mining Courses and Certificates - Aug 1, 2017.
With Stanford Online Data Mining Certificates, learn to guide important business decisions, become indispensable, and give your career a boost.
Certificate, Data Mining Training, Data Science Education, Online Education, Stanford
- Guarantee yourself a data science career - May 12, 2017.
The Data Science Career Track is the first online bootcamp to guarantee you a data science job or your money back. The application process is selective - start it know.
Career, Data Science Education, Springboard
- EDISON Data Science Framework to define the Data Science Profession - Oct 14, 2016.
EDISON Data Science Framework provides conceptual, instructional and policy components required to establish the Data Science profession.
Certification, Data Science, Data Science Certificate, Data Science Education, Data Scientist
- The top 5 Big Data courses to help you break into the industry - Aug 25, 2016.
Here is an updated and in-depth review of top 5 providers of Big Data and Data Science courses: Simplilearn, Cloudera, Big Data University, Hortonworks, and Coursera
Big Data, Cloudera, Coursera, Data Science Education, Hortonworks, Online Education, Simplilearn
- A Tutorial on the Expectation Maximization (EM) Algorithm - Aug 25, 2016.
This is a short tutorial on the Expectation Maximization algorithm and how it can be used on estimating parameters for multi-variate data.
Clustering, Data Science, Data Science Education, Predictive Analytics, Statistics
- Advantages of a Career in Data Science - Apr 23, 2016.
As the rampant growth of data science continues across industries, the opportunities are plenty for both aspiring and expert data scientists. Here is an overview of data science industries, opportunities and work locations.
Career, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Industry
- Comprehensive Guide to Learning Python for Data Analysis and Data Science - Apr 20, 2016.
Want to make a career change to Data Science using python? Well learning anything on your own can be a challenge & a little guidance could be a great help, that is exactly what this article will provide you with.
Pages: 1 2
Data Analysis, Data Science Education, DataCamp, Python
- JSU Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering Program - Apr 7, 2016.
JSU is among the first minority serving institutions to create a Big Data focused doctoral and graduate program for MS and PhD in Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering - apply now.
Data Science Education, Jackson, Jackson State University, MS
- R Learning Path: From beginner to expert in R in 7 steps - Mar 23, 2016.
This learning path is mainly for novice R users that are just getting started but it will also cover some of the latest changes in the language that might appeal to more advanced R users.
Pages: 1 2 3
7 Steps, Data Preparation, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, DataCamp, Hadley Wickham, Learning Path, Maps, R
- New KDnuggets Tutorials Page: Learn R, Python, Data Visualization, Data Science, and more - Mar 16, 2016.
Introducing new KDnuggets Tutorials page with useful resources for learning about Business Analytics, Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, R, Python, Data Visualization, Spark, Deep Learning and more.
Data Science Education, Online Education, Python, R
- A Great way to learn Data Science by simply doing it - Sep 11, 2015.
There are tons of great online resources out there we can pick up and learn them to become a master in data science. Here is a comprehensive list of data science course providers along with links to the data science courses.
Data Science, Data Science Education
- How to become a Data Scientist for Free - Aug 28, 2015.
Here are the most required skills for a data scientist position based on ReSkill’s analyses of thousands of job posts and free resources to learn each skill.
Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Java, Online Education, Python, R, SQL, Statistics
- Do you need a Masters Degree to become a Data Scientist? - Jun 27, 2014.
Leading analytics experts answer the question: "Do you need a Masters Degree to become a Data Scientist?" Read practical tips and interesting commentary.
Data Science Education, Data Scientist, LinkedIn Groups, Master of Science
- 7 Steps for Learning Data Mining and Data Science - Nov 28, 2013.
[http likes 823] How to learn data mining and data science? I outline seven steps and point you to resources for becoming a data scientist.
7 Steps, Advice, Data Science Education