Why the Future of ETL Is Not ELT, But EL(T) - Dec 4, 2020.
The well-established technologies and tools around ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) are undergoing a potential paradigm shift with new approaches to data storage and expanding cloud-based compute. Decoupling the EL from T could reconcile analytics and operational data management use cases, in a new landscape where data warehouses and data lakes are merging.
Data Analysis, Data Engineering, Data Lakes, Data Preparation, ELT, ETL
- Schema Evolution in Data Lakes - Jan 16, 2020.
Whereas a data warehouse will need rigid data modeling and definitions, a data lake can store different types and shapes of data. In a data lake, the schema of the data can be inferred when it’s read, providing the aforementioned flexibility. However, this flexibility is a double-edged sword.
Data Lakes, Evolution
- 4 Myths of Big Data and 4 Ways to Improve with Deep Data - Jan 9, 2019.
There is a fundamental misconception that bigger data produces better machine learning results. However bigger data lakes / warehouses won’t necessarily help to discover more profound insights. It is better to focus on data quality, value and diversity not just size. "Deep Data" is better than Big Data.
Big Data, Data Lakes, Data Warehouse, Hype, Machine Learning, Sampling
- Why the Data Lake Matters - Jun 22, 2018.
This post outlines why the data lake matters, outlining the complexity of a data lake and taking a look at its evolution over time.
Analytics, Data, Data Lakes
- Beyond Data Lakes and Data Warehousing - May 15, 2018.
We give a comprehensive review of data lakes and data warehouses, and look at what the future holds for total data integration.
Data Lakes, Data Warehousing
Are Data Lakes Fake News? - Sep 6, 2017.
The quick answer is yes, and the biggest problem is that the term “Data Lakes” has been overloaded by vendors and analysts with different meanings, resulting in an ill-defined and blurry concept.
Data Lakes, Data Warehouse, ETL, Fake News, Hadoop
- Data Lakes vs Data Warehouses - Jun 7, 2014.
Data Warehouses, traditionally popular for business intelligence tasks, are being replaced by less-structured Data Lakes which allow more flexibility.
Business Intelligence, Data Lakes, Data Science Platform, Data Visualization, Data Warehouse, DataRPM