- 9 Skills You Need to Become a Data Engineer - Nov 2, 2022.
A data engineer is a fast-growing profession with amazing challenges and rewards. Which skills do you need to become a data engineer? In this post, we’ll take a look at both hard and soft skills.
Data Engineer
Building a solid data team - Dec 8, 2021.
How do you put together a solid data science team when it comes to developing data-driven products? A variety of roles are available to consider, so which ones do you need and which are most crucial?
Agile, Careers, Data Engineer, Data Science Team, Data Scientist, Product Owner, Software Developer
Salary Breakdown of the Top Data Science Jobs - Nov 2, 2021.
Machine Learning vs NLP vs Data Engineer vs Data Scientist, and what it means to be in each role.
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, NLP, Salary
- Is the Modern Data Stack Leaving You Behind? - Nov 1, 2021.
The modern data stack narrative is largely dominated by analytics engineering. Where does that leave data engineers? Discover the difference between the MDS for data engineers & analytics engineers.
Analytics, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Tools
A Guide to 14 Different Data Science Jobs - Oct 27, 2021.
The field of data science is growing into one that features a variety of job titles This guide reviews different positions available for you to consider if you have a data science background.
Business Analyst, Career Advice, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Jobs, Machine Learning Engineer

Data Scientist vs Data Engineer Salary - Oct 20, 2021.
What are the differences between these two popular tech roles?
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Salary
- 2021 Data Engineer Salary Report Shares Insights on a Swiftly Evolving Market - Oct 19, 2021.
Over the past few years, the data engineering market has seen tremendous growth. The acceleration of the data engineering market prompted us to create a new report specifically for data engineering professionals. You can download both the 2021 Data Engineering and 2021 Data Science & Analytics salary reports from our website for free.
Burtch Works, Data Engineer, Hiring, Salary, Trends
- Choose The Right Job in Data: 5 Signs To Look For In An Engineering Culture - Oct 8, 2021.
Software engineers seeking jobs at data companies face a new problem: choosing the right job out of all the options. Learn the 5 signs that signal an agile and innovative engineering culture.
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Science, Software Engineering
- Cartoon: How Deep Is That Data Lake? - Oct 2, 2021.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at some of the problems data engineers may encounter when trying to measure data lakes.
Cartoon, Data Engineer, Data Lake
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n36, Sep 22: The Machine & Deep Learning Compendium Open Book; Easy SQL in Native Python - Sep 22, 2021.
The Machine & Deep Learning Compendium Open Book; Easy SQL in Native Python; Introduction to Automated Machine Learning; How to be a Data Scientist without a STEM degree; What Is The Real Difference Between Data Engineers and Data Scientists?
Automated Machine Learning, AutoML, Books, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning, Python, SQL
- What Is The Real Difference Between Data Engineers and Data Scientists? - Sep 16, 2021.
To launch your data career, you’ll need both theoretical knowledge and applied skills. Bootcamp programs like Springboard’s Data Science Career Track and Data Engineering Career Track can help make you job-ready through hands-on, project-based learning and one-on-one mentorship. Wondering which data career path is right for you? Read on to find out.
Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Skills, Springboard
- The Most Important Tool for Data Engineers - Aug 26, 2021.
And it has nothing to do with Python or SQL
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Engineering
Become an Analytics Engineer in 90 Days - Jul 12, 2021.
A new role of the Analytics Engineer is an exciting opportunity that crosses the skill sets of a Data Analyst and Data Engineer. Here, we describe how this position can evolve at an organization, and recommend self-learning resources that can be used to prepare for the multifaceted responsibilities.
Analytics Engineer, Career Advice, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, dbt
- DataOps: 5 things that you need to know - May 20, 2021.
DataOps (Data Operations) has assumed a critical role in the age of big data to drive definitive impact on business outcomes. This process-oriented and agile methodology synergizes the components of DevOps and the capabilities of data engineers and data scientists to support data-focused workloads in enterprises. Here is a detailed look at DataOps.
Data Engineer, Data Engineering, DataOps
- The Most In Demand Skills for Data Engineers in 2021 - May 18, 2021.
If you are preparing to make a career in data or are looking for opportunities to skill-up in your current data-centric role, then this analysis of in-demand skills for 2021, based on over 17,000 Data Engineer job postings, should offer you a good idea as to which programming languages and software tools are increasing and decreasing in importance.
Apache Spark, AWS, Data Engineer, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, Python, Skills, SQL
Why You Should Consider Being a Data Engineer Instead of a Data Scientist - Apr 27, 2021.
A new king of the jungle has emerged.
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Scientist
Cartoon: Data Scientist vs Data Engineer - Feb 20, 2021.
New KDnuggets Cartoon examines the problems of Data Scientists vs Data Engineers.
Cartoon, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Humor
Data Engineering — the Cousin of Data Science, is Troublesome - Jan 22, 2021.
A Data Scientist must be a jack of many, many trades. Especially when working in broader teams, understanding the roles of others, such as data engineering, can help you validate progress and be aware of potential pitfalls. So, how can you convince your analysts to realize the importance of expanding their toolkit? Examples from real life often provide great insight.
Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Scientist
- How to Get a Job as a Data Engineer - Jan 5, 2021.
Data engineering skills are currently in high demand. If you are looking for career prospects in this fast-growing profession, then these 10 skills and key factors will help you prepare to land an entry-level position in this field.
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Engineering
- The Ultimate Guide to Data Engineer Interviews - Dec 7, 2020.
If you are preparing for data engineering interviews, then follow these technical recommendations regarding your resume, programming skills, SQL acumen, and system design problem-solving, as well as the non-technical aspects of your upcoming interview session.
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Interview Questions, Programming, SQL
Introduction to Data Engineering - Dec 3, 2020.
The Q&A for the most frequently asked questions about Data Engineering: What does a data engineer do? What is a data pipeline? What is a data warehouse? How is a data engineer different from a data scientist? What skills and programming languages do you need to learn to become a data engineer?
Analytics, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Science, Skills
The Rise of the Machine Learning Engineer - Nov 23, 2020.
The evolution of Big Data into machine learning applications ushered in an exciting era of new roles and skillsets that became necessary to implement these technologies. With the Machine Learning Engineer being such a crucial component today, where the evolution of this field will take us tomorrow should be fascinating.
Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Trends
- Top 6 Data Science Programs for Beginners - Nov 20, 2020.
Udacity has the best industry-leading programs in data science. Here are the top six data science courses for beginners to help you get started.
Beginners, Certificate, Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Online Education, Python, R, SQL, Udacity
- Find Your Perfect Fit: A Quick Guide for Job Roles in the Data World - Apr 23, 2020.
Data related positions are considered the hottest in the job market during the last couple of years. While everyone wants to join the party and enter this fascinating field, it is essential to first get an understanding. In this quick guide, I’ll do my best to dispel the confusion by crystalizing the essence of the different positions.
Business Analyst, Career Advice, Data Analyst, Data Architect, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Database Management, Developers, ETL, Machine Learning Engineer
- Scaling the Wall Between Data Scientist and Data Engineer - Feb 17, 2020.
The educational and research focuses of machine learning tends to highlight the model building, training, testing, and optimization aspects of the data science process. To bring these models into use requires a suite of engineering feats and organization, a standard for which does not yet exist. Learn more about a framework for operating a collaborative data science and engineering team to deploy machine learning models to end-users.
Advice, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Scientist, Deployment, DevOps, Machine Learning Engineer, MLflow, MLOps, Production
- 7 “Gotchas” for Data Engineers New to Google BigQuery - Mar 28, 2019.
Here are some things that might take some getting used to when new to Google BigQuery, along with mitigation strategies where I’ve found them.
BigQuery, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Google
- The Difference Between Data Scientists and Data Engineers - Mar 4, 2019.
ODSC East 2019 has multiple tracks for both Data Scientists and Data Engineers, including workshops, talks, and training sessions. Save 45% with code KDN45.
Boston, Data Engineer, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, MA, ODSC
- The Data Science Gold Rush: Top Jobs in Data Science and How to Secure Them - Jan 24, 2019.
Because big data touches almost every industry across the board, those who aren’t already working in data and analytics will soon be utilizing the technology for its undeniable business benefits. Whichever way you slice it, the future of work is through data.
Business Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Science, Data Scientist, Hiring, Jobs
- The Role of the Data Engineer is Changing - Jan 10, 2019.
The role of the data engineer in a startup data team is changing rapidly. Are you thinking about it the right way?
Data Engineer, Data Science, dbt, ETL
Top 10 roles in AI and data science - Aug 9, 2018.
When you think of the perfect data science team, are you imagining 10 copies of the same professor of computer science and statistics, hands delicately stained with whiteboard marker? We hope not!
AI, Analyst, Analytics Manager, Career, Cassie Kozyrkov, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Jobs, Machine Learning Engineer, Statistician
- What’s the Difference Between Data Integration and Data Engineering? - Jun 28, 2018.
Why is this distinction important? Because it’s critical to understanding how leading-organizations are investing in new data engineering skills that exploit advanced analytics to create new sources of business and operational value.
Data Engineer, Data Integration
- Data Engineer vs Data Scientist: the evolution of aggressive species - May 14, 2018.
This article looks at how the two "species" - data scientists and data engineers - harmonise and coexist.
Career, Data Engineer, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, DSTI, indeed
Data Scientist – best job in America, again - Jan 30, 2017.
Glassdoor again ranked Data Scientist as the no. 1 job in USA, and 5 of the top 10 US jobs are related to Analytics, Big Data, and Data Science.
Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Glassdoor, USA
- Why the Data Scientist and Data Engineer Need to Understand Virtualization in the Cloud - Jan 25, 2017.
This article covers the value of understanding the virtualization constructs for the data scientist and data engineer as they deploy their analysis onto all kinds of cloud platforms. Virtualization is a key enabling layer of software for these data workers to be aware of and to achieve optimal results from.
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Cloud, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Scientist, Virtualization
- The different data science roles in the industry - Nov 17, 2015.
Data science roles and responsibilities are diverse and skills required for them vary considerably. Here, we have described the different data science roles along with the skill set, technical knowledge and mindset required to carry it.
Career, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, DataCamp, Infographic, Statistician
- Three Essential Components of a Successful Data Science Team - Aug 10, 2015.
A Data Science team, carefully constructed with the right set of dedicated professionals, can prove to be an asset to any organization,
Business Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Science Team, Machine Learning, Team