- Six Ethical Quandaries of Predictive Policing - Nov 6, 2020.
When predictive machine learning models are applied to real-life scenarios, especially those that directly impact humans, such as cancer detection and other medical-related applications, the risks involved with incorrect predictions carry very high stakes. These risks are also prominent in how machine learning is applied in law enforcement, and serious ethical questions must be considered.
Bias, Crime, Ethics, Police, Predictive Analytics
- Book Chapter: The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data - Sep 3, 2020.
Get a free book chapter from "The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data" by a leading researcher Sir David John Spiegelhalter. This excerpt takes a forensic look at data surrounding the victims of the UK most prolific serial killer and shows how a simple search for patterns reveals critical details.
Book, Crime, JMP, Statistics
- Prepare for a Long Battle against Deepfakes - Feb 21, 2020.
While deepfakes threaten to destroy our perception of reality, the tech giants are throwing down the gauntlet and working to enhance the state of the art in combating doctored videos and images.
AI, Crime, Deepfakes, Facebook, Google, Politics, Trends, Twitter
- Introduction to Geographical Time Series Prediction with Crime Data in R, SQL, and Tableau - Feb 14, 2020.
When reviewing geographical data, it can be difficult to prepare the data for an analysis. This article helps by covering importing data into a SQL Server database; cleansing and grouping data into a map grid; adding time data points to the set of grid data and filling in the gaps where no crimes occurred; importing the data into R; running XGBoost model to determine where crimes will occur on a specific day
Crime, Geospatial, R, SQL, Tableau, Time Series
- How to Define a Machine Learning Problem Like a Detective - Oct 22, 2018.
The common refrain among machine learning practitioners is that it’s as much an art as a science. True enough, but in this discipline, you can only appreciate the former if you understand the latter.
Crime, Data journalism, Machine Learning
70 Amazing Free Data Sources You Should Know - Dec 20, 2017.
70 free data sources for 2017 on government, crime, health, financial and economic data, marketing and social media, journalism and media, real estate, company directory and review, and more to start working on your data projects.
Big Data, Business, Crime, Datasets, Finance, Government, Health, Journalism, Octoparse, Social Media
- Random Forest®: A Criminal Tutorial - Sep 19, 2016.
Get an overview of Random Forest here, one of the most used algorithms by KDnuggets readers according to a recent poll.
Algobeans, CA, Crime, random forests algorithm, San Francisco
- Data Science vs Crime: Detecting Pickpocket Suspects from Transit Records - Sep 1, 2016.
A team of US and Chinese researchers has creatively used massive data collected by automated fare collectors for identifying thieves in the public transit systems. The system was tested in Beijing and was able to identify 93% of known pickpockets.
Anomaly Detection, Beijing, China, Crime, Hui Xiong, Mobility, Rutgers
- Using Big Data Analytics To Prevent Crimes The “Minority Report” Way - Apr 18, 2016.
The idea of using artificial intelligence for the crime prevention has been around for more than a decade. In this post, we present four examples, including how using analytics, we can prevent a criminal from re-offending.
Big Data Analytics, Crime, Machine Learning, Surveillance