- Using Twitter to Understand Pizza Delivery Apprehension During COVID - Aug 6, 2021.
Analyzing customer sentiments and capturing any specific difference in emotion to order Dominos pizza in India during lockdown.
Analytics, COVID-19, Data Science, Retail, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter
- Animated Bar Chart Races in Python - May 18, 2021.
A quick and step-by-step beginners project to create an animation bar graph for an amazing Covid dataset.
COVID-19, Data Science, Data Visualization, Pandas, Python, Visualization
- FluDemic – using AI and Machine Learning to get ahead of disease - Apr 30, 2021.
We are amidst a healthcare data explosion. AI/ML will be more vital than ever in the prevention and handling of future pandemics. Here, we walk you through the different facets of modeling infectious diseases, focusing on influenza and COVID-19.
AI, COVID-19, Healthcare, Machine Learning
- Covid or just a Cough? AI for detecting COVID-19 from Cough Sounds - Dec 15, 2020.
Increased capabilities in screening and early testing for a disease can significantly support quelling its spread and impact. Recent progress in developing deep learning AI models to classify cough sounds as a prescreening tool for COVID-19 has demonstrated promising early success. Cough-based diagnosis is non-invasive, cost-effective, scalable, and, if approved, could be a potential game-changer in our fight against COVID-19.
AI, Audio, COVID-19, Deep Learning, Healthcare
Main 2020 Developments and Key 2021 Trends in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning Technology - Dec 9, 2020.
Our panel of leading experts reviews 2020 main developments and examines the key trends in AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Technology.
2021 Predictions, AI, AutoML, Bill Schmarzo, Carla Gentry, COVID-19, Doug Laney, GPT-3, Kirk D. Borne, Machine Learning, MLOps, Predictions, Ronald van Loon, Tom Davenport, Trends
- Free From MIT: Intro to Computational Thinking with Julia - Nov 12, 2020.
Introduction to Computational Thinking with Julia, with Applications to Modeling the COVID-19 Pandemic is another freely-available offering from MIT's Open Courseware.
Computer Science, COVID-19, Data Science, Julia, MIT
A step-by-step guide for creating an authentic data science portfolio project - Oct 7, 2020.
Especially if you are starting out launching yourself as a Data Scientist, you will want to first demonstrate your skills through interesting data science project ideas that you can implement and share. This step-by-step guide shows you how to do go through this process, with an original example that explores Germany’s biggest frequent flyer forum, Vielfliegertreff.
COVID-19, Data Preparation, Data Science, Germany, Portfolio, Travel, Web Scraping
- AI in Healthcare: A review of innovative startups - Sep 30, 2020.
The AI innovation in healthcare has been overwhelming with the Global Healthcare AI Market accounting for $0.95 billion in 2017, and is expected to reach $19.25 billion by 2026. What drives this vibrant growth?
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Healthcare, Startups
- Visualization Of COVID-19 New Cases Over Time In Python - Sep 15, 2020.
Inspired by another concise data visualization, the author of this article has crafted and shared the code for a heatmap which visualizes the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States over time.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, Data Visualization, Python, Time Series, Visualization
- 9 Developing Data Science & Analytics Job Trends - Sep 7, 2020.
With so much disruption in 2020 already, a recent report by Burtch Works looks ahead to next year and beyond, and shares insights about how today's hiring market trends may impact our work lives for years to come.
Analytics, Burtch Works, Career, COVID-19, Data Science, Jobs, Trends
- How Data Science Is Keeping People Safe During COVID-19 - Aug 25, 2020.
Data, and more importantly, the way people use it, is shaping and refining approaches to COVID-19 safety. Here's a closer look at how this is happening.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, Data Science, Safety
- KDD-2020 (virtual), the leading conference on Data Science and Knowledge Discovery, Aug 23-27 – register now - Aug 18, 2020.
Using an interactive VR platform, KDD-2020 brings you the latest research in AI, Data Science, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning with tutorials to improve your skills, keynotes from top experts, workshops on state-of-the-art topics and over 200 research presentations.
ACM SIGKDD, COVID-19, Data Science, Deep Learning, KDD, KDD-2020, Machine Learning, Meetings, Research
- How to make AI/Machine Learning models resilient during COVID-19 crisis - Jun 11, 2020.
COVID-19-driven concept shift has created concern over the usage of AI/ML to continue to drive business value following cases of inaccurate outputs and misleading results from a variety of fields. Data Science teams must invest effort in post-model tracking and management as well as deploy an agility in the AI/ML process to curb problems related to concept shift.
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Machine Learning, Model Drift, Modeling
AI and Machine Learning for Healthcare - May 14, 2020.
Traditional business and technology sectors are not the only fields being impacted by AI. Healthcare is a field that is thought to be highly suitable for the applications of AI tools and techniques.
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Healthcare, Machine Learning
- Best Coronavirus Projections, Predictions, Dashboards and Data Resources - May 6, 2020.
Check out this curated collection of coronavirus-related projections, dashboards, visualizations, and data that we have encountered on the internet.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, Dashboard, Predictions, Resources
- Outbreak Analytics: Data Science Strategies for a Novel Problem - Apr 30, 2020.
You walk down one aisle of the grocery store to get your favorite cereal. On the dairy aisle, someone sick from COVID-19 coughs. Did your decision to grab your cereal before your milk possibly keep you healthy? How can these unpredictable, near-random choices be included in complex models?
Alteryx, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Data Science, Data Visualization, Forecasting
- Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Interactive Visualizations - Apr 29, 2020.
Interactive visualizations are an effective method for understanding the COVID-19 pandemic. This article presents a repository filled with just such insightful interactions.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, Data Visualization, Visualization
Coronavirus COVID-19 Genome Analysis using Biopython - Apr 29, 2020.
So in this article, we will interpret, analyze the COVID-19 DNA sequence data and try to get as many insights regarding the proteins that made it up. Later will compare COVID-19 DNA with MERS and SARS and we’ll understand the relationship among them.
Analysis, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Python
- How AI Can Help Manage Infectious Diseases - Apr 28, 2020.
With the capability to analyze huge amounts of data, including medical information, human behavior patterns, and environmental conditions, big data tools can be invaluable in dealing with deadly outbreaks.
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Healthcare
Should Data Scientists Model COVID19 and other Biological Events - Apr 22, 2020.
Biostatisticians use statistical techniques that your current everyday data scientists have probably never heard of. This is a great example where lack of domain knowledge exposes you as someone that does not know what they are doing and are merely hopping on a trend.
Advice, COVID-19, Data Science, Data Scientist, Statistics
- Fighting Coronavirus With AI: Improving Testing with Deep Learning and Computer Vision - Apr 22, 2020.
This post will cover how testing is done for the coronavirus, why it's important in battling the pandemic, and how deep learning tools for medical imaging can help us improve the quality of COVID-19 testing.
AI, Computer Vision, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Deep Learning, Healthcare
- 4 Steps to ensure your AI/Machine Learning system survives COVID-19 - Apr 17, 2020.
Many AI models rely on historical data to make predictions on future behavior. So, what happens when consumer behavior across the planet makes a 180 degree flip? Companies are quickly seeing less value from some AI systems as training data is no longer relevant when user behaviors and preferences change so drastically. Those who are flexible can make it through this crisis in data, and these four techniques will help you stay in front of the competition.
AI, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Deployment, Machine Learning