- Free From MIT: Intro to Computational Thinking with Julia - Nov 12, 2020.
Introduction to Computational Thinking with Julia, with Applications to Modeling the COVID-19 Pandemic is another freely-available offering from MIT's Open Courseware.
Computer Science, COVID-19, Data Science, Julia, MIT
Free From MIT: Intro to Computational Thinking and Data Science - Oct 14, 2020.
This free course from MIT will help in your transition to thinking computationally, and ultimately solving complex data science problems.
Computer Science, Courses, Data Science, MIT, Python
Free From MIT: Intro to Computer Science and Programming in Python - Sep 9, 2020.
This free introductory computer science and programming course is available via MIT's Open Courseware platform. It's a great resource for mastering the fundamentals of one of data science's major requirements.
Computer Science, Courses, MIT, Programming, Python
- Statistics, Causality, and What Claims are Difficult to Swallow: Judea Pearl debates Kevin Gray - Jun 15, 2018.
While KDnuggets takes no side, we present the informative and respectful back and forth as we believe it has value for our readers. We hope that you agree.
AI, Computer Science, Data Science, Judea Pearl, Statistics