- eBook: A Practical Guide to Using Third-Party Data in the Cloud - Sep 2, 2021.
Download this eBook to learn how innovative teams are shifting their focus from data-driven business intelligence to accelerating insight-driven decision-making and now are turning to third-party datasets as a differentiator.
AWS, Cloud Computing, ebook
- Pushing No-Code Machine Learning to the Edge - Jul 16, 2021.
Discover the power of no-code machine learning, and what it can accomplish when pushed to edge devices.
Cloud Computing, Edge Analytics, Machine Learning, No-Code
- Data Science Curriculum for Professionals - Mar 25, 2021.
If you are looking to expand or transition your current professional career that is buried in spreadsheet analysis into one powered by data science, then you are in for an exciting but complex journey with much to explore and master. To begin your adventure, following this complete road map to guide you from a gnome in the forest of spreadsheets to an AI wizard known far and wide throughout the kingdom.
Cloud Computing, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Python, R, Roadmap, Statistics
Cloud Computing, Data Science and ML Trends in 2020–2022: The battle of giants - Jan 22, 2021.
Kaggle’s survey of ‘State of Data Science and Machine Learning 2020’ covers a lot of diverse topics. In this post, we are going to look at the popularity of cloud computing platforms and products among the data science and ML professionals participated in the survey.
AWS, Cloud Computing, Data Science, Google Cloud, Kaggle, Machine Learning, Microsoft Azure, Trends
- Cartoon: Cloud Dating - Oct 17, 2020.
New KDnuggets cartoon looks at how AI can transform love and romance.
AI, Cartoon, Cloud Computing, Humor, Love, Online Dating
Top 5 must-have Data Science skills for 2020 - Jan 8, 2020.
The standard job description for a Data Scientist has long highlighted skills in R, Python, SQL, and Machine Learning. With the field evolving, these core competencies are no longer enough to stay competitive in the job market.
2020 Predictions, Agile, Cloud Computing, Data Science Skills, Deep Learning, Deployment, GitHub, NLP
7 Resources to Becoming a Data Engineer - Jan 7, 2020.
An estimated 8,650% growth of the volume of Data to 175 zetabytes from 2010 to 2025 has created an enormous need for Data Engineers to build an organization's big data platform to be fast, efficient and scalable.
Advice, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Data Science, MOOC, SQL
- Alternative Cloud Hosted Data Science Environments - Dec 19, 2019.
Over the years new alternative providers have risen to provided a solitary data science environment hosted on the cloud for data scientist to analyze, host and share their work.
Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Science, Jupyter, Saturn Cloud
The 4 Hottest Trends in Data Science for 2020 - Dec 9, 2019.
The field of Data Science is growing with new capabilities and reach into every industry. With digital transformations occurring in organizations around the world, 2019 included trends of more companies leveraging more data to make better decisions. Check out these next trends in Data Science expected to take off in 2020.
2020 Predictions, Automated Data Science, AutoML, Cloud Computing, Data Science, NLP, Privacy, Security, Trends
Understanding Cloud Data Services - Jun 24, 2019.
Ready to move your systems to a cloud vendor or just learning more about big data services? This overview will help you understand big data system architectures, components, and offerings with an end-to-end taxonomy of what is available from the big three cloud providers.
AWS, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure
- Easy Way to Scrape Data from Website By Yourself - Apr 22, 2019.
Introducing Octoparse, a simple cloud-based website data scrapper that will let you extract any web data in real-time and coding is not needed.
Cloud Computing, Octoparse, Web Scraping
8 Reasons Why You Should Get a Microsoft Azure Certification - Mar 18, 2019.
With huge and growing popularity of Microsoft Azure, getting that certification will advance your career. Consider these 8 reasons for taking an Azure certification course
Certification, Cloud Computing, Microsoft Azure, Online Education, Simplilearn
- Best Deals in Deep Learning Cloud Providers: From CPU to GPU to TPU - Nov 15, 2018.
A detailed comparison of the best places to train your deep learning model for the lowest cost and hassle, including AWS, Google, Paperspace, vast.ai, and more.
Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, GPU, TPU
- Top 3 Trends in Deep Learning - Oct 3, 2018.
We investigate the intermediate stage of deep learning, and the trends that are emerging in response to the challenges at this stage, including Interoperability and the multi-deployment options.
Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, MathWorks
- Deep Learning on the Edge - Sep 19, 2018.
Detailed analysis into utilizing deep learning on the edge, covering both advantages and disadvantages and comparing this against more traditional cloud computing methods.
Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, IoT, Security
- Big Data Architecture: A Complete and Detailed Overview - Sep 19, 2017.
Data scientists may not be as educated or experienced in computer science, programming concepts, devops, site reliability engineering, non-functional requirements, software solution infrastructure, or general software architecture as compared to well-trained or experienced software architects and engineers.
Analytics, Big Data, Big Data Architecture, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Scalability, Software, Software Engineering
- The Internet of Things in the Cloud - May 11, 2017.
Cloud computing is the next evolutionary step in Internet-based computing, which provides the means for delivering ICT resources as a service. Internet-of-Things can benefit from the scalability, performance and pay-as-you-go nature of cloud computing infrastructures.
Cloud, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, IoT, Scalability
- The dynamics between AI and IoT - Apr 18, 2017.
We see the need for a new type of Engineer who will combine knowledge from Electronics & IoT with Machine learning, AI, Robotics, Cloud and Data management (devops).
AI, Cloud Computing, Data Management, DevOps, Engineer, IoT, Robots
- Big Data Key Terms, Explained - Aug 11, 2016.
Just getting started with Big Data, or looking to iron out the wrinkles in your current understanding? Check out these 20 Big Data-related terms and their concise definitions.
Pages: 1 2
3Vs of Big Data, Apache Spark, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Data Warehouse, Explained, Hadoop, Key Terms, Predictive Analytics
- Cloud Computing Key Terms, Explained - Jun 9, 2016.
A concise overview of 20 core cloud computing ecosystem concepts. The focus here is on the terminology, not The Big Picture.
Pages: 1 2
AWS, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Explained, Key Terms, PaaS, SaaS
- Computing Platforms for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science - Apr 1, 2015.
The poll results suggest a split between a majority of data miners and data scientists who work with growing but still "PC-size", small GB-sized data, and a smaller group of Big Data analysts who work with cloud-sized data. Cloud computing, Unix, and especially Mac gained in popularity.
Pages: 1 2
Apple, Cloud Computing, Poll
- Why Azure ML is the Next Big Thing for Machine Learning? - Nov 17, 2014.
With advanced capabilities, free access, strong support for R, cloud hosting benefits, drag-and-drop development and many more features, Azure ML is ready to take the consumerization of ML to the next level.
Azure ML, Cloud Computing, Hadoop, Machine Learning, Marketplace, Microsoft Azure, Nate Silver, Predictive Analytics, Strata